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New Greece government stands up for Russia against the EU

Greece, Cyprus and Bulgaria always had soft soft for Russia since it also Orthodox country like them and also their protector against any Turkish adventure against them. The Greece and Cyprus are both close to bankrupt while Russia's credit is cut to junk. Russia can use them in European Union to soften or reject sanctions against Russian occupation of Ukrainian and Georgian lands.
Russian occupation of Ukrainian and Georgian lands

It is Ukrainians who occupy Russian lands. Ukraine east of the Dnipr as well as Odessa and Kherson were part of the Russian empire for millennia.
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It is Ukrainians who occupy Russian lands. Ukraine east of the Dnipr as well as Odessa and Kherson were part of the Russian empire for millennia.

Its was Kievan Rus, a Ukrainian kingdom that ruled this area. After the Mongol invasion it was destroyed adn norther Muscovite kingdome rose. Siberia and Caucasia were not part of Russia five hundred years ago.
Those freaks in power in Athens show their true colors .Let's not forget that one Tsipra's sons is named Ernesto ,in honour of Ernesto Che Guevara.Yep,and now this clown rules Greece.Bonne voyage Greece,you will be missed.
Those freaks in power in Athens show their true colors .Let's not forget that one Tsipra's sins is named Ernesto ,in honour of Ernesto Che Guevara.Yep,and now this clown rules Greece.Bonne voyage Greece,you will be missed.

Tsk tsk, austerity measures sure have affected our Greek friends. eh?
Those freaks in power in Athens show their true colors .Let's not forget that one Tsipra's sons is named Ernesto ,in honour of Ernesto Che Guevara.Yep,and now this clown rules Greece.Bonne voyage Greece,you will be missed.
Tsk tsk, austerity measures sure have affected our Greek friends. eh?

I understand that but Greece should remember that they owe a lot,not the EU.Sure,it wasn't the common folks who borrowed but the politicians,still the Greeks lived on debt for years,decades.And it wasn't Russia who gave them the money to stay afloat.,but the EU.Now they don't want to pay and worst of all they want to dictate.GTFO !

If Tsipras is such a die hard commie he should leave NATO to.
I understand that but Greece should remember that they owe a lot,not the EU.Sure,it wasn't the common folks who borrowed but the politicians,still the Greeks lived on debt for years,decades.And it wasn't Russia who gave them the money to stay afloat.,but the EU.Now they don't want to pay and worst of all they want to dictate.GTFO !

If Tsipras is such a die hard commie he should leave NATO to.
Why are the Greeks behaving this way?
If you borrow, you must repay.
Why are the Greeks behaving this way?
If you borrow, you must repay.
I understand that but Greece should remember that they owe a lot,not the EU.Sure,it wasn't the common folks who borrowed but the politicians,still the Greeks lived on debt for years,decades.And it wasn't Russia who gave them the money to stay afloat.,but the EU.Now they don't want to pay and worst of all they want to dictate.GTFO !

If Tsipras is such a die hard commie he should leave NATO to.
I have Greek friend, he said after joining EU , their living cost has gone rocket high. they are losing jobs. So they want economic relation with nations as much as possible. I think their government is reflecting his view.
I understand that but Greece should remember that they owe a lot,not the EU.Sure,it wasn't the common folks who borrowed but the politicians,still the Greeks lived on debt for years,decades.And it wasn't Russia who gave them the money to stay afloat.,but the EU.Now they don't want to pay and worst of all they want to dictate.GTFO !

If Tsipras is such a die hard commie he should leave NATO to.

Seems like Greeks want the best of 'both' worlds. In that case, she should have taken the Turkey route and stayed outside of the EU , while at the same time being part of NATO. But I do wonder how long this will last.
Seems like Greeks want the best of 'both' worlds. In that case, she should have taken the Turkey route and stayed outside of the EU , while at the same time being part of NATO. But I do wonder how long this will last.

Greece can do absolutely nothing, unless they repay for all the debt to the EU and being Cut from EU and NATO, then one word will ring very true to Greece - TURKEY lol

They can play ball, but in the end, either leave EU and go bankrupt overnight and possibly invaded by Turkey or keep playing a yes man role lol

Greece, Cyprus and Bulgaria always had soft soft for Russia since it also Orthodox country like them and also their protector against any Turkish adventure against them. The Greece and Cyprus are both close to bankrupt while Russia's credit is cut to junk. Russia can use them in European Union to soften or reject sanctions against Russian occupation of Ukrainian and Georgian lands.

it won't.

Greece owe EU heaps, unless Russia can offer Greece Magic bean to pay off the debt, they are either risking default or actually invasion from Turkey (They have a beef on Cyprus and that's the reason why Greece joined NATO and EU in the first place)

And Bulgaria were also part of EU, did you see them blocking sanction??

And it's really laughable to compare orthodox Greece and orthodox Russian, those two are very different religion, you know that? It's the same as saying a Orthodox Greece will offer protection to orthodox Jew....

Brussels (AFP) - Greece has created a new headache for the EU by questioning sanctions against Russia over Ukraine but is unlikely to block them for fear of harming its own debt negotiations, analysts and sources say.

Greece-EU clash spreads to Russia sanctions - Yahoo News.
Tsipras lives in a fantasy world, Greece lives on the Germans credit card for years demand the EU saves them when they cant pay the bill.
Then Demand the EU re-negotiates the payments that were going to be paid and the day before the negotiations piss in the Germans beer.

If you want to become Soviet Greece and leave the EU fine the door is that way
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