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New Delhi forum props up ‘Quad’ stance, refuses to listen to China voice

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New Delhi forum props up ‘Quad’ stance, refuses to listen to China voice
By Liu Zongyi Source:Global Times Published: 2018/1/25 20:48:39

The 3rd annual Raisina Dialogue, organized by India's Ministry of External Affairs and Observer Research Foundation (ORF) in New Delhi from January 16-18 with the theme - "Managing disruptive transition: ideas, institutions and idioms" - revolved around the so-called "order," including regional and world order.

There were two core issues under "order." One is Indo-Pacific, which includes issues in Indo-Pacific security, role of major powers and whether the Asian century means the end of the free order. The other is connectivity and geopolitical and geoeconomic challenges.

China is undoubtedly an important stakeholder in both issues as well as a major target. Paradoxically, there were only two Chinese scholars who spoke on women's issues and nuclear proliferation. Neither did Chinese scholars speak on key issues such as regional security and connectivity nor did they have the opportunity to ask questions. As far as the discussion on connectivity is concerned, I believe the organizers were trying to give an impression that India is the main facilitator of regional connectivity with a role not inferior to China's. They meant to say that New Delhi played a positive role in regional connectivity while other countries were trying to export political influence.

Criticizing the China-proposed connectivity plan, Zalmay Khalilzad, a former US ambassador to Iraq and the UN, said it has changed the international order. Indian speaker Vijay Gokhale raked up the old issue that connectivity projects must be transparent, respect sovereignty and follow international rules.

Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Seyed Kazem Sajjadpour slammed the international north-south transport corridor. But István Mikola, Hungary's minister of state for security policy and international cooperation, welcomed China's investment and supported China's efforts to promote connectivity. In discussions on Indo-Pacific security and regional order, the US, Japan and Australia indicated that they want to reverse the imbalance of power in the Indo-Pacific region by establishing a military alliance with India to counterbalance China. Harry Harris, commander of the US Pacific Command, called China a "disruptor" of the freedom, openness, prosperity and inclusiveness of the Indo-Pacific region. Admiral Katsutoshi Kawano, Chief of Staff of the Japan Joint Staff, said Beijing is changing the status quo in the Pacific and the Indian Ocean, and it is important for countries in the area to close ranks against it. He added that China's Belt and Road initiative aims at military expansion.

However, Indian Chief of Naval Staff Sunil Lanba did not respond positively to the speeches of American and Japanese generals, but emphasized India's strategic autonomy. Ram Madhav, general secretary of India's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party, said that India cannot just be a participant in regional affairs but is a stakeholder, indicating that New Delhi should play a leading role in the Indian Ocean region.

In the absence of Chinese scholars, Indonesian scholars tried to balance the views of US, Japan and India and said that the region needs alignments based on issues rather than allies based on treaties. Major powers such as China, the US, Russia and India cannot be contained, and the US-Japan-India-Australia grouping will only result in more distrust. Countries in the region lack grand ideas on the regional order, with many people viewing it from the strategic hawkish perspective.

The Raisina Dialogue was elaborately planned to serve as a platform for countries like the US, Japan and Australia to show their tough stance toward China and Russia, and meanwhile demonstrate India's posture of trying to balance between Eurasia and the Indo-Pacific region, in addition to India's independent major-power status and dissatisfaction with China.

However, countries in and outside the region did not accept the stances of India, the US, Japan and Australia. Instead, statements made by officials of Hungary and Sri Lanka showed that China's Belt and Road initiative and cooperation with regional countries have been widely welcomed. In addition, organizers acted mean by not inviting Chinese scholars to speak at the meeting and not properly handling technical glitches when Chinese attendees asked questions.

The author is a senior fellow of Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, a visiting fellow of the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China and a distinguished fellow of the China (Kunming) South Asia & Southeast Asia Institute. opinion@globaltimes.com.cn
India should continue paying lip service while extracting economic, technological and geopolitical advantages from the US for at least 10 years.
Indian like showmanship. But when comes to achieving the real result. I placed india the last :enjoy:

India is more than happy to achieve that short moment of glory compare to real long term achievement of more hardwork.
As I said that as India fail to compete with China in economy, development and technology... India will turn into the military.

As India huge desire to became a superpower or world power. By joining quad, India will self recognized as world power as big as China.

India is a very dangerous country. Ambitious but fail, will lead into shame and frustration, that will lead into suicidal country.
As I said that as India fail to compete with China in economy, development and technology... India will turn into the military.

As India huge desire to became a superpower or world power. By joining quad, India will self recognized as world power as big as China.

India is a very dangerous country. Ambitious but fail, will lead into shame and frustration, that will lead into suicidal country.

India is an incapable, excessively ambitious and dangerous country.

Perhaps @sinait will give you an account of how many territories these shameless people have annexed around the ww2 period at the expense of their poor and dying populations by the millions under their governance each year:

@post #78 of https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/china-is-starting-to-see-india-as-a-major-threat.538401/page-6

" 1947 Annexation of Kashmir
1947 Annexation of Junagadh
1948 Annexation of Hyderabad
1949 Annexation of Manipur
1949 Annexation of Tripura
1951 Annexation of South Tibet:
1961 Annexation of Goa:
1962 Annexation of Kalapani, Nepal:
1971 Annexation of Turtuk, Pakistan:
1972 Annexation of Tin Bigha, Bangladesh
1975 Annexation of Sikkim (the whole country):
2006 Annexation of Duars, Bhutan:
2013 Annexation of Moreh, M260386
Book on Annexation of Sikkim

Facts that expose a greedy Hegemonic and Imperialistic India."
And do you think US us that stupid? Even Russia realizes India is playing both sides.

The US isn't stupid. But they know how the game is played. So they are going to play it.

I don't think you know this, but the US has clearly said that they will do anything in their power to make the Indian military more advanced than it is today irrespective of whether we agree with them or not.

Their objective is to make India strong enough to completely dominate the IOR and deny the space to China, even if they work against American interests. This way, the Americans can focus on the Pacific without worrying about China playing in the IOR.

As India huge desire to became a superpower or world power. By joining quad, India will self recognized as world power as big as China.

I think you should learn to read better.

It's clearly mentioned in the article: However, Indian Chief of Naval Staff Sunil Lanba did not respond positively to the speeches of American and Japanese generals, but emphasized India's strategic autonomy.

India is an incapable, excessively ambitious and dangerous country.

Then you shouldn't be worried.
Disgusted at your country's behaviour!

The British tried to divide our country and create conditions for more war. We preempted it and saved the lives of millions of people.

What we did is normal. Plus, very few people died. The most casualties in these annexations (not including Pakistan) was in Goa's annexation where the death toll was 70-80 soldiers, most of them were Portuguese.

All other annexations were peaceful and followed democratic procedures.

What you should be more disgusted by is your treatment of the Tibetans.
From what I read on the article, it is the American and Japanese Admirals who said blatantly against China. India still shy and not respond positively to that crazy Harris from the Pacific command. But it's a matter of time that India will join to US and Japan to contain China.

China need to think carefully on how they counter the US and Japan move. They can't let US and Japan on offensive without any restriction. China has to find a way to throw US and Japan into defense. And they have to do it quickly.
From what I read on the article, it is the American and Japanese Admirals who said blatantly against China. India still shy and not respond positively to that crazy Harris from the Pacific command. But it's a matter of time that India will join to US and Japan to contain China.

China need to think carefully on how they counter the US and Japan move. They can't let US and Japan on offensive without any restriction. China has to find a way to throw US and Japan into defense. And they have to do it quickly.
Doklam was just a test planned by USA to see whether IA had the courage to stand up to China. In the end, Modi's pussilanimous retreat showed USA the true nature of Indians.

Actually, India already decided to join USA and Japan against China. They made the decision in 1959 already. Now they are just acting shy to milk more benefits from USA.

There is no option for China other than to dismember India into many smaller countries. Either Taiwan is reunified by force within 5 years or else attack India first and deal with Taiwan a bit later.
Doklam was just a test planned by USA to see whether IA had the courage to stand up to China. In the end, Modi's pussilanimous retreat showed USA the true nature of Indians.

Actually, India already decided to join USA and Japan against China. They made the decision in 1959 already. Now they are just acting shy to milk more benefits from USA.

There is no option for China other than to dismember India into many smaller countries. Either Taiwan is reunified by force within 5 years or else attack India first and deal with Taiwan a bit later.

No. China can't contain herself to face India. It is what US and Japan want. They want to exhaust China strength by using India, then strike and claim the victory for themselves. It is a bad move for China to push India into US arms. China needs to unbalance the US and Japan grand strategy and push them into defense. China can't keep defending and using Tay Chi to avoid them. Sometime, a jab is better than a double cover or to evade the enemy attack.

India is basically a local market goon who feel that she's forced into the corner by China. If you force her too much, India will use herself as the meat shield for the US. So for now, the best thing is to make that India sane enough to still understand that they shouldn't become the US and Japan meat shield, or they will be destroyed along with China.
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No. China can't contain herself to face India. It is what US and Japan want. They want to exhaust China strength by using India, then strike and claim the victory for themselves. It is a bad move for China to push India into US arms. China needs to unbalance the US and Japan grand strategy and push them into defense. China can't keep defending and using Tay Chi to avoid them. Sometime, a jab is better than a double cover or to evade the enemy attack.
India is a joke compared to China. Once India is dismembered by PLA air and missile strikes on Delhi, their population will return to medieval days with no medicine or clean drinking water. Their population will die off at least 10% every year. A nation like that will never be a threat to China again. Other countries like Japan will see India dismembered and then immediately capitulate out of fear.
India is a joke compared to China. Once India is dismembered by PLA air and missile strikes on Delhi, their population will return to medieval days with no medicine or clean drinking water. Their population will die off at least 10% every year. A nation like that will never be a threat to China again. Other countries like Japan will see India dismembered and then immediately capitulate out of fear.

That is an over complacent way of thinking. And over complacent is the reason why many people fall in the history. Hopefully Chinese Leadership won't have the same mentality as you. Full of their own thought. History said itself, even Guan Yu lost his head because of his over complacent way of thinking.

For me, don't waste too much energy to push India into the corner. It is Japan and USA that China must concentrate for now. and both of them need a jab at their face, urgently.

Well, I think US is a Shekuni in this matter. Indian poster who have read of watch Mahabharata would know about this character.
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