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NEW Syria war crimes' evidences +18!!!

But, but, the dictator, Child-Murderer and Nusayri is just a peaceful Arab Ba'athi that just likes to carpet bomb whole villages, towns, cities and kill thousands of his own people just because they want him removed and are defending themselves from his regimes massacres made by the so-called "Syrian Arab Army", the Shabiha gangs and dozens of Shia mercenaries and terrorist groups from Iraq, Lebanon, Iran etc.
Okay, so we STILL need a proof of war crimes after over 130,000 Syrians are killed and millions displaced?

Who gives a shit? - no one!

If anyone gave a shit, the Turk and Arab Air Forces would have bombed Asad until every stone was turned black, every Asadi jet was shot down and his terrorist regime would have ended.....

If GCC and Turkish Air Force joins and bombs him, i highly doubt that the Russians will come flying to protect a tyrant....as if it turned out so well the last time in Afghanistan for them!

If you decide to bomb him, we might join you too --- save the Syrians, bomb Asad and shoot down his air force!
Okay, so we STILL need a proof of war crimes after over 130,000 Syrians are killed and millions displaced?

Who gives a shit? - no one!

If anyone gave a shit, the Turk and Arab Air Forces would have bombed Asad until every stone was turned black, every Asadi jet was shot down and his terrorist regime would have ended.....

If GCC and Turkish Air Force joins and bombs him, i highly doubt that the Russians will come flying to protect a tyrant....as if it turned out so well the last time in Afghanistan for them!

If you decide to bomb him, we might join you too --- save the Syrians, bomb Asad and shoot down his air force!

Unfortunately we are cowards today. I do not know how we can allow the killings of Muslims anymore? Now the just revolution has been hijacked.
There will be no solution, we are heading to exactly same future, which is related in Islamic traditions, and its not limited to Syria, all around deaths of innocent people, propaganda, falsification, lies, deception, corruption way of life .............. rest we all know.
Unfortunately we are cowards today. I do not know how we can allow the killings of Muslims anymore? Now the just revolution has been hijacked.

House of Saud is living in fear...if they call for Muslim air forces to form an alliance to finish the job. We can muster an joint air force that will scare the Russians too!

If we intervene NO ONE will come to save Asad - the Sauds are scared of absolutely nothing, while Syrians are being butchered. People regret our intervention in Afghanistan during the Soviet Invasion - it was bloody but it was worth it!
Unfortunately we are cowards today.

No ! We are not yet ready.

We (GCC + Jordan) must control still many areas to be able to project ourselves effectively - 150,000 men - (Air, Land, Sea, Surveillance and Comunication Satellite).

We still need at least 20 years and working very hard.
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No ! We are not yet ready.

We (GCC + Jordan) must control still many areas to be able to project ourselves effectively - 150,000 men - (Air, Land, Sea, Surveillance and Comunication Satellite).

We still need at least 20 years and working very hard.

With all due respect dear I think we should have acted. We cannot let this go on anymore. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices and difficult decisions.

But of course each ruler is first worrying about securing himself and his country that is understandable. But still. I hope you understand.
Syrians can't wait for 20 years.

Al-Sauds don't want mud on their white robes. Had they taken a lead, other Muslim nations including Pakistan would have been tempted to join hands to hammer assad.

They and every other ruler in the region are fearing for the consequences. What would a military action mean? Would the world powers react? Would we see something more bloody? I know that it is not a easy decision but what we see in Syria is simply too much. Some of the scenes are just horrible. I know that all parties have made mistakes etc. and that it has turned into a proxy war and chaotic but there are no excuses for what Al-Assad is doing or have been doing for the past 3 years.

The ISIS lunatics and radicals are not much better themselves. It is a mess unfortunately.
Syrians can't wait for 20 years.

Al-Sauds don't want mud on their white robes. Had they taken a lead, other Muslim nations including Pakistan would have been tempted to join hands to hammer assad.

Why would be the international reaction if such thing happened? And what would be the consequences from your point of view?
They and every other ruler in the region are fearing for the consequences. What would a military action mean? Would the world powers react? Would we see something more bloody? I know that it is not a easy decision but what we see in Syria is simply too much. Some of the scenes are just horrible. I know that all parties have made mistakes etc. and that it has turned into a proxy war and chaotic but there are no excuses for what Al-Assad is doing or have been doing for the past 3 years.

The ISIS lunatics and radicals are not much better themselves. It is a mess unfortunately.

The very fact that Muslims cant short their own shit allows 'others' to intervene in our business for THEIR interests.

Trust me if Turks, Arabs and Pakistanis team up to hammer Asad - we have so much power while combined that NO ONE will come to rescue him and Iranians won't lift a finger !
Why would be the international reaction if such thing happened? And what would be the consequences from your point of view?

  • Russian will beat their chests and cry, make their empty threats and will eventually shut up.
  • Iran will look at Russia shutting up and won't intervene. It simply doesn't have the air force to help Asad. If someone is still stupid in the Iranian air command, their jets will be nothing but flying targets waiting to be AMRAAMED!
  • US will eventually support the strikes since they won't have another option.
  • EU will do what US does
  • We will cover the Chinese.

We need to learn how to take attrition and damage. If we can't sort out our own shit, we are effectively INVITING others to meddle in our nations for THEIR interests.

We ought to project military power throughout the Muslim world to defeat the terrorists and bring in friendly and functional governments. Sometimes surgery is needed!

We team up, we clean up Asad's air force, boost arms and training to the FSA, then start sending in undercover SOF operatives to hammer high value targets. The war would be over once the Asad's forces are out of air power, including ALL helos...FSA can only win when there is a No Fly Zone over Syria.
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