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Nato asks Indian diplomats for troops in Afghanistan

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US has the upper hand over Pakistan.

What if pakistan says no and US goes ahead,then what happens?Nothing!!!
Pakistan also said no then.

situation has dramatically changed since the earlier consideration...........if you were following events in the UK who has large contingent in southern afghanistan....you would know that their commanders are asking for urgent reinforcements of troops and they donot care from whom they come. Furthermore documents are being leaked to press of serving officers from afghanistan which is painting the picture of constant loss and combat ( which the milatary planners hadnot envisged ) which the UK government is hiding from press and people in the UK.

Since the rest of the europeans are not forth coming and neither is america....they and the rest of the nato might squeeze few troops out of india to relieve the intense pressure on UK and other nato troops in southern afghanistan.

But then again this talk can be mere device to put pressure on pakistan ( which is fiercely opposed to deployment of Indian troops in Afghanistan) to act on Taliban which they accuse of operating out of pakistan and crossing the border to attack them.
wtf........ you dug-up a 7 year old thread. :hang2:
The Telegraph - Calcutta : Frontpage

We said no to this before and we should stick to it. Just threaten to stop all logistics and that'll be the end of it. If we don't let the Indian troops fly over our territory into Afghanistan how'd they ever go? :D

im going to make dua today that god gives india the balls to send soldiers to afghanistan, we can take revenge for the life of every pakistani soldier that died in all the wars we fought against india lmao.

wtf??... i thought this was a new thread:hitwall:
im going to make dua today that god gives india the balls to send soldiers to afghanistan, we can take revenge for the life of every pakistani soldier that died in all the wars we fought against india lmao.

wtf??... i thought this was a new thread:hitwall:

what a douchebag!!!! You want to kill Indian soldiers to avenge pakistanis lives then in you dua ask your god to give your government some balls to confront India straight on, and not rely on Indian involvement in peace keeping missions....

btw your dua will be 6 years late
what a douchebag!!!! You want to kill Indian soldiers to avenge pakistanis lives then in you dua ask your god to give your government some balls to confront India straight on, and not rely on Indian involvement in peace keeping missions....

since that news is 7 years old your coward government never got the balls to send troops after all.
since that news is 7 years old your coward government never got the balls to send troops after all.

irrespective of the thread, that is the diference between india and pakistan, Our policies have and will always remain india first, We will never be lapdogs of international powers and sell our foriegn policy to crums of aid or few jets from washington or bejing to jump into wars. That remains the difference, but then again it's my fault to get into this discourse, it's quite beyond you....

go ahead and stick with your dua!!
The Telegraph - Calcutta : Frontpage

We said no to this before and we should stick to it. Just threaten to stop all logistics and that'll be the end of it. If we don't let the Indian troops fly over our territory into Afghanistan how'd they ever go? :D

I say let them, in fact, we should give themall the means to send troops to Afghanistan. Who knows, they may stop being a nuisance to Pakistan.
you know the US wanted India to do some of the bombardment onto the Taliban way back then too. Pak said no.

A Pakistani no just ends all the debate.

India will NEVER EVER send troops to Afghanistan. You can mark my words if you want.

Hmm interesting. Didn't you guys say 'NO' strongly for drone strikes? Did it end it? The only debate it ended was that no one cares about Pakistan.
India will NEVER EVER send troops to Afghanistan. You can mark my words if you want.

Hmm interesting. Didn't you guys say 'NO' strongly for drone strikes? Did it end it? The only debate it ended was that no one cares about Pakistan.

right these proxy wars are waste of resource u can't identify civilian and enemy
india learned it from sri lanka when the sent there forces but america didnt
india,CSTO and china should send troops to afghanistan.Because if afghanistan is overrun by taliban again, a lot of militants will pour into kashmir,central asia and chinese muslim district of xingiyang.Plus you have new syrian al nusra who have knowledge about how to produce chemical weapons.
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