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Never forget awful images of the 26/11 attacks: Obama


May 19, 2010
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MUMBAI: US President Barack Obama said today that his decision to stay in Taj Hotel is a powerful message against terrorism, and demanded that the perpetrators of the horrific Mumbai attacks be brought to justice.

Beginning his three-day maiden visit to India by paying homage to the victims of 26/11 attacks, he said he was looking forward to deepening partnership in counter-terrorism during his meeting with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

Accompanied by his wife Michelle, he signed the visitors' book, looked at the plaque on which the names of 26/11 victims are engraved and delivered a six-minute speech in which he paid tributes to people of Mumbai and India hailing their determination and resilience.

"There has been a great commentary on our decision to begin our visit here, in this dynamic city, at this historic hotel. Those who have asked whether this is intended to send a message, my answer is simply 'absolutely'," Obama told a gathering that included kin of victims and staffers of the hotel who braved the 2008 attack.

He made a special reference to the general manager of the Hotel Karamveer Kang who continued to work at the hotel during the 60 hours of mayhem despite losing his family. "Taj is a symbol of strength of Indian people," he said.

Obama also talked about the role of an Indian nanny who saved the life of a toddler, who lost his Jewish parents during the attack at the Chabad House.

"We will never forget the awful images of the 26/11 attacks, the flames from Taj Hotel that lit up the skies on those four days of November, 2008," the US President said with the Gateway of India forming the backdrop.

"We, today, US and India are working together, more closely than ever to deepen counter-terrorism, to keep our people safe," he said, adding that the two countries have been sharing intelligence to avoid more attacks and demanding at the same time that the perpetrators be brought to justice.

In this context, he said he was looking forward to meeting Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in Delhi to deepen cooperation in counter-terrorism.

Obama said his visit to Mumbai was a "clear message that to give to our people future of security and prosperity, the US and India stand united."

Describing his visit to India as an "extraordinary honour", he said he wanted to tell the people of India "how much we are looking forward to spending the next three days in this remarkable country and deepening the partnership between the two countries."

Recalling the November 2008 attacks in which five US citizens were among those killed, he said Americans watched and grieved along with Indians.

"The resolve and resilience of Indian people during those attacks stood in stark contrast to the savagery of the terrorists who came to kill innocent civilians that day,"
the US President said.

He noted that during the attack strangers had helped strangers, men in uniform stopped the carnage and Taj Hotel staffers made their ultimate sacrifices to save others.

"The perpetrators wanted to pit believers of different faiths against one another because, here, in Mumbai diversity, that is India's strength, was the focus point (of terrorists)," Obama said.

"Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Jews and Muslims, protecting each other, saving each other, living the common truth of all the world's great religions that we are all children of God," he said.

Paying tributes to the spirit of Mumbai city, he said, "Those who attacked Mumbai wanted to demoralise the city and the country, but they failed because the very next day Mumbaikars came back to work, hotel staff reported for their shifts and others returned to their businesses. Within weeks, the hotel was once again welcoming guests."

He added, "By striking the places where countries and people come together, those who perpetrated these attacks hoped to drive us apart."

After his brief address, Obama and his wife mixed with the gathering, shaking hands with some of them and talking to some of the kins of the dead.

Never forget awful images of the 26/11 attacks: Obama - The Times of India
We will never forget the awful images of the 26/11 attacks, the flames from Taj Hotel that lit up the skies on those four days of November, 2008

Of course we will never forget and once we get a government that has some spine (which UPA lacks), those terrorists who perpetrated this attack will suffer a painful demise.
we will never forget the awful images of Iraqi, Palestinean and Afghani civilians! We stand unitied behind our people against the systematic terrorist who have come to bomb and snatch their land.
we will never forget the awful images of Iraqi, Palestinean and Afghani civilians! We stand unitied behind our people against the systematic terrorist who have come to bomb and snatch their land.
What snatching are you talking about? Afghanistan and Iraq are still countries as they are and not included in US territory.

Besides, how's this relevant to 26/11? :blink:
why just those attacks, they were not more special than what happened anywhere else, or what has been happening anywhere else.
why just those attacks, they were not more special than what happened anywhere else, or what has been happening anywhere else.

Oh yes my dear friend the attacks were a lot special.Never before in history had a group of barbarians trained for commando style operations attack the financial capital of another nation and kill innocents with out any mercy.
obama doing his best to dig dead bodies out of past to:

1. boost trade
2. use the anti-pakistan sentiments to boost trade
3. boost trade!
obama doing his best to dig dead bodies out of past to:

1. boost trade
2. use the anti-pakistan sentiments to boost trade
3. boost trade!

come on man did he use pakistan word;)
why just those attacks, they were not more special than what happened anywhere else, or what has been happening anywhere else.

Obama should be ashame of him self when not talking about Gujrat killings, Samjota express killing and mother of all problems Kashmir.

At our goverment should resgin since they have failed totaly. USA isnt our friend and never will be. STOP EVERY THING GOING TO AFGHANISTAN AND NATO ARMY WILL DIE IN HUNGER.
Obama should be ashame of him self when not talking about Gujrat killings, Samjota express killing and mother of all problems Kashmir.

At our goverment should resgin since they have failed totaly. USA isnt our friend and never will be. STOP EVERY THING GOING TO AFGHANISTAN AND NATO ARMY WILL DIE IN HUNGER.

why will he mention samjhota express terrorism, pakistanis were killed in it not bharatis, not related to bharat and bharat is also not interested to release info about terrorists:lol::lol::lol:
Obama should be ashame of him self when not talking about Gujrat killings, Samjota express killing and mother of all problems Kashmir.

At our goverment should resgin since they have failed totaly. USA isnt our friend and never will be. STOP EVERY THING GOING TO AFGHANISTAN AND NATO ARMY WILL DIE IN HUNGER.

leave that apart btw would you like to tell me- are you from torres??? if yes then i have a job for you right now ,right here...win - win for both of us lol :cheers:
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