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Nepal-India ties make China wary


Jul 12, 2011
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Nepal-India ties make China wary
By Dhruba Adhikary

KATHMANDU - If media reports are accurate, Baburam Bhattarai, Nepal's prime minister since August 28, will receive an exceptionally warm welcome in India on Thursday as he starts a four-day official visit.

This isn't because Bhattarai spent more than a decade of his academic life in the Indian capital, Delhi, nor because he met his wife there. It also likely isn't because Bhattarai and several other leaders recently admitted that they spent eight years coordinating Nepal's decade-long Maoist insurgency from hideouts scattered over India.

Rather, the invitation is to mark Bhattarai's election as prime minister in August, with a note sent the day he took power from his Indian counterpart, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

"Our relations are special," Manmohan wrote in the congratulatory letter that contained the invitation. Though Bhattarai accepted, Kathmandu's intelligentsia saw the remarks as condescending, as use of the term "special relations" to describe bilateral ties has been controversial in Nepal since the 1960s.

Bhattarai initially received the invite through a letter, and it was personally renewed by Manmohan when the two met in New York in September on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly.

While India appears enthusiastic about the Bhattarai visit, the general mood in Nepal is apprehensive. This is mainly due to concerns that New Delhi might ask Bhattarai to ink agreements that could either compromise Nepal's external security or dilute its rights over precious Himalayan waters.

Bhattarai has tried to allay fears by stating that as head of a transitional government he will refrain from entering into agreements that have long-term implications for the country. Nepal is led by Constituent Assembly (CA) elected in 2008 with a two-year mandate to write a new constitution following the end of the civil war between Maoist rebels and the state and the abolition of the 240-year-old monarchy.

However, there are long-held suspicions that he - and the ministers accompanying him - will surrender to too many of New Delhi's demands on contentious issues. These include an extradition treaty made controversial by a provision enabling India to pick up third country nationals on Nepali territory, and permission to deploy "sky marshals" in Indian aircraft flying to and from Nepal.

New Delhi has sought the marshals arrangement since the 1999 hijacking of an Indian airplane that had took off from Kathmandu airport. But Nepali officials wonder what would happen if Nepal's other neighbor, China, or the dozens of other countries flying from the country sought a similar deal.

Unequal partnership
Concerns that Bhattarai will concede too much are rooted in simmering Nepali anger over the country's Peace and Friendship Treaty of 1950, which is often cited as an example of how adept New Delhi is at imposing unequal pacts on unsuspecting neighbors.

The ruler who signed the treaty on Nepal's behalf, prime minister Mohan Shamsher Jang Bahadur Rana, was overthrown in a pro-democracy movement seven months later. But nine years on, the prime minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, publicly disclosed that letters had been exchanged but kept secret. The documents contained a provision that requires mutual consultations for counter-measures in the event of a security threat by "a foreign aggressor".

This was an anachronism primarily aimed at showing China as a potential warmonger. Yet India did not consult Nepal during its war with China in 1962 or its conflicts with Pakistan in 1965 and 1971.

In any case, "Nepal must maintain best of relations with India but never at the cost of national interest," former prime minister Kirtinidhi Bista said in a newspaper comment on Sunday. It was Bista who first rejected the theory of "special relations" in 1969.

Along with displaying strength in the face of India, Bhattarai also has to deal with internal fractures in the Maoists. A key faction has publicly rejected a four-point agreement he concluded with a political front comprising pro-India regional parties hours before his election. On August 28, Bhattarai defeated Nepali Congress leader Ram Chandra Poudel by garnering 340 votes from 575 present CA members.

It's been reported that the four-point deal by Bhattarai and Maoist chairman Prachanda with regional leaders saw Maoists agree to certain points in anticipation of support that could ultimately lead to a disintegration of the country.

The agreement stated that under a proposed federal structure, southern states bordering India populated by the Madhesis would be given the "right to self-determination", among other things. The controversy led to charges that Bhattarai was a pro-India figure who'd been promoted to eventually oust the nationalist Prachanda as the Maoist's leader. (See Nepalese victor seen as pro-Delhi plant , Asia Times Online, September 9, 2011)

"We have clearly cautioned the prime minister about possible efforts [by his Indian hosts] to shortchange, if not cheat, us," Chandra Prakash Gajurel, a leader of the Maoist faction that has rejected the four-point deal, told Asia Times Online.

If Bhattarai ignores our advice, we will certainly disown liabilities he might create for the country, Gajurel added.

Although Nepal has a long-standing commitment to prevent anti-China and anti-India activities on its soil, protracted political instability and short-lived and weak successive governments have lately increased the concerns of its neighbors. A rapidly changing security scenario in particular has prompted Beijing to be more sensitive than before, especially over the Free Tibet campaign.

Two days before Tuesday's protest rallies by Tibetans in New Delhi, China's ambassador to Nepal, Yang Houlan, told a media forum that "international forces" were inciting anti-China activities in Nepal. He did not blame Nepali authorities directly and this was likely a reference to the United States and India, where the Tibetan government-in-exile is based.

An official belonging to the Chinese diplomatic circle said the visit by former Indian foreign minister Nirupama Rao to Dharamsala to meet the Dalai Lama in June contradicted New Delhi's commitment to a one-China Policy. Chinese officials are also concerned that Tibetans entering Nepal through trek routes in remote districts will be lured by Western intelligence or forcibly relocated by the United Nations' refugee agency.

The latter involves separating under-age children from their parents for the rest of their lives and is a violation of human rights; but this is precisely what the outside forces are doing, argued the Chinese official, citing various incidents in recent months.

"Our geography requires us to be aware of our neighbors' sensitivities," said Professor Lalbabu Yadav, who teaches political science at Kathmandu's Tribhuvan University. "However, that does not mean that the Nepal government has to remain always alert for others and be careless about our own concerns."

Initially, Bhattarai planned to follow his visit to New Delhi with a similar trip to Beijing. But subsequent meetings with Chinese envoys in Kathmandu and in New York have apparently changed this schedule. Official sources are now hinting that a very high level visit from the Chinese side is likely in the near future.

Ambassador Yang has also remarked on this. While a Chinese premier has not visited Nepal since May 2001, speculation is rife over a visit by President Hu Jintao, as he also served as party secretary for Tibet from 1988-1992.

In the meantime, local media have reported that Bhattarai wants his Indian hosts to approve funds for trade, infrastructure and development projects. If India does prove generous - as is expected - Bhattarai could use it to good political effect.

However, analysts believe the agenda Bhattarai has stressed in public is very different to his private one. It is known that Bhattarai was instrumental in involving New Delhi in the 12-point agreement in 2005 between Maoist insurgency leaders and seven pro-democracy political parties. In other words, he was helpful in devising a plan that created a "role" for New Delhi, at least until the completion of the peace process.

That gives him some wriggling space, analysts say, for some reciprocity. It's expected this will take the shape of two key demands from New Delhi: firstly raising his contact level from the intelligence apparatus to the political leadership; secondly, that the Indian prime minister use his influence on Nepal's other major political parties, namely the Nepali Congress and UML, so that they join the Bhattarai government and it is transformed into a government of national consensus.

While the proposition appears innocuous and logical, observers say it would merely invite more Indian interference. Bhattarai also may like to bring other parties into the fold to share the blame should - as is widely expected - a new, republican constitution not be drafted before its November 30 deadline.

Stalemate on the statute, originally due by May 2010, refuses to disappear, with the Maoists wanting to lay the foundations of a "people's republic" and the rest of the major political forces adamantly seeking a commitment to democratic principles.

As the world's largest democracy, India is expected to support democratic values, but its current policy on Nepal appears to have precisely the opposite objective.

Asia Times Online :: Nepal-India ties make China wary
China is having stomach ache in every move it should try "kayam churan" :rofl: :rofl:

India-Nepal relations are there for thousands of years we are like brothers. A Indian don;'t need a VISA to visit Nepal and a Nepali don't need one in India.

We can work, business, buy, visit or whatever we want in Nepal and they do the same in India.

So china don't try to mess or we will engage with Laos, Vietnam, Japan, South Korea, Mongolia :devil:

We also have Nepalese citizens in our Army.

But I think, let China give them couple of billions with the hope of buying them...ha ha ha...
India may offer $250 mn line of credit to Nepal

India and Nepal could sign two economic pacts and an agreement for a $250 million (Rs 1,243 crore) line of credit for Kathmandu during Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai’s 20-23 October visit to India, two people familiar with the development said.

Bhattarai, Nepal’s second Maoist Prime Minister and fourth overall in as many years, arrived in New Delhi on Thursday. This is his first visit abroad.
On Friday, Bhattarai will hold talks with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. In an interview to the PTI news agency on the eve of his visit on Wednesday, Bhattarai said he would seek $1 billion as soft loan from India.

“Personally, my focus will be to foster closer development partnership with India. The new paradigm of Indo-Nepal relations will be to foster development partnership,” Bhattarai said.

India and Nepal are close to concluding a bilateral investment protection agreement and an avoidance of double taxation agreement, said one of the persons cited above, asking not to be identified.

“They could be signed tomorrow (Friday),” he said, adding that the two agreements could boost Indian investment in the Himalayan country. India is Nepal’s largest trade partner and source of foreign investment and tourists, according to the Indian foreign ministry. Indian investments, amounting to Rs 1,586 crore with 462 foreign direct investment projects, account for 44% of foreign investments in Nepal.

“Bilateral trade between India and Nepal has increased substantially since the signing of the trade treaty in 1996 and received further impetus after the signing of the revised trade treaty in 2009, which has provisions that allow Nepal greater access to the Indian market,” the Indian foreign ministry said on its website.

Provisional trade figures for 2010-11 show that Nepal’s bilateral trade with India stood at Rs 16,129.7 crore, which accounted for 58.7% of Nepal’s total external trade, the ministry data said.

India could extend Nepal a $250 million line of credit for development activities in a country still dealing with the after effects of a decade-old civil war that ended in 2006, said the second person cited above, who also requested anonymity.

In 2008, Nepal abolished its two-centuries-old monarchy and declared itself a republic. But the country has not been able to draft a constitution and is still grappling with the question of integrating 19,000 former rebel Maoist fighters into a reluctant Nepalese army.

At a function in New Delhi soon after his arrival, Bhattarai said one of the challenges he and his party faced was to usher in real and participative democracy that will allow people to participate in the decision-making process. “So this is a big challenge for us,” Bhattarai said.

India may offer $250 mn line of credit to Nepal - Economy and Politics - livemint.com
i think this guy is pro-India and we should make sure that he stays in power. I think we should do whatever we can to make him look gud...
I recently read this about the defence cuts in the UK and the Gurkhas:

Defence cuts: Gurkhas and RAF take brunt

Air force personnel serving in Libya to be told they will lose their jobs as three services aim to cut 17,000 posts by 2015...

Defence cuts: Gurkhas and RAF take brunt | UK news | The Guardian

and wondered if they would be useful as an addition for our forces, maybe to deepen the defence ties with Nepal.
the gurkha derving indian army r indians not nepalese nationals. Gurkhas in Indian army are both Indian and Nepalese citizens because of some "Tripartite Agreement" (not sure what is it wiki says so)..:blink:here is a picture ,although totally uncalled for but posted anway because they are looking so badass
All Gurkhas are of Nepalese origin

Wrong. Gurkhas are a community long before modern borders were laid down; meaning they're equally a part of India as much as they're Nepalis.

the gurkha derving indian army r indians not nepalese nationals.

There's little difference between us an Nepalis, smartpants. Minus the modern borders, we are the same people before Nepal became a kingdom 6 centuries ago under king Prithvi Narayan Veer Vikram Shah.
Another awesome news!! :tup::tup:

Nepali to humari bhai hai yaar....sab kuch open hai btw India and nepal, same like with bhutan :)
the gurkha derving indian army r indians not nepalese nationals.

Indian army also recruits from Nepal, even the ex-army general of Nepal served in IA and was trained in Dehradun. I'll post a nat geo documentary regarding the same, lemme search youtube for that.
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