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NASA Continues Work on Most Powerful Telescope Ever Created


Jul 3, 2012
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NASA scientists are continuing their work on the James Webb Space Telescope, said to be the most powerful telescope ever created. The telescope is said to be capable of capturing seven times more light than its successor, the Hubble Space Telescope, a factor that will aid in its expected exploration of the deepest reaches of outer space.

The NASA Goddard Space Flight Center is managing the project in collaboration with the European Space Agency and the Canadian Space Agency. NASA reported today that the last three mirrors necessary for assembly of the complex infrared device have been delivered, allowing them to move forward with assembly. The $8.8 billion telescope will be massive, with its largest mirror, a unique folding, 18-segmented creation, spanning over 21 feet in length and weighing in excess of 1500 pounds. The mirror is six times larger than that of the Hubble Telescope.

The spacecraft will also integrate some unique technology. The telescope will feature four primary instruments, already in place, on board for observation. These will be the Near InfraRed Camera, or NIRCam, the Near InfraRed Spectrograph, or NIRSpec, the Mid-InfraRed Instrument, or MIRI, and the Fine Guidance Sensor/Near InfraRed Imager and Slitless Spectrograph. All of its instruments are intended to work best in the infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, though some observation in the visible range of the spectrum will also be possible. Its detectors will also be capable of picking up and recording “extremely weak signals.”

Thousands of astronomers around the world are anxiously awaiting the telescope’s launch and are expected to rely on it for data. Scientists hope that it will provide new information about the origins of the universe and the evolution of Earth’s solar system, as well as bringing the possibility of exploring other solar systems that may be capable of supporting life. Many believe that it will be able to reach back in time to the first light emitted by the long-theorized “big bang.” Others are hoping that it will provide confirmation of what many scientists now believe, that each galaxy in the universe has at its center a super-massive black hole.

The Webb telescope was originally known by the name the Next Generation Space Telescope (NGST), but was renamed in 2002 in honor of former NASA administrator James Webb. James Webb led the young agency between 1961 and 1968 and was best known for his work with the Apollo program, managing more than 430,000 contractors and employees and eventually landing a man on the moon. He was committed not only to winning the political race to get U.S. astronauts onto the moon before rival foreign space programs, but to advancing science as well. NASA deemed it appropriate to name its next great spacecraft, the most powerful telescope ever created, after the man that led the people of the United States into the final frontier known as outer space.

NASA’s most powerful telescope ever created is slated to launch via the Ariane 5 ECA to its orbit 100 million miles from Earth in 2018. Those working on the project say that it is on track to do so. The spacecraft has been described my NASA officials as “unlike any we’ve ever developed before.”

Seems like US is desperate to contact intelligent Alleins and get their technology in order to remain ahead!!
100 million miles? That's like from here to the sun. That can't be right.

James Webb Space Telescope - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"1,500,000 kilometers (930,000 mi) from the Earth, around 4 times farther than the distance between the Earth to the Moon"

Yikes! a lot further than i expected. Hubble is only 559 km (347 mi).
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100 million miles? That's like from here to the sun. That can't be right.

James Webb Space Telescope - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"1,500,000 kilometers (930,000 mi) from the Earth, around 4 times farther than the distance between the Earth to the Moon"

Yikes! a lot further than i expected. Hubble is only 559 km (347 mi).

Good catch. yeah it is million mile and not 100 million miles.

Future discoveries like distant galaxies and new planets will all be discovered by their heat signature. And we need absolute minimum temperature around the telescopes in order to detect tiny tiny heat signatures of tinier planets.

This is why a telescope needs to be sent that far away to be in a place that is cold really cold,

I am sure there are other considerations too
one thing to notice..Nasa is using Ariane 5..they're not using their own rocket.that just shows the level of co-op between international space agencies.only some members resort cheap shot when India uses same rocket to launch heavier payloads.
$8.8 billion telescope


Holy cow on a cracker!!!
One has to wonder if staring at rocks in space is more important than eradicating global poverty.....:hitwall:

Technological advancements have it possible for us to support the number of people on this planet - and space research is an enormous contributor to the advancement of humans as a species.

And we don't just stare at rocks, we have robots up there. Within a decade or two, we'll have people. Within 5-6 decades, we'll have colonies up there. What better way to eradicate poverty than by diversifying into newer planets?
Technological advancements have it possible for us to support the number of people on this planet - and space research is an enormous contributor to the advancement of humans as a species.

And we don't just stare at rocks, we have robots up there. Within a decade or two, we'll have people. Within 5-6 decades, we'll have colonies up there. What better way to eradicate poverty than by diversifying into newer planets?

I would rather feed the poor now than possibly feed them in the uncertain future, people are dying everyday of hunger and we are busy sitting on our rears spending outrageous amounts of money on trivial posessions

You cannot solve global poverty by simply donating money to the poor.
I am not saying that we need to give some extra ordinary commodities to the poor, using the money we waste otherwise we should at least try and make sure that they get 2 square meals daily and at least basic amnesties, we can create employment opportunities as well, they list of things we can do is a very long one, but unfortunately realistically none of this is going to happen....
I would rather feed the poor now than possibly feed them in the uncertain future, people are dying everyday of hunger and we are busy sitting on our rears spending outrageous amounts of money on trivial posessions

Unfortunately there is no clear answer on how to help the poor. Even in the US where the government has programs to feed those in need at the end of the day after 3 meals they are still poor. You only end up shifting the line of what you define as "poor".

What's worse is people have trouble breaking out of this cycle and you end up with generations living in poverty. Only jobs will free them.
I would rather feed the poor now than possibly feed them in the uncertain future, people are dying everyday of hunger and we are busy sitting on our rears spending outrageous amounts of money on trivial posessions

You spend money on rent, transport (bike / car), internet and other luxuries. Why don't you live on the street and pay the money to the poor instead? It's a silly statement to make. That you should stop technological progress if there are other issues around you. If it wasn't for this progress, you could only propagate this message of yours within your village. Now you have it up for the world to see.
I would rather feed the poor now than possibly feed them in the uncertain future, people are dying everyday of hunger and we are busy sitting on our rears spending outrageous amounts of money on trivial posessions
I am not saying that we need to give some extra ordinary commodities to the poor, using the money we waste otherwise we should at least try and make sure that they get 2 square meals daily and at least basic amnesties, we can create employment opportunities as well, they list of things we can do is a very long one, but unfortunately realistically none of this is going to happen....
I think the governments should first store the produce properly....half of what is produced in the world is wasted because it is not stored properly.Ppl are poor because the funds raised for them never reach them....the governments should get rid of the corruption.There are enough exigencies in politics that we have to get rid of.
The day we stop investing in science and technology we'll be doomed......developments will come to a halt.
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