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NATO broke standing agreement with Russia: Commentator

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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NATO broke standing agreement with Russia: Commentator

Interview with Edward Corrigan

Press TV has conducted an interview with Edward Corrigan, journalist and political commentator, Ontario about pro-Russian protesters controling some eastern cities.The following is an approximate transcript of the interview.

Press TV: How do you assess the latest statement made by Susan Rice as well as much of the rhetoric that has come out of the United States against Russia?

Corrigan: I think it’s dangerous and is signs of escalation - A war of words. Certainly American political figures are catering to a public that’s been fed incomplete information, misinformation and quite frankly outright propaganda.

The same thing is occurring in Canada. Canada has sent five F-16s to bolster or to send a signal to Russia, through NATO.

But we need to look at the larger context. First of all the Americans and NATO had broken an important agreement when the Soviet Union was dissolved. Part of the agreement was that NATO wouldn’t expand into Eastern Europe and pose as a threat and come closer to Russia.

Ukraine... people like Brzezinski and Henry Kissinger have suggested it should be sort of like a neutral buffer between Europe and NATO and of course Russia, which makes sense given that nearly 40 percent of Ukraine’s population, is Russian.

Putin is 100 percent correct that the most dangerous part of this whole process is the Ukrainian nationalists who are running around making speeches saying we’ve got to have blood in the streets, we’ve got to kill Russians.

The right wing Ukrainian nationalists have ties to neo-Nazi groups that supported Hitler in the Second World War and idolize that and are making very dangerous threats about Russia.

The first act of the Ukrainian parliament was of course to abolish the Russian language from having any official status in Ukraine.

They also severed ties between the Ukrainian church and the Russian Orthodox Church, which is very important symbolically for a lot of Russians and Russian orthodox. There is Ukrainian Catholics and Ukrainian orthodox and while that is a separate issue, but it is a factor.

And of course the American public is almost completely unaware of the fact that Victoria Newland was taped on her cell phone saying that the United States had spent five billion dollars basically to destabilize the Ukraine; and that she said rather derogatory terms about the European Union because they weren’t following the line.

And then there was also Russian intelligence that taped the conversation of Atkins who was the foreign affairs minister for the European Union, she was talking to the Latvian foreign minister and they were discussing the fact that civilians who had been targeted in Kiev that had been blamed on the former government were probably fired on by the rebels with the same type of weapons - and that fact is now behind them of course it’s no longer an issue.

But the real factor was that there was basically a coup where the prime minister of Ukraine who was elected with 49 percent of the population’s support – a massive amount of support. The person they replaced him with of course is appointed by the Americans essentially and he only has 15 percent of the vote in Ukraine.

So basically you have a puppet.

You have fighting in the parliament between the different groups. The Kiev government or interim government whatever you want to call it has unilaterally appointed oligarchs to be the head of areas of eastern Ukraine. Of course the public is pushing back at that.

The most dangerous element is these Ukrainian nationalists that seem to be itching for some sort of civil war and a way for attacking Russia – which of course is impossible, Ukraine cannot compete with Russia.

But you have a sense of similarity between what was going on in the First World War where people were eventually sleepwalking to war and really didn’t have any comprehension of just how much devastation and destruction would result in the First World War. It led to the destruction of the Russian empire; the German empire and of Britain and France emerged as the victors, but we saw tens of millions of people killed.

And now Russia’s a nuclear power, the United States is a nuclear power. I’m quite sure that China is going to support Russia.

Brzezinski, who used to be the secretary of state for Jimmy Carter wrote a book called The grand chessboard where basically it was a strategy where the Americans had to move in and take control of the strategic resources in central Europe and into Tajikistan and all of the other countries there because it is the last place on the planet that hadn’t been fully exploited.

This set up a plan - and of course the Russians can read - and this is basically the template for Americans to move in and take control of central Asia, but the Russians and the Chinese and the other countries there have pushed back and actually formed what they call the Shang Hai Accord or the Shang Hai agreement, which is basically a defensive alliance of the countries in Central Asia to push back and keep control of all resources for all purposes.

All these things are tied together including the civil war in Syria: Qatar wanted to build a pipeline through Syria to ship natural gas to Europe, which of course would provide an alternate source from Russia. Right now Europe is about 40 percent dependent upon Russian natural gas and some countries are much more than that – So there is a lot of leverage.

Germany is not supporting this; it doesn’t want a direct conflict as it has a lot of economic energy ties between Russia. You have certain groups of people; neo-Cons in the United States; Ukrainian nationalists pushing for something that really they can’t control and really can’t predict the outcome.

PressTV - NATO broke standing agreement with Russia: Commentator
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