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My petty Aviation Art(Salvage)


Jun 4, 2011
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hi brothers,i am new here,my hobbies include drawing especially of aeroplanes,i wanted to join airforce as a teenager but by the time i reached college i found out i lacked disciplne,i was lazy to so i decided instead of wasting my and selection committee's time i shoud just call it a day.Since like drawing cartoons on my school textbooks i decided lets join an art College but they too throwed my out cause what i drawed on my entry test was something that dident made sense to them:bunny:

So basically i see planes in most pictures,like if its a picture of a car driving on a road i will see it as a an aeroplane flying:agree:
Most of my drawing are down in a free drawing software called GIMP and i usually draw over those pictures in which i see planes,ofcourse i do use reference pictures once the plane starts to take place...
I will now update my first work with little commentary of what i am doing and my technique:cheers:

1)i came across this picture its a crane so i decided to paint over it


2)since i saw a F-6 so i decided to make these imaginay red lines over it to bring out the frame


3)throwing some more white paint over it to bring out the body


4)now i will start blocking...blocking when you paint over the un-wanted materials in the pictures,i have also refined the body little bit
5)As you can see i painted over those two persons cause they werent required,i painted the rest of the person bodies,wanted him to wear a helmet and hold and ak-47 in one hand and a brief case...he is flying a diplomat of a friendly country and has to pass over occupied israel:cheers:

6)but then i thought the man looks like a gay since he works on a crane so i placed him over that flying saucer,,he could be an indian spy:agree:


7)then i decided to get rid of the crap so that the F-6 stands out in all its glory.i am now working on minute details so pls standby for the final update

MashAllah you are one talented brat !! :tup:
Keep up the good work and may Allah bless you with success :)

(P.S. I am a teenager crazy to join PAF as Aero Engg but wont be doing that :lol: )
Mustang i painted today...it looked modern in its time too like one of those planes that fly in redbull air-races

again on crane:agree:




back wheel is slightly oval :undecided: rotors not detailed but its final...correcting is not an issue but uploading again is:agree:
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