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New missiles for Navy warships by next summer


Sep 13, 2012
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The Indian Navy is all set to get first of its warships fitted with the next generation of missiles by the summer of 2013. These missiles are expected to prove very effective against long-range incoming enemy missiles, weaponised drones and spy planes, among other threats.

The long-range surface-to-air missile (LR-SAM), being jointly developed by Israel Aerospace Industry (IAI) and India’s Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), is in the final stages of development. “From now on, all newly inducted Indian naval warships will have these missiles for the protection of strategic assets along the coastline and self-defence,” sources said.

The older warships cannot be retrofitted with the system. However, all 18 new warships on order, or under construction, along with the indigenous aircraft carrier, will have these missiles. The new missiles can strike air-borne targets 120 km away.

The first warship to have the new set of missiles would be the Kolkata class destroyers. The first of the seven warships of this class is slated to be commissioned in July 2013. The ship is under construction at the Mazagon Docks Limited (MDL), Mumbai. The Rs 2,600-crore project for the LR-SAM aims to develop an advanced naval air-defence system. DRDO and IAI officials have been conducting a series of tests so far. The Indian Navy, along the DRDO and the IAI, will conduct final-user trials in early 2013 on board one of the warships in India before LR-SAM installation.

The project is running behind schedule by two years. At a meeting between defence ministry officials of India and Israel in the first week of December, India expressed concern over the delay. It stressed that the mass production of LR-SAM should begin at the earliest. The project was sanctioned in December 2005.

So far, the Indian Navy has been relying on Russian-origin “Shtil missiles” and Israeli Barak missiles for its air-defence. These missiles have a range of around 60-70 km. The LR-SAM will be an important upgrade, especially when the Indian Navy has been tasked to dominate an increasingly volatile Indian Ocean region.

The LR-SAM variant undergoing testing will have inclined launch. Work is also on to develop another variant having vertical launch. This will save a precious few seconds while counter-attacking an enemy missile. In a real-war scenario, the reaction time to launch an LR-SAM can be less than 30 seconds.

A specialised radar will be needed on board warships to locate the incoming threat and then fire the missile. The radars will be part of the kit on board all future Indian Navy warships.

The missiles have shown good performance in homing onto desired targets so far. The Hyderabad-based Defence Research and Development Laboratory (DRDL), a DRDO lab, is the Indian partner in the project. It is developing the rear section of the missile.
120km air defence missile for navy is very good range.
Finally! The new Kolkata class destroyers are a real force multiplier with these kind of long range missiles.
Finally! The new Kolkata class destroyers are a real force multiplier with these kind of long range missiles.


The 120 KM range of LR-SAM is good, but we need a SAM with at least 180 KM range and it should have partial BMD capacity.

I think we should build two ships which will act as Fleet Air Defense Ships. each weighing 25,000 tons

They should have 100 Indigenous LR-SAMs with 180 KM range. 2-3 dozen Barak-1s and PAD like system but with capacity to shot down 2500-3000 KM range missile.

These ships should have Shkavl like 12-18 Indigenous torpedos with 210-230 knots speed

P.S> The range of LR-SAM is 70 KM and 120 KM range is that of AF version


The 120 KM range of LR-SAM is good, but we need a SAM with at least 180 KM range and it should have partial BMD capacity.

I think we should build two ships which will act as Fleet Air Defense Ships. each weighing 25,000 tons

They should have 100 Indigenous LR-SAMs with 180 KM range. 2-3 dozen Barak-1s and PAD like system but with capacity to shot down 2500-3000 KM range missile.

I think u went a bit too far here mate...:D

Besides i think the aritcle has screwed the spec a bit here as the 120 km version is for the Airforce n not for Navy.

As Barak 8 (LRSAM) naval version has a range of 70 km only....:)
LRSAM for Navy is only 70 kms range. 120 kms is for the IAF version.

Secondly, one of the posters is right. We need Fleet Air defence ships. Its not a luxury, its a necessity. And an LRSAM with a range of over 200kms.
LRSAM for Navy is only 70 kms range. 120 kms is for the IAF version.

Secondly, one of the posters is right. We need Fleet Air defence ships. Its not a luxury, its a necessity. And an LRSAM with a range of over 200kms.

Ur r right that we need a 200 km LRSAM but its not a child's play as everything takes time even the current 70 km version 70-80% Isreali made.

Unless we go the US Aegis system i don't see how r we gonna get a 200km SAM in a brief span of time...:undecided:
LRSAM for Navy is only 70 kms range. 120 kms is for the IAF version.

Secondly, one of the posters is right. We need Fleet Air defence ships. Its not a luxury, its a necessity. And an LRSAM with a range of over 200kms.

I do agree, but it is a luxury if we develop a dedicated ship for this role, especially with the specs IND151 meantioned. More interesting should be a modification of an Destroyer or Frigat of the CBG, that carries more air defence weapons than anti ship weapons for example.
But then again, one could ask what is the better solution? Having 2 out of 5 ships configured for air defence with higher ammounts of missiles, which cuts the air defence capability in half, if one of it will be destroyed, or having 5 options for air and surface defence.

The vessel that IND151 had in mind is more an Arsenal Ship, than an air defence ship. Something comparable to a large Battlecruiser with high numbers of long range air defence and land attack missiles. That might be interesting for the CBG of IAC 2, if credible power needs to be projected, but for the first to carriers and their limited roles, this shouldn't be a priority.
I do agree, but it is a luxury if we develop a dedicated ship for this role, especially with the specs IND151 meantioned. More interesting should be a modification of an Destroyer or Frigat of the CBG, that carries more air defence weapons than anti ship weapons for example.
But then again, one could ask what is the better solution? Having 2 out of 5 ships configured for air defence with higher ammounts of missiles, which cuts the air defence capability in half, if one of it will be destroyed, or having 5 options for air and surface defence.

The vessel that IND151 had in mind is more an Arsenal Ship, than an air defence ship. Something comparable to a large Battlecruiser with high numbers of long range air defence and land attack missiles. That might be interesting for the CBG of IAC 2, if credible power needs to be projected, but for the first to carriers and their limited roles, this shouldn't be a priority.

IMO we need high tonnage ships - over 5000 tonnes - AAW configured. And a minimum of two. As you rightly pointed out that even the loss of one would mean 50% loss of AAW capability.

But the point to consider it is that without these ships, the rest of the Surface Action Group would be sitting ducks. Barak -1 and the likes just dont stand up one bit for any massed AShM attack, they are good only for 1 or 2 missiles, not a multi-axis attack.

Considering that we are now planning to use our Carrier to blockade (assumption) say Malacca or off the Pakistani coast, the proliferation of AShM's is phenomenal. Even militia's are now armed with cheap/old AShM's let alone a massed strike of over 10 Harpoons Block 2's.

As such, these ships are now vital to the existence of any SAG operating in waters without India's land based air cover.
I would go so far as to say that it would be acceptable that India orders 2 AEGIS DDG's from US just for the CBG and as a gap filler till the time India is able to co-develop such a system with Israel/France/etc - which i presume will take atleast a decade even if the decision is taken tomorrow.
IMO we need high tonnage ships - over 5000 tonnes - AAW configured.

But you don't need to develop a new ship for that role, in very limited numbers, a simple modification of the Shivalik class would be enough as well. That's what the French doing now as well, with the FREMM - ER:

The FREMM-ER was designed with a focus on Air Defense and possibly Anti Ballistic Missile Defense. The hull and general platform of the vessel is almost identical to the French Navy's and DCNS' FREMM class. However the two masts (Herakles radar and electronic warfare) found on the current FREMM (such as the Aquitaine frigate) is replaced by a new radar by Thales called SF 500 (or Sea Fire 500). The new Thales radar seems to be similar in concept to the Lockheed Martin's AEGIS - AN/SPY-1D multi-function phased-array radar system with its four fixed arrays noticeable on all 4 sides of the main mast.

DCNS to unveil new FREMM-ER Frigate variant, updated BRAVE supply ship design at Euronaval 2012

The 120 KM range of LR-SAM is good, but we need a SAM with at least 180 KM range and it should have partial BMD capacity.

I think we should build two ships which will act as Fleet Air Defense Ships. each weighing 25,000 tons

They should have 100 Indigenous LR-SAMs with 180 KM range. 2-3 dozen Barak-1s and PAD like system but with capacity to shot down 2500-3000 KM range missile.

These ships should have Shkavl like 12-18 Indigenous torpedos with 210-230 knots speed

P.S> The range of LR-SAM is 70 KM and 120 KM range is that of AF version

Jeze! 25,000 tons! Mate in the modern day the notion of single-purpose ships is outdated. Today it is all about multi-role. IMHO IN ships under construction today or in the next 5 years will have the multi-role/modular capability that will allow for "plug and play" capability to switch ships from role to role from configuration to configuration.
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