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'Namaz' itself form of yoga, says Deoband cleric

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Jan 28, 2009
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NEW DELHI: Performing yoga is not un-Islamic as offering 'namaz' is also a form of the practice, leading seminary Darul Uloom on Wednesday said
rubbishing the controversy over the issue.
Yoga is not a problem in Islam, but giving a religious colour to it is wrong," said Adil Siddiqui, spokesperson of Darul Uloom Deoband, India's leading Islamic seminary.

He said the purpose of the practice is to keep a person healthy and there is no provision in the religion that prevents anybody from seeking good health, he said.

"The purpose of yoga is simple that is to maintain good health and it can always be performed for the sake of exercise," he said.

The cleric said Islam also gives health a major priority and the practise of offering 'namaz' or Islamic prayer is itself a form of exercise.

"If you observe closely 'namaz', which every Muslim is expected to perform five times a day, is itself a sort of yoga and plays an important role in keeping a person healthy," he said.

The debate over whether Muslims can perform yoga, started last year after Malaysia's top Islamic body, the National Fatwa Council, imposed a ban on it, saying that it combines elements of physical exercise and chanting of religious mantras.

Earlier this week, Indonesia's top Islamic body also passed an edict banning Muslims from practicing yoga citing concerns it would corrupt their faith.
'Namaz' itself form of yoga, says Deoband cleric-Delhi-Cities-The Times of India
'Namaz' itself form of yoga, says Deoband cleric-Delhi-Cities-The Times of India
I agree, the posture of namaz is known as Vajra Asana or Diamond Posture in yoga and is considered and extremely good asana. It is known as diamond because it make the body specially the abdomen as strong as 'diamond'.

muslims, must have become really strong practising this asana 5 times a day. :enjoy:
Islam is most scientific religion in world. every thing what Islam says can be proved scientifically. Problem is not with Islam problem is with extremist who real the lines but don't read between the lines , where the meaning hides. Islam in itself is a realign not about Allah but the meaning and significance of Allah.
Islam is most scientific religion in world. every thing what Islam says can be proved scientifically. Problem is not with Islam problem is with extremist who real the lines but don't read between the lines , where the meaning hides. Islam in itself is a realign not about Allah but the meaning and significance of Allah.

Sir,it's very nice to know you know so much about Islam.
Unfortunately some illiterate mollahs talks rubbish about Islam and make rules according to their comfort.

About yoga,it should not be prohibitive in Islam unless no religious chants are used.I agree with the cleric.
Islam is most scientific religion in world. every thing what Islam says can be proved scientifically. Problem is not with Islam problem is with extremist who real the lines but don't read between the lines , where the meaning hides. Islam in itself is a realign not about Allah but the meaning and significance of Allah.

no offence, but every religion claims that and everyone believes that his religion is most scientific and the best. and extremists in every religion want to follow the religion to the last comma. thats when the problem starts, the interpreters of any religion must interpret religion in light of the modern situations and give some flexibility to its followers. it applies to ALL religions.
Hey I have question to the Indian members.
Does practices of yoga has any religious Implication? If so what are they?

Can some one answer my question honestly????
Yoga has no Religious Implication, The Yoga I have seen does not involve any kind of Chanting or anything. I feel Yoga is a great Stressbuster. You all should try it sometime.
Hey I have question to the Indian members.
Does practices of yoga has any religious Implication? If so what are they?

Can some one answer my question honestly????

yoga does have a religiou implication, but not the way it is practised these days. so, I think all non-hindus(oxymoron) can practise yoga.

the modern yoga is simply exercise/art like kung fu or karate or aerobics.
Hey I have question to the Indian members.
Does practices of yoga has any religious Implication? If so what are they?

Can some one answer my question honestly????

Practice of yoga has no religious implications.

In some asanas you have to exhale and at that time some of the yoga teachers ask you to say OOMM and also during meditation.This is a form of Hindu prayer chant.

I have also met lot of people who say you can say any thing you like as long as it helps you to concentrate.

Most of the rishis and munis in olden times used to practice yoga to stay fit.

Other than this there is nothing religious to it.
NEW DELHI: Performing yoga is not un-Islamic as offering 'namaz' is also a form of the practice, leading seminary Darul Uloom on Wednesday said
rubbishing the controversy over the issue.
Yoga is not a problem in Islam, but giving a religious colour to it is wrong," said Adil Siddiqui, spokesperson of Darul Uloom Deoband, India's leading Islamic seminary.

He said the purpose of the practice is to keep a person healthy and there is no provision in the religion that prevents anybody from seeking good health, he said.

"The purpose of yoga is simple that is to maintain good health and it can always be performed for the sake of exercise," he said.

The cleric said Islam also gives health a major priority and the practise of offering 'namaz' or Islamic prayer is itself a form of exercise.

"If you observe closely 'namaz', which every Muslim is expected to perform five times a day, is itself a sort of yoga and plays an important role in keeping a person healthy," he said.

The debate over whether Muslims can perform yoga, started last year after Malaysia's top Islamic body, the National Fatwa Council, imposed a ban on it, saying that it combines elements of physical exercise and chanting of religious mantras.

Earlier this week, Indonesia's top Islamic body also passed an edict banning Muslims from practicing yoga citing concerns it would corrupt their faith.
'Namaz' itself form of yoga, says Deoband cleric-Delhi-Cities-The Times of India
'Namaz' itself form of yoga, says Deoband cleric-Delhi-Cities-The Times of India

Damn, when push comes to shove, it's not only Fazlu Munshi but also many of his types let it shove all the way. That day seems isn't too far from now when someone like Asad Madani would certify that quoran emerged from Baghavat Gita (Naujubillah).
I wanted to address the question "is there any religious significance to yoga."
To people who think they should do yoga just for the sake of exercise, I feel is like saying "pray namaz just because it's fard."
Unfortunately many Muslims do pray namaz just for show, or to fulfill a requirement for access to jannah. Before I confuse anyone, let me say that after learning the philosophy behind yoga, my namaz has become longer and longer and longer....because I finally realize the ultimate purpose of namaz....and yes, YOGA TAUGHT ME THAT!
First let me show you the similarities in surya namaskar and namaz (and also the medical reasons why staying in each pose is so important)
1. Tadasana--we open our heart, spine erect ready for the practice ahead.
1. Qiyyam-- we stand erect hands on our navel (an energy powerhouse btw), and with Allah u Akber, try to leave worldly thoughts behind.

2. Uttanasana-- spine is inverted, head close to knees, and in Uttanasana variation, spine is exactly parallel to floor, so the spinal fluids travel from the base to the brain.
2. Ruku-- spine is straight, parallel to floor, we stay here for 3, 9, or 11 tasbeehahs

3. Ardha sirsasana--Knees on floor, raising the tail bone, the forehead on the ground, weight pressing on the peneal gland (third eye) releasing seratonin that " affects the modulation of wake/sleep patterns and seasonal functions (wiki)". This pose is preparationg to Sirsasana, also known as King of Yoga poses.
3.Sajood--Knees on floor, raising the tail bone, forehead is laid to the ground, we stay here for 3, 7, or 11 tasbeehats.

4. Vajrasana--a sitting pose, sitting on heels, toes touching each other, knees together. Meditation is done in this pose along with utilizing several mudras (juxtaposition of fingers in hands)
4.Tassahud--sitting on heels, recite Attahayat, and at Asshaduanna Ilaha Il-Allah!" raising right fore finger.

Now on to the religious significance of yoga: According to Patanjali, yoga is a way to separate the Apparant, from the Reality. His words were further interpreted to "the world from the One Conscious Being or Supreme Being" that is Allah!

We are so immensly lucky that namaz gives us that opportunity to shut out our worldly throughts and think ONLY OF ALLAH! 5 TIMES A DAY! However, how many of us are so hung up on world to do that?

There IS a religious significance to yoga but it's not applicable only to hinduism. It applies to every.single.religion. There are so many rivayat about Prophet Muhammed (s.a.w) staying in sajood for so long that his wives would think he has passed away. He was only meditating, and in the process of meditation, often receiving wahi from Allah subhana watallah.

Did anyone ever wonder why we open our hands to face palms up when making dua? There are two extensions of the heart chakra (powerhouse) in our palms. So literally we're opening our heart to Allah, and showing Him our desires.

As for chanting Om--it is a rememberance of when the world was created from a speck of dust. You'd expect some sound to emanate from it. When you chant Om in congregation, you literally feel a vibration run through your body...the same feeling you get in a room full of students reading the Quran. My daughter sleeps to the sound of me repeating La Illaha Il-Allah over and over and over....and there is a vibration ...a humming that I feel and she can hear that lulls her to sleep.

And Allah knows best.
Who said Islam is the most scientific religion? thats according to the believer. For me the Vedic religion is the most scientific. Sanskrit is the mother of all Indo-european language, zero & decimal system is made by hindus as well as other inventions like chess, plastic surgery, dentistry.

"India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grand mother of tradition. Our most valuable and most astrictive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only!"

Mark Twain

"India was the mother of our race and Sanskrit the mother of Europe's languages. She was the mother of our philosophy, mother through the Arabs, of much of our mathematics, mother through Buddha, of the ideals embodied in Christianity, mother through village communities of self-government and democracy. Mother India is in many ways the mother of us all."

Will Durant
Damn, when push comes to shove, it's not only Fazlu Munshi but also many of his types let it shove all the way. That day seems isn't too far from now when someone like Asad Madani would certify that quoran emerged from Baghavat Gita (Naujubillah).

Dont rush. Indian media has a habit of twisting fatwas issued by Dar ul uloom.
After reading so many good posts i would also like to add one or two sentences out of my limited knowledge. Already Mr. Ashtangi has provided the most elaborate discourse on the connection of Namaz and Yoga for which i thank him, since i learnt a lot from it.

To those who think Yoga has no religious meaning you are true and to those who think Yoga has religious meaning you are also true !!!!!!!!!! Confused let me explain.

Religion i.e. Hinduism as known today is not what is the whole of it called Sanatana Dharma. You see in this Dharma as done by Islam or Christianity it is taught how to reach the supreme one. However over thousands of years people propounded various thoughts , of these the most famous are Advaita and Dwaita, one saying that the human being and the supreme being are different and the human has to do his Karma to get back to the one. The other says that the human being is the same as the supreme one as one cannot be existing without the other.

However both preach that to reach the one one has to perform good deeds along with prayer to the one.

In this case learned sages i.e. rishis found that people with ordinary lives (i mean not worhtwile ) but those who lead family life have lot of distractions around them which does not allow them to have full concentration while praying.

Infact this is even more evident now as any person of any faith can attest that as u pray u start to think of things like what dress wear, whats going to happen in school/college/office about girl friend etc etc. So what is the solution?? Hence they brought yoga to the people.

Firstly Yoga helps in building a strong body physically, the reason health is wealth. If u don't have a strong body u don't have a strong mind. You will be easy to give into tempations. Second as u advance through the spiritual world, slowly the chakras in u or the discs in u (there are a total of 12 chakras in a body located at various parts) start getting activated i.e. ur concetration levels increase manifold. This activation is not a science fiction but happens unknown to the being.You concentrate on the supreme one while all this happens. Slowly u become aloof to all worldly bindings even those like hunger, excretion etc. The top most and final i.e Sahasrara (which means a thousand petaled lotus and is preset above the head) which is not present in the body but above the head is activated u have achieved the final step where u can leave the body and reach the higher worlds. So Yoga is a way to reach the supreme one.

The word to be conentrated while meditating is OM the word from which this world is born of. The sound that existed at the begining according to our scriptures. So there is a lot more to yoga than just exercise.

The funniest thing was that one day i was doing vajrasana at my room and my friend Mr.Hassain commented what i was doing and i explained what it was. And he said that it was that way that namaj was done, this was some 3 yrs back and i realised how all the religions had commonalities.
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