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New Russian ICBM Can Carry Bigger Warhead - Expert


Jan 13, 2010
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Russian Federation
Russia’s new heavy intercontinental ballistic missile will have a 5-ton warhead, which is four times that of its predecessors, a former military commander said on Friday.

“The new ICBM will have a payload four times bigger than that of the Yars missile,” said Col. Gen. Viktor Yesin (Ret.), advisor to the Russian Strategic Missile Forces (SMF) commander, who served as SMF chief of staff in 1991-93.

“The 45-ton Yars has a payload of 1.2 tons. The new missile will be able to orbit a payload of 5 tons.”

The new missile will have a greater capability for missile defense penetration, he said.

SMF chief Col. Gen. Sergei Karakayev said this past Monday that Russia will build a new ICBM by 2018. The new missile is to replace the R-36M2 Voyevoda (NATO reporting name SS-18 Satan) missile.

So far all of Russia’s recent ICBM projects, both sea-launched (Bulava) and ground-based (Topol-M, Yars), have been solid fuel.

Karakayev said the new ICBM will have a launch mass of around 100 tons with a better payload-launch weight ratio than in a solid fuel missile.

Such ICBMs can only be deployed in silos.

The Russian Defense Ministry previously said that unless the United States abandons its plans to create a missile defense system in Europe, Russia will take counter measures, including building a new heavy liquid-propellant missile.

New Russian ICBM Can Carry Bigger Warhead - Expert | Defense | RIA Novosti
Bloody hell....................these Russian are fricking Awesome...........................does anyone know the IQ of Russian....... after jews and japanese , russians truly are another remarkable ppl
WOW... WTF..... What are they planning? Isn't the a bit overkill? :blink:
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