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New Tibet


Jun 27, 2008
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obviously the old Tibet under dalai 狗屎's control is away much "better" place than the new Tibet,and Thanks india for supporting that old s*** who still have that "feudal society" mind ,maybe you should vote that old s*** to be your president,it looks like you indian are dreaming to have a life like that!

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We never went to help them ,they came here and asked us to help them .

and I'm not a big fan of those Tibetans heh
I have no idea why India is helping those people .I know they don't get well with China ,but still I would love those people to go away from my country as they our Eating our resources and adding more pressure on us :(

President of India -->Tibetan decent -->Are you mad or something ?It really hurts me that they are even allowed to participate in voting ,let remain PM or President .They are are foreigners to me .
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We never went to help them ,they came here and asked us to help them .

and I'm not a big fan of those Tibetans heh
I have no idea why India is helping those people .I know they don't get well with China ,but still I would love those people to go away from my country as they our Eating our resources and adding more pressure on us :(

President of India -->Tibetan decent -->Are you mad or something ?It really hurts me that they are even allowed to participate in voting ,let remain PM or President .They are are foreigners to me .

hope you can be the next president of India :undecided:,and our two country's relationship will be much better in that way:hitwall:
CPC unnecessarily worries too much about Dalai Lama. Similarly with Falun Gong.

In India there are thousands of religious leaders and nobody gives a damn.

Let Dalai Lama come back to Tibet - the revenue from tourism will increase by billions of dollars.
CPC unnecessarily worries too much about Dalai Lama. Similarly with Falun Gong.

In India there are thousands of religious leaders and nobody gives a damn.

Let Dalai Lama come back to Tibet - the revenue from tourism will increase by billions of dollars.
that's not what he wants,no one wants him back after what his group did in 3.14 Lasha Tibet riots,and religious leader don't kill people in cold blood,he's nobody,he's a **** made up by the "free media" like BBC。what do you know about Falun Gong,it's a heathendom like The Peoples Temple





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