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Nawaz wakes up–rejects KLB after Obama signed it


Mar 13, 2009
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Nawaz wakes up–rejects KLB after Obama signed it

Posted on October 15, 2009 by Moin Ansari

With immaculate timing, IRI’s (International Republican Institute) most popular leader, Mr. Nawaz Sharif has returned from his hibernation and reached the shores of Pakistan to condemn the done deal. Of course he didn’t say a word while he was in an undisclosed location–which apparently did not have phone fax or internet capability. Mr. Sharif has emerged from his cave of isolation to state the obvious. This is the same person who ran to Washington on the verge of the Kargil victory, and begged Clinton to get his picture taken in the White House. This “leader” is the same one who wrote to uncle Vajpayee and dispatched his son with a personal messages to the BJP–recordings of conversations between him and the army chief. This scion of General Zia Ul Haq’s Martial Law and the dictators Chief protagonist in the Punjab has now emerged as the great champion of democracy.

The leader of the opposition, visits the American Embassy when the Viceroy summons him. However Mr. Sharif did not dash to Washington, and London to rally against the KLB–instead he sent his able acolytes to Pakistan TV talk shows–much safer than canvassing on behalf of Pakistan–and much safer than presenting Pakistan’s case to the American public.

PML(N) has announced to reject the Kerry-Lugar bill with its present conditions, stating that few clauses of the legislation were against the national security and respect, report said. “The party was neither taken on board nor was briefed by the government of Pakistan or the US on the legislation… PML-N considers that the decisions on national issues, including whether to accept the aid bill, should be decided by the Parliament,” Party chief and former premier Mian Nawaz Sharif said while addressing a news conference here Thursday. Nawaz also invited the government to formulate a national forum on the issue of US aid bill and hinted at accepting the legislation if its conditions were omitted out. “The PML-N played its due national role on the issue of Kerry-Lugar bill… the issue should be decided on the forum of the Parliament,” he told the newsmen after chairing a party meeting on the issue of US legislation aimed at tripling US conditioned aid to Pakistan to $1.5 billion per annum for next five years.

The Nation

Mr. Sharif deceived Mr. Imran Khan into boycotting the elections and then entered it wholeheartedly–conniving with Mr. the PPPP to slect Mr. Zardari. Now in scenes reminscent of the WWF (noora kushti wrestling) his underlings banters with the PPPP

Not one move against the 17th amendment, not a pipsqueek against 58(2)-B and not a word against the powers of the president.

Mr. Sharif’s party is quiet about impeaching Pervez Musharraf and he has taken no stance on the NRO. How could the beneficiary of the biggest NRO in the history of Pakistan (called the illegal resurrection of the Ittefaq foundry) ever speak up against the NRO which benefited Mr. Zardari and company. Mr. Sharif destroyed the largest ship breaking industry in the world–on Gidani beach to protect his own steel mill.

Mr. Sharif’s party has been a lot of hot words against the KLB, but he has not introduced a bill in the Majlis e Shura (National Assembly) or the Aiwan e Bala (Upper House–Senate) of Pakistan–and never will.

Nawaz wakes up–rejects KLB after Obama signed it RUPEE NEWS: Recording History, Narrating Archives, Strategic Intellibrief Analysis: Noticias de Rupia | Nouvelles de Roupie | Rupiennachrichten | ??????? ????? | ???? | Rupi
Oh thats he was suppose to do.

If he is so honest with Pakistan then his party should demand for OPEN voting over the Bill in the parliament and also vote against it.
NS is the biggest hypocrite, the country has ever seen. It would be naive to expect more from a man of his caliber, but then again as ignorant as we are, the next government may well very likely be his.
He is not even worth calling a man where i have seen women having more big balls then him, This is why more of us are against him because of his personality and acts. He has nothing what a leader has. Total wast of investment by Pakistani people.
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