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Need immigrants be grateful to USA?

Need immigrants be grateful to USA?

  • No, the land belongs to pre-Columbian civilizations

    Votes: 10 76.9%
  • Yes, at-least the thieves are sharing the booty stolen from pre-Columbian civilizations

    Votes: 3 23.1%

  • Total voters
They will give you a green card if you give them something in return that is 10 times as valuable --Since you are from our part of the world and not European/Australian /etc .

Something valuable would be if you had exceptional computer language skills or were a genius of a scientist with dozens of research papers in Nano Electronics with practical applications or you had the business brains to run a giant conglomerate etc .

You have to see that you are adding more value to them and their economy than whatever they are providing to you ( a green card will just mean a high standard of living + latest facilities in terms of technology / best institutions for your kids etc.) .

Its a kind of skewed balance but that's how it is I guess . The lion roars and the foxes direct it hither and thither. Elementary Rule of the Jungle Imran Paaji :)
if i have these skills why not i give to my own people ?lolz no green card i cancel my order :D

The nice thing about the united states is that you can leave all your tribal allegiances behind and start all over again. You have a choice of living in any one of the 50 'countries' that it is made up of without any prejudice or reservations.

The best thing of all is that the minute you leave the immigration and step outside into the u s---you can start critiscizing it like there is no tomorrow and no one will bother you. Neither anyone is bothered by your religion or your accent.

Even though the u s is giving you a green card---what it is giving you alongwith the green card---you possibly can't get it back home. It is giving you a comparative secure future for your coming generation.

U S may not be the perfect nation but what you get is more good in return than bad.
Honestly i donot understand this question and its relation with columbia...But although I love my nation...its my moral duty to wish all the best for this nation that provides me a job .....
Should India be grateful that Britain created India.

Should faithful guy be grateful to the British in creating india so he can carry on with his drivel, that is the question.


The nice thing about the united states is that you can leave all your tribal allegiances behind and start all over again. You have a choice of living in any one of the 50 'countries' that it is made up of without any prejudice or reservations.

The best thing of all is that the minute you leave the immigration and step outside into the u s---you can start critiscizing it like there is no tomorrow and no one will bother you. Neither anyone is bothered by your religion or your accent.

Even though the u s is giving you a green card---what it is giving you alongwith the green card---you possibly can't get it back home. It is giving you a comparative secure future for your coming generation.

U S may not be the perfect nation but what you get is more good in return than bad.

Well said.

The Indians and Pakistanis who usually criticise it will be standing in a queue for the green card.

Or have a relative who probably does.
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