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Narendra Modi stands tall as Parivar bows before him

Relax, you will get high blood pressure.

Don't worry about Gujarati Muslims, they are not fooled by the propaganda and are voting for Modi in large numbers.

My Blood Pressure is fine , Son. As for Muslims voting for this MASS MURDERER, if you believe that I would like to sell you a Bridge in Brooklyn that I own 100% for pennies on the dollar. Great Deal, you will be rich.
This piece of news was the highpoint of my evening yesterday as I settled in to watch the news. If the RSS is behind Modi with their whole collective organizational weight, there is nothing much the BJP can do to scuttle his candidature.

The joke is that they are heralding a straight fight between Modi and Rahul Gandhi. The Congress is a canny party and will pull a rabbit out of the hat.

That rabbit will in all likelihood be Pranab - which should become amply clear in a few days from now.

Either way, things are moving to plan as far as I am concerned.

Modi for PM!

And from Now on The Hindu will be deemed as a trash/toilet paper by some great posters.....

On topic: Indian Muslims and to be precise Gujarati Muslims are more mature and sensible than other parts of the South Asia...they know who can deliver to their expectations...and who will always play a religion card.... people in India want performance form their elected representatives....and not Religion/Cast Politics.

The reason RSS feels pressure of Modi's growing image is that he is the only BJP leader who has been able to bring Muslims into main stream politics and that to with BJP.
For too long has India been hypnotized by Congress rule. To the extent that all political discussion begin and end with Muslims.

It is a situation that no right thinking Indian should want. Least of all the Muslims themselves.

Please give us a break now.

We are a country of 1.2 billion people of all faiths.

Each one of us counts.

When we go to vote, we go to vote for India.

If you feel the Congress has done a stellar job, by all means cast your vote to give them and yourself another 5 years of the same as the last 5 years.

If not, then maybe it is time to vote for change.

Maybe it is time to give a proven administrator and strongman a chance to lead you.

Maybe it is time for the world to see you differently through the eyes and mouth of a strong leader.

Someone who reflects the aspirations of a surging India.

Not the doubt and weakness of a spent India.

Jai Hind!

Vote for Modi! Vote for Change! Vote for India!
when u Sit In UK & u can Decide Sonia as ur PM for UK... we Indians Know very well who is our Man ... we need noo opinion of a NRI( Non reliable Indian)

MODI is a Man of Honor, he Keeps his words which he Says in the election Manifesto ...

He said 24 Hours electricity for Gujarat he done it ... he Said he will get Best infrastructure in India he Done it... He Said he will get investment in Gujarat more than any state he has Done it...

I want my PM to work on Field rather then Just Bark in election Manifesto ...
what do you mean 'we' Indians. Are you representing all Indians here.
Also, I dont remember telling you whether I am NRI or not, do you want to educate yourself about definition of NRI again?
Hint: It is not based on flag in PDF.

On topic: Modi is politically untouchable, he cant be PM ever. BJP wont dare make him PM candidate. Else, BJP will become politically untouchable, yet again.
what do you mean 'we' Indians. Are you representing all Indians here.
Also, I dont remember telling you whether I am NRI or not, do you want to educate yourself about definition of NRI again?
Hint: It is not based on flag in PDF.

On topic: Modi is politically untouchable, he cant be PM ever. BJP wont dare make him PM candidate. Else, BJP will become politically untouchable, yet again.

I fully agree that you have the right to your opinion although I do not agree with your opinion.

As far as Modi and PMship is concerned, before discussing whether he CAN become PM, let's discuss whether he SHOULD become PM.

I say the man has proved his worth beyond doubt and deserves a chance.
In politics, nothing is permanent, and nobody is untouchable.

Having said that, politics is also a lot about perception management.

And a lot of this untouchability thing is just that - the refuge of the insecure.

If there was one universally popular leader and party, we would have been having landslides each elections.

What matters is what the country wants.

The majority of them.

The rest will move along with the consensus decision. Having cast their ballots. As good citizens of a mature democracy.
Modi is Indira Gandhi's second, male avatar.

These are difficult times for the country and we need a leader who can take swift, decisive decisions and actions.
I fully agree that you have the right to your opinion although I do not agree with your opinion.

As far as Modi and PMship is concerned, before discussing whether he CAN become PM, let's discuss whether he SHOULD become PM.

I say the man has proved his worth beyond doubt and deserves a chance.
I would respectfully disagree and say he SHOULD NOT become PM.
India's PM is usually not administrator, strongman but somebody who brings people together. Central govt has more role in negotiation, give and take, than direct administration, and you need a person who is respected by everybody.

If you observe our ex PMs, most of them have affable,gentlemen type personality, and that did not happen by chance. India is a big and diverse country, and having a strong opinion on anything will disqualify you for the top job. Your own cabinet colleagues wont support you for long if you push them too hard.

Contrast that to a CM's role, and the most successful CMs have been mini dictators. They actually implement the policy derived by centre( and by thelselves) on the ground. You need an able administrator there.

The idea that a PM is just a bigger and better job with same profile as CM does not appeal to me.
what do you mean 'we' Indians. Are you representing all Indians here.
Also, I dont remember telling you whether I am NRI or not, do you want to educate yourself about definition of NRI again?
Hint: It is not based on flag in PDF.

On topic: Modi is politically untouchable, he cant be PM ever. BJP wont dare make him PM candidate. Else, BJP will become politically untouchable, yet again.
Now U urself Dont know Where u belong to... U Feel So ashamed of ur Country that U need a Foreign Flag to Represent ... I have nothing against Non residential Indians ... As well as I & people of India Dont care the opinion of a Person who sits in UK Cozz it We who Suffer if a wrong man is Choose not a Guy who Sits in UK...

& Please Change ur Name from Hindu Guy to Something else ... ya a Hindu Guy of PDF who Supports a White Catholic Sonia ... a Hindu Guy Who r against all Hindu organization ... A Hindu Guy who support reservation on religious Basis ... a Hindu guy who always Talks &hit about Hindus ...

U have been Busted many Times Mr. Now Go & change ur nick to something else ... ohh wait u have no Confidence left in u to such a extent that u need the Name of a Community which u dont belong to Caste ur opinion ... Stop making mockery of urself ...

People agree with my opinion So even Most senior members have thanked my Post & u Got non...
In politics, nothing is permanent, and nobody is untouchable.

Having said that, politics is also a lot about perception management.

And a lot of this untouchability thing is just that - the refuge of the insecure.

If there was one universally popular leader and party, we would have been having landslides each elections.

What matters is what the country wants.

The majority of them.

The rest will move along with the consensus decision. Having cast their ballots. As good citizens of a mature democracy.

Actually, none of this will matter. India never votes nationally for any party anymore, what you get are a sum of state wise election results; sometimes not even that. The last candidate who evoked such a response was AB Vajpayee but even his charisma counted for nothing in 2004 when the NDA had actually put in a decent performance. Modi has no influence outside of Gujarat, nor indeed for that matter does anyone else. Even a leader like Nitesh Kumar, who like Modi is admired (without the negative image) has almost no broad national appeal. Which is why, all such talk about Modi is just that, talk!
^^^ I dont really feel comfortable discussing about myself in this thread. :)
About thanks, come on, it does feel good when you are thanked, but do you seriously belive it reflects quality of your posts?

In politics, nothing is permanent, and nobody is untouchable.

Having said that, politics is also a lot about perception management.

And a lot of this untouchability thing is just that - the refuge of the insecure.

If there was one universally popular leader and party, we would have been having landslides each elections.

What matters is what the country wants.

The majority of them.

The rest will move along with the consensus decision. Having cast their ballots. As good citizens of a mature democracy.
People do not elect PM directly, its the MPs of the largest cluster. Perception will come to haunt you then, and the least 'untouchable' and most acceptable will be the winner.
Actually, none of this will matter. India never votes nationally for any party anymore, what you get are a sum of state wise election results; sometimes not even that. The last candidate who evoked such a response was AB Vajpayee but even his charisma counted for nothing in 2004 when the NDA had actually put in a decent performance. Modi has no influence outside of Gujarat, nor indeed for that matter does anyone else. Even a leader like Nitesh Kumar, who like Modi is admired (without the negative image) has almost no broad national appeal. Which is why, all such talk about Modi is just that, talk!
Things can change quickly especially with the 'anti-congress' mood of the people around in the cities. Leaders can rise and fall like a tsunami. Just take Anna's campaign, where he was before and where he reached after the Aug 15 campaign. He may have gone cold now, but that's besides the point.
Modi, if done properly can still help BJP put up a super performance and ride them to power sitting on the Anti-UPA sentiment spreading across the educated middle class. What will reallllllllly matter though is the performance in the smaller cities and among the illiterates, uneducated and stupid populace that vote parties based solely on issues like jat, religion, and/or roti, kapda, makaan because these are still the overwhelming majority alongside the passive voters - those who vote based solely on long family tradition and relations with some party or leader.
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