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New cotton seed to improve production from 13 to 26 million bales

Shabaz Sharif

Nov 26, 2006
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Punjab plans to introduce new cotton seeds

April 26, 2014

Punjab Government is considering introducing new cotton seeds with the help of Monsanto through which cotton production in the country would jump to 26 million bales from 13 million bales. This was stated by Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar Governor Punjab while addressing agricultural scientists at Ayub Agricultural Research Institute, Faisalabad. He was presiding over a function organised at AARI, Faisalabad to celebrate Dr Norman E. Borlaug's 100th birth day and commemorating fifty years of Pakistan-US Co-operation in Agriculture.

Governor said Dr Norman E. Borlaug served humanity at large and greatly helped alleviate hunger and poverty through development of input responsive semi-dwarf wheat varieties. He informed that Pakistan is one of the top 10 producers of wheat in the world and added that Punjab Government is striving to make "green revolution" as ever green in Punjab by sustainable development. The Governor said the present government is following solid policies for strengthening the food security system and achieving the self-reliance in agriculture sector.

Punjab plans to introduce new cotton seeds | Business Recorder

This will be huge increase.
Maybe Punjab can give some of those seeds to the Sindh Government also..... :p:

So Pakistan as a whole can benefit... :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
Punjab Government is considering introducing new cotton seeds with the help of Monsanto through which cotton production in the country would jump to 26 million bales from 13 million bales.

A doubling of cotton output just by changing seed? Not likely.
Multinational company Monsanto who introduced high breed seeds in India is responsible for thousands of our farmers suicides.

There are some controversies with genetically modified seeds as you have to pay the company who manufactured the seed some sorta royalty etc , quite a few documentaries about this in USA.

Not sure how this fits inti Pakistani model

As long as there is no "Royalty" to be paid for seeds Pakistan should certainly consider however the issue has been prominent in global arena
Steer clear from Monsanto's GMO death trap. Disclaimer on the following material, I do not agree with the content in these links specially about singling out any specific religious or ethnic community, but this is what some people are saying:

Monsanto’s Zionist Bedfellows (BrN On Video!) | Real Jew News
Monsanto’s Zionist agenda | Fitzpatrick Informer
Louisiana Jewish History | Jewish Virtual Library

This one has some heavyweight info about Monsanto's evil deeds:
The real truth about monsanto

Farhad Mazhar (an enemy of Hasina and India), the founder of UBINIG, a patriotic socialist of Bangladesh, has been fighting Monsanto's aggression on Bangladesh with his own seed-bank movement from the grass roots among peasant farmers:
Farhad Mazhar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
:: UBINIG ::
:: UBINIG ::

And finally google "Monsanto gmo evil", you will see how many millions from all over the globe is fighting this evil corp, who do not represent the masses of the US, but get to use the power of the USA globally because of billionaires like them control the politics and political class in the US.

As usual clueless Indian morons got duped by them:
The Seeds Of Suicide: How Monsanto Destroys Farming | Global Research
» 5 Million Farmers Sue Monsanto for $7.7 Billion Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
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