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Apr 24, 2007
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Our great PM during his speech to the parliament on the OBL affair made the following 15 points of his governments policies;

MYTH; Pakistan is confident of its bright future.
REALITY; Not since the 71 Bangladesh’s War of Independence, the sovereignty of the country is under threat.

MYTH; Our real strength is our people, who are determined to overcome all challenges.
REALITY; Mr, PM, please don’t leave it up to the people again and again. For once, please do something, anything to build the confidence of this ‘determined nation’.

MYTH; We have a ongoing, multi-tracked process of engagement with all Major Powers, including the US.
REALITY; With the possible exception of China, all Major Powers take every opportunity to condemn, criticize, vilify and question our actions at all forums, bi-lateral or international.

MYTH; Our engagement with states within our region is being intensified in the interest of shared stability and prosperity.
REALITY; with the possible exception of China, not a single state or neighbor agrees with our set of interests and security preferences.

MYTH; Counter-Terrorism (CT) is a national priority.
REALITY; Mr, PM, please spell out our CT Policy. If you haven’t checked lately, we don’t have one.

MYTH; Al-Qaeda had declared war on Pakistan. OBL’s elimination from the scene, attests to the success of the anti-terror campaign.
REALITY; Mr, PM, the last time I checked, your government and your military did nothing towards the elimination of OBL.

MYTH; intelligence co-operation is critical for the attainment of the goals of anti-terrorism.
REALITY; selective intelligence co-operation is detrimental to the attainment of the goals of anti-terrorism.

MYTH; blame game serves no purpose.
REALITY; why does everyone blame us for everything on the face of this earth Mr, PM?

MYTH; an investigation into the matter has been ordered, which shall be conducted by the Adjutant-General of the Pakistan Army, Lt-Gen; Javed Iqbal.
REALITY; just like Agartala case, the assassination of Liaquat Ali Khan, Hamood-ur-Rehman Report, Kargil Inquiry and the assassination of Benazir Bhutto – all to be buried forever in the scrap heap of our history.

MYTH; our security policies are constantly reviewed to enhance defense capabilities.
REALITY; our security policies are India-centric only. Our military is built to defend the eastern border which was once the western border.

MYTH; there are no differences amongst the state institutions.
REALITY; there is only one state institution and it has no visible differences.

MYTH; co-operation in counter-terrorism warrants a partnership approach which fully accommodates Pakistan’s interests and respect for the clearly stipulated red lines.
REALITY; and what about the interests of the other parties? – our clearly stipulated red lines have been compromised since 1954.

MYTH; safeguarding and promotion of our national interests is the sole objective of the governments policies.
REALITY; indeed Mr, PM and look what a fine job we have been doing safeguarding and promoting our national interests. We are considered the Most Dangerous Country in the entire world!

MYTH; parliament is the right forum to discuss all important national issues. The will of the people shall prevail.
REALITY; indeed Mr, PM. Since when is the will of the people ever discussed in this august house called the parliament?

by Fatman
To your last point, reality, ISI at times involved in rigging elections. So, the parliament, NRO parliament, created by military, brokerage firm US, cannot solve problems.
Fighting OBL...What a joke--First, ISI has to decide which politician will become what--Then Kiyani has to promote his trusted buds, compromising merrit--
Ordering an inquiry is a specialty of both India and pakistan. Most definitely results wont come out:lol:

CT policy was a good one.:lol:
Excellent, Excellent ... I can repeat that word again and again ... brilliant analysis Mr Fatman17. Really we need more people like you in our country. :yahoo:

Constructive criticism is something we should try doing more often. This would only makes us understand where we stand and what needs to be done to get things moving in our country. You were bang on when you mentioned that there exists only one institution and that too is steeped in corruption, india centric mindset and other shady activities.

The need of the hour is to strengthen other institutions such as education, institutions serving the basic necessities of life. These institutions would then form the base on which we can build onwards.

We need to get our hand dirty, but why worry, this is our nation, isn't it .... :pakistan:
We have been hearing baseless statements from our democratic governemnts of late...when will we get a government that can differentitae between speeches made for elections and those made as PMs and Presidents of a country?
Where are all our brave, clever, knowledgeable, intelligent and articulate Generals of Pakistan army hiding? Not a single peep form ISPR that otherwise cannot keep its mouth shut. The incompetent and inexperieced civilian leadership is desperately trying to save what little can be saved now while the Generals have retreated into their DHA Bungalows. They will soon come out once the dust has settled, the civilian government will be put firmly in its real place and they will be doing again what they are good at, i.e. toppling the elected governments, rigging the elections, hanging the PMs and demanding few billions rupees more every few months to buy new shoes.
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