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why did india reject such a good offer??

I mean right now American tech is better than Russian tech. And that too was F-35.

Its the money .. honeyyy... let them finish of the project by their own and give us the offer..

if FGFA costs $100 million each, how much more it would have cost india if it would have gone for F-35???
why did india reject such a good offer??

I mean right now American tech is better than Russian tech. And that too was F-35.
why shud we why everything... PAK FA-50,,, FGFA-200 ,,, AMCA .... Su 30 MKI ... LCA MK1... LCA MK2 .... MMRCA ... Mig 29k ... Naval MMRCA

man its a circus ... these are current projects... for new acquisitions....

if FGFA costs $100 million each, how much more it would have cost india if it would have gone for F-35???

J-20 xx is cheaper than F-35.. then why not that ? the quesion is not about money..

The ministry of defense has clearly stated that the program for FGFA is on track and with joint development we will be sharing all the technologies and intellectual capital.

US hasnt been a good partner even with UK in regards to the F-35 programme and the decision for offering it to India is to lure India by exploting the situation of a 5th gen coming up in neighborhood.. sadly for them we didnt fall for it and wont..
hhmm. . smart move. . but what makes you sure they will keep that offer open for you when they complete it.???. :what:

because its the damn old US of A... You guys knows them more than we do on how they play up on the asian scenario with goody offers and all..

if FGFA costs $100 million each, how much more it would have cost india if it would have gone for F-35???

The key point is what you get in return for the money!

FGFA for $100 million includes:

- customised design, techs and weapons for Indian needs
- way bigger participation of Indian industry than F35 partners have
- intellectual rights, ToT and source codes
- no restrictions, 100% sanction proof and an increased long term partnership on equal basis!
- full production in India, not only assembly of parts that were produced in the US

And now compare that with what F35 would offer for over $100 million.
I think the F-35 consortium needs to slash cost and they need some pennies on dollar coders to type in thousands of lines of codes.
why did india reject such a good offer??

I mean right now American tech is better than Russian tech. And that too was F-35.

simple m...we have better -independant foreign policy
we dont want to go behind USA on everything it offers .and then lose mour foreign policy-this is what put Pakistan in iots current position vis -vis relation to USA.
we will not go there...
because its the damn old US of A... You guys knows them more than we do on how they play up on the asian scenario with goody offers and all..

Lolx. . . yeah some people in Pak are aware of that. . . but sadly our government is USA's biggest ally even if their policies are not in favor of Pakistan. .

If we choose Rafale as MMRCA, then there are chances of french help in AMCA project. Dont forget french people love $$$$
and France needs money badly because no body has purchased rafale on which French govt spent 53 billion dollars. so India has chance for negotiations.

Dassault helped us before too and provided technical assistance in the design of Tejas. And that when they had a highly successful comparable aircraft in Mirage. And I wouldn't call that relationship successful considering how long it took for Tejas to fly.

Look I am not bad mouthing the French. They have a very good fighter in Rafale. But its still 4.5 gen. How can you go to a 4.5 Gen aircraft maker for assistance in 5th Gen Fighter esp when they don't have a program for it? It's like asking Maruti Suzuki to help in design of a Ferrari :disagree:. I am not saying they can't do it but it will require lot more $$$ for R&D and lot more time.

Secondly whatever money we offer Dassault is not going to give TOT to their prized technology e.g. their AESA radar and SPECTRA. Let's be realistic here. They spent $53 billion on R&D.

Our best bet is still the FGFA and what we learn from it.
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The key point is what you get in return for the money!

FGFA for $100 million includes:

- customised design, techs and weapons for Indian needs
- way bigger participation of Indian industry than F35 partners have
- intellectual rights, ToT and source codes
- no restrictions, 100% sanction proof and an increased long term partnership on equal basis!
- full production in India, not only assembly of parts that were produced in the US

And now compare that with what F35 would offer for over $100 million.


All your points are valid regarding FGFA.
My only dobut is on the $$$ figure of the aircraft. I know thats what Sukhoi has stated the aircraft will cost. But considering how the cost of F-35 has escalated and how the topline 4.5 Gen aircrafts cost (Euro Fighter and Rafale and now even the new MKI) my hunch is that the $100 M figure is going to hit anything between $150-$200 M. Unless Sukhoi has some kind of magic wand in their hand :cheers:
Sorry but it doesn't look like a sincere offer especially in light of recent events.
well we have pak fa and our own 5 th gen plane how beautyful if we chosse f35 for navy

whats wrong if we chosse f35 for indian navy

f35 ( indian navy)
amca (Iaf)

what combination will be that
pak fa IS or will be superior to F35 anyways and cheaper with india owning 50% stake in the plane with no sanctions.

Why bother wit the F35
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