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National Cadet Corps


Aug 26, 2007
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National Cadet Corps / “Janbaz” / “Mujahid” are the types of military training which were used to be given to the students of Colleges and universities till 2002 when Pervaiz Musharaf stopped this training. Under these, the patriot and educated youth of Pakistan were given the training of the first aid activities, to use basic weapons and to tackle the emergency situation which also includes the conditions relating to war or battles. The leaders of that time knew better, the threats, conspiracies and uncertainties which our beloved country is facing due to the enemies in form of friends (internal enemies) and International enemies as well.

Today we are facing even worse conditions than that of late 1990s. Daily news channels and papers are full of crime stories, suicide bombings, and many small situations which might be threatening in future and are not even reported by the biased media. Due to which our whole nation is going into the depths of hopelessness and ultimately desensitization specially Youth which is the backbone of our country. Now a days for us, the youth of Pakistan, some words are used “frustrated”, “hopeless” and “helpless” but apart from all these, the youth is still looking forward to the light at the end of the tunnel, looking forward to a better future, even stood up and launched themselves in the practical skies. But the problem arises when they don’t have the power to do what they want to. It is quite clear from the present scenario that NOW is the most suitable time for NCC training to youth to mobilize civilians for protection; when suicide attacks have become a part of our daily lives, India is fighting an unofficial war against us in Baluchistan, in FATA and in the northern areas. As well as along with America and Jews, India is playing a big game against us by sitting in our neighbor, Afghanistan, When India has stopped our water in of Indus, Chenab and Ravi, and defense and strategic analysts are of the point of view that the next war expected very soon and the cause of that war would be the water problem and a list of other problems.

When we talk of this type of training, people may think that we are extremists; we are inviting war, talking about dreams impossibilities and negative direction of thoughts and actions which may lead to a disastrous consequence. But the people of this point of view might not have the knowledge of Youth Battalion training in Israel. In Israel, a student is not given a 10th grade degree unless he passed a training of one week. Not given an intermediate degree without one month of the training, and three months of training for a graduate degree. Under this training every recruit goes through a basic training program where they are taught the basics of army discipline, shooting, first aid, information on chemical and biological warfare and physical fitness.

This training is compulsory for both males and females requires by National Defense Service Law 1986 with few exceptions. It is the only country in the world that maintains obligatory military service for women. The secret of the agility of a small territory like Israel is in the policy of Mandatory Military training for its Youth. Israel has fought many wars; in 1948, 1967, and 1973 and she has always emerged as the victor, because its entire population up to its last man and woman is a fighter as a soldier.

Yet another example. India also has launched similar training. The National Cadet Corps (Delhi, India) formed with the National Cadet Corps Act of 1948. It is a voluntary organization which recruits cadets from high schools and colleges all over India.

This type of training reduces the differences between Armed Force and Civilians, which enemies are trying to worsen. The Cadet Corps/ Civilian Army can serve as a Reserved army. The army reserves would fulfill the army’s manpower needs. Reserve units carry out many operations, such as Defensive Shield, like the Israelis in the recent wave of Palestinian violence. More over, trained cadets can performs other civil services like securing public transportation, educational institutions, open markets and parking lots as well as helping out at checkpoints.

Moreover, NCCs act as a second line of defense. They can organize camps to assist the ordnance factories, supplying arms and ammunition to the front, and also were used as patrol parties to capture the enemy paratroopers and identifying and capturing suspected suicide bombers. The N.C.Cs can also work with the Civil Defense authorities to actively take part in rescue work and traffic control. However, the previous syllabus of N.C.C should be revised to make it more advanced.

India, for instance, after the 1965 and 1971 Indo-Pak wars revised the N.C.C syllabus. Rather than just being the second line of defense, N.C.C syllabus was upgraded to lay a stress on developing qualities of leadership/officer-like qualities.

India and Israel are among our dangerous enemies. Both are giving NCC training to youth, then the question arises why not in Pakistan? As a Muslim country we should be well equipped for every kind of situation; required by our religion as well. The strength should be balanced off. IF NOT TODAY, in these turbulent times,
THEN WHEN is the right time going to come?

It’s the high time to have to develop a National Patriotic Army on the civil side. In these challenging times we need to have mandatory Military training for our Youth in collaboration with the Ministries of Education and Defense. We have to prepare youth to use modern weapons and devices so that youth can take up the responsibility to handle the urban warfare which has been imposed on us; by protecting the cities, towns and streets. Our army has already handling too much pressure. They are not only guarding our borders but also protecting mosques and institutions, not only giving their own lives at the border but also of their families back home. We have to stand shoulder to shoulder with our Pak Army to save this sacred land. When the patriotic, visionary, well equipped and motivated youth would stand up with the army, no evil force is ever going to dare to have bad intentions towards our country and people.

It’s about NOW OR NEVER! We have to stand up to put our request formally to the authorities. We need to be equipped formally for the times to come. We do Hope for the Best, but in any case, we have to Prepare for the worst! This is the Action plan that all winners in life use to turn imagination into reality, fantasy into fact, and dreams into actual goals and ultimately into ACTIONS. Youth today has dreams, motivation and hopes and ready to sacrifice their lives for Pakistan MashAllah, we just have to direct and convert this positive energy into some fruitful actions.


National Cadet Corps | Pakistan Ka Khuda Hafiz
rather then NCC they should introduce civil defense societies and train people in search & rescue & self defense... i think that would be more fruitful!!!
didnt mushy gave these books an 'enlightened moderate' wash???
I will go with Janbaz Force. we are not cowards but media is ruggedly changing the mind set of (main focus middle class) youth.
this is the need of time.

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