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Mustafa Kamal is launched by MQM it self.


Aug 24, 2015
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Season of conspiracy theories has started, and which nation in the world has more appetite for it then us Pakistanis.

So here is another one which crept into my mind and there are solid reasons for it to be true.

Due to Altaf hussain's health conditions the minus altaf formula seems to be reality in another 6 to 8 months.

This hippopotamus due to his illness will die his own death and there is no need to make him siasi shaheeed.

So what will happen once altaf is dead, why is he not nominating any one at this time for MQM leadership.

The reason is that he has lost faith in each and every one in MQM.

He and his cronies in London have no idea who is with them and who is not.

The only grip Atlaf and London has is on the Indian and south African setup of target killers.

Activities of this setup are very well taken care and curtailed by rangers and army.

Now comes a very interesting point.

As famously quoted by Chohaan once that MQM has two factions,

One target killers and then other who come and try to calm things as pain killers.

Pain killers are going to join Mustafa, qaimkhani and ishrat in leading MQM out of the mess.

They will not create any party, its just that they are building a momentum for the next 6 to 8 months.

MQM's Karachi establishment ( pain killers ) have decided to get rid of London's control over MQM.

If you notice Mustafa didn't name any one other then altaf,

Even after repeated insistence by some anchor's he didn't criticized a single pain killer.

As this all is setup by the MQM it self from within.

Now once they will take over MQM they will ask for NRO type thing for all the target killers as hinted by kamal yesterday.

By only targeting Altaf all the blame will be put on him like Raw, killings, bhatta and all other MQM dirty work

All others involved with him in all these crimes are to be bailed out on the pretext of reconciliation and mending MQM.

This will give breathing space to pain killers as target killers will be forced to think of abandoning the setup.

In the end it will be another NRO to set free those who killed hundred and thousands of people in Karachi.

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MQM has always 2 factions, One is hyderabadi group and another is Karachi group.

Hyderabadi group led by Anees Qaimkhani always wanted Mustafa Kamal led party after alfaf but they lost patience after altaf became aware of their antics.

The Karachi group contain old so called "Naraziyati Sathi" want Amir Khan to take his place.

And the recent developments shows that Hyderabadi group has lost its patience and was not willing to wait for Altaf demise.

However, crucial times coming up for Karachi ... may ALLAH save us from them.
MQM has always 2 factions, One is hyderabadi group and another is Karachi group.

Hyderabadi group led by Anees Qaimkhani always wanted Mustafa Kamal led party after alfaf but they lost patience after altaf became aware of their antics.

The Karachi group contain old so called "Naraziyati Sathi" want Amir Khan to take his place.

And the recent developments shows that Hyderabadi group has lost its patience and was not willing to wait for Altaf demise.

However, crucial times coming up for Karachi ... may ALLAH save us from them.
Sir they came out right time Altaf is grievously sick and mentally incapable now and bed ridden 24/7...Because of Altaf MQM is no more popular even hardcore MQM workers trying to left the party so the cleverly design to give new birth to it...If i am wrong and they are telling truth then it will be a repeat drama of 90s ...once more Karachi will become battle ground...

How dare you disrespect Altaf Bhai :lol:


The only grip Atlaf and London has is on the Indian and south African setup of target killers.

He is innocent........... he has no blood in his hands.............. don't believe? look your self :D


On serious note

Pretty strong theory ..................... make sense
What I noted in Mustafa Kamal Speeh and later situation is

1: He blamed Rehman Malik only and gave advantage of doubt to Asif Ali Zardari and Yousaf Raza Gilani. Rehman Malik can't take any such risky step without permission of high leadership of PPP. Mustafa Kamal knows he cannot take on MQM and PPP at the same time. SO he tried to keep them away as per now.

2: He tried to win trust of Urdu speaking community, saying things like
''they are good people, turned into wrong one due to one person''
''they are brainwashed, infact they are as patriotic as other Pakistanis are''
''give them chance, forgive them. so they will turn into good citizens''
etc etc............. also he became pretty emotional at that time.............. if it was a stunt to win hearts of Urdu speaking community. then it was good enough. He is trying to drag people away from Altaf grip.

3: He is still giving chance to MQM leaders and requesting Altaf Hussain to do ''TOBA'' ............. a person of such criminial life don't deserve to set free based upon only ''TOBA''

4: He is black mailing other MQM leadership............ he didn't mention any name..........nor their crime........... he is waiting for them to do mistakes......... Farooq Sittar and Rizwan Akhtar etc will sure come up against MUstafa Kamal and at that time he will reveal their secrets........ or atleast will give them threats in the form of hints. He want to divide Rabita Committee.

5: MQM is ONE MAN PARTY, just like PTI ............... you take down Altaf, you take down MQM. ''Some one'' want to take advantage of MQM work force and voters........... So by simply knocking out Altaf Hussain and replacing his seat can give ''some one'' a chance to take active role in politics as well as get rid of criminal activities of MQM............ now make guess who take ''some one'' can be.

6: Altaf Hussian is sure, sick, also his mind is not working properly. But for MQM voters he is completely fine and will continue to lead them to their rights. If Altaf dies, he will make some of his loyal servant as next chair man of MQM before his death , some one who can do political work, social work,criminal activities and hello hi with India. Mustafa Kamal don't qualify for this criteria. If he gets lucky enough, he will manage to divide Urdu speaking community into two. And slowly engulf other voters of MQM also............ but it is time taking process and will kill MQM in a slow and effective way. Mustafa Kamal if play his cards properly............ he can appear as a ''leader'' of youth just like Imran Khan. He knows he cannot waste himself by restricting to urdu speaking community only. He also cannot take ''risk'' of becoming next chairman of MQM. Any dumb head who don't have understanding of internal politics will knock him out, accusing him responsible for Altaf death. (accusing like MK hurt AH emotionally which lead AH to death)

So I don't belive that Mustafa Kamal is MQM card.................. its card of ''some one'' else. who want to knock out Altaf Hussian and use MQM work force............... doing operation and killing him directly in court or on road will result in armed backlash from MQM workers, which we cannot afford. So the best way is the Soft Kill................ disheart MQM voters and workers from Altaf.............. if possible use Rabita Committee against Altaf ........... it will work............ game is on Mustafa Kamal who is indeed not operating all alone .................
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Sir they came out right time Altaf is grievously sick and mentally incapable now and bed ridden 24/7...Because of Altaf MQM is no more popular even hardcore MQM workers trying to left the party so the cleverly design to give new birth to it...If i am wrong and they are telling truth then it will be a repeat drama of 90s ...once more Karachi will become battle ground...

you get it wrong :(

If you teach people and 2 generations for 30 years that "Manzil Nahin Rehnuma Chahiye", are you expecting that they are going to leave Altaf just like that ??? they are still defending him.

I must say they are fools but most loyal to their leader even if he is mentally retard.

Karachi will not became battle ground since rangers has a very strong grip of the city right now but we might lost a great administrator Mustafa Kamal.
MQM has always 2 factions, One is hyderabadi group and another is Karachi group.

Hyderabadi group led by Anees Qaimkhani always wanted Mustafa Kamal led party after alfaf but they lost patience after altaf became aware of their antics.

The Karachi group contain old so called "Naraziyati Sathi" want Amir Khan to take his place.

And the recent developments shows that Hyderabadi group has lost its patience and was not willing to wait for Altaf demise.

However, crucial times coming up for Karachi ... may ALLAH save us from them.
Hyderabadi group is very likely to come under the banner of Mustafa Kamal ................ they can become competitors or even dissolve the other MQM faction.......... because the criminal wing is mostly housed and managed close to 91 sector.
No, there were rumors before Mustafa Kamal disappeared that MQM has forced to sideline him due to his popularity. Altaf Hussain has the habit of removing workers once they become more popular than him.

exactly. there are hundred of example in MQM.

Hyderabadi group is very likely to come under the banner of Mustafa Kamal ................ they can become competitors or even dissolve the other MQM faction.......... because the criminal wing is mostly housed and managed close to 91 sector.

It already is. Most of the guys in hyderabadi group are loyal with Anees.

but the shock for me was Hammad Siddiqui because He was not knows as a close aide of Mustafa Kamal or Anees but he has his own group. it simply mean that in coming weeks you will the herds of leadership run towards Mustafa but I doubt about workers.
Well this could be the setup as well. Though there are different pictures yet portrayed in this issue.

Indeed Mustfa Kamal and his Co. were involved in dirty business of MQM so they know what is happening in there. While being part of the same setup in past, there were no such confession but defend etc. Mustafa Kamal return along with Anees Qaimkhani also hints about conspiracy theory within itself.

Two type of pictures are yet could be drawn with this sudden appearance.

There is no doubt that most within MQM are now thinking about the chairmanship of party as Alataf Hussain is ill and his health condition is not well nor suitable the rest, ALLAH knows. However, there are almost many groups wihtin MQM itself, formed long ago due to the affiliation with different within leaders from Farooq Sattar to Haider Abbas Rizvi and from Babar Ghouri to Mustafa Kamal and Anees Qaimkhani. This is very true that within MQM, there are many operative groups reporting to their respective command in chain for political activities to target killings, extortion etc. It is also to remember that MQM is founder of ethnic and sectarian killings in Karachi and whenever the one issue was cracked down the other raised like ethnic and sectarian or vice versa. Mustafa Kamal and many others are part of the same organization and most of them are not that innocent and angels like they act indeed though may be it is the voice from inside, the conscious that forced Mustafa Kamal & Aneed Qaimkhani to stand against such setup and for the same reason, there are people that already praising and supporting these duo since their return.

While on other hand, Anees Qaimkhani is already mentioned in JIT report of Baldia Factory incident that claimed 159 lives only for extortion. Mustafa Kamal and Anees Qaimkhani are not angels nor that innocent that they are portraying themselves or the few are trying to do so though there confessions will indeed help further to reveal the evil agenda of MQM but it does not imply the formula to let them go without any question or fine. Everyone of us noted that Mustafa Kamal emphasis were Altaf Hussain alone and not the MQM nor anyone else which clearly indicates that he & Co. are here once again to revoke the jurisdiction of once reconciliation that had damaged enough in past with thanks to Mushy. Law does not permit that whoever killed thousands of lives will be forgiven just like that.

Mustafa Kamal and Anees Qaimkhani are here so it is wise to include them as evidence/witnesses for the dirty work of MQM and Altaf Hussain. These are the faces that have been supporting the same evil agenda in past and have been part of those crimes as well. More likely it looks like taking advantage of sympathy card and availing the timing. The timing is key here as on one hand Altaf Hussain is not healthy and most probably couldn't lead the party and on other hand as there are many inside groups so the few are ready to take advantage yet the same game has claimed many lives like Azeem Tariq, Imran Farooq etc.

Also, it is to keep in view that there were some reports/rumors that Altaf Hussain has obtained the Passport and CNIC and was almost ready to come back to Karachi which was nothing other than to become a siyasi shaheed and an attempt to gather more people and street power that MQM has started to lose since near past and the same would have been like a headache to cure yet a card has been played and the return of Altaf Hussain has been almost over ruled. IMO.

So these are the possible scenarios like Mustafa Kamal & Co. are returned for political gain only and does not mean about good thing to do for Pakistan or Karachi but act like innocent and attain the people's power to once again join the office.

In other scenario, it could be like he & Co. are confessing for the crimes but this scenario weighs less as his target seems to be Altaf Hussain alone yet indicating that others/MQM should not be questioned at all and they will take over a running setup.

or he & Co. are here to counter the threat of return of Altaf Hussain before it is too late to stop him at bay and looks like possibility as well.

IMO, whatever the scenario is, agencies knows the most about MQM including Mustafa Kamal & Anees Qaimkhani so we should not forget the same and justice must be served. No matter what he & co. are saying or there hidden intention is, bring them in start the process with more authenticity and based upon no compromise. If they are clean without any conspiracy or the dialogue like IN THE BEST INTEREST OF DEMOCRACY so will be released and people will indeed welcome them with open arms for betterment of this city and country. These accomplices are not innocent nor angels so the deep scrutiny and investigation should be done before giving any sort of clean chit that we have witnessed in past and the country is still suffering due the same as well.

Pakistan Zindabad
مصطفےٰ کمال ۔ فوجی اعزاز کیساتھ واپسی
آپ بے شک ہمیں ’را ‘ کا ایجنٹ کہہ لیجئے لیکن ہم یہ بات کبھی تسلیم نہیں کریں گے کہ مصطفےٰ کمال پورے فوجی اعزاز کے ساتھ وطن واپس آئے ہیں ۔ جس طرح ممتاز قادری نے اپنی مرضی اور اپنی خواہش پر موت کا راستہ اختیار کیا اور اب اس کے حامی بلا وجہ اس کی عظیم شہادت کا رتبہ زائل کرنے کے لئے اس کی پھانسی پراحتجاج کر رہے ہیں بالکل اسی طرح مصطفےٰ کمال بھی اپنی مرضی سے اپنے ضمیر کی آواز پر لبیک کہتے ہوئے الطاف بھائی سے الگ ہوئے اور تین سال کی سوچ بچار کے بعد انہوںنے گزشتہ روز کراچی میں دھواں دھار پریس کانفرنس کر ڈالی اور اب کم فہم لوگ اس میں سے خاکی رنگ تلاش کر رہے ہیں۔ آپ جو مرضی سوچیںلیکن حقیقت تو یہی ہے کہ حقیقت اور حقیقی اب کچھ بھی نہیں ۔ سب کچھ غیر حقیقی اور غیر مرئی انداز میں ہو رہا ہے ۔ ضمیر کا کیا ہے یہ تو بیس برس بعد بھی جاگ سکتا ہے ۔ ہم جانتے بھی ہیں اور مانتے بھی ہیں کہ مسصطفےٰ کمال بیس سال تک الطاف بھائی کے پیاروں میں شامل رہے ۔ اس دوران عظیم طارق سمیتایم کیو ایم کے کئی رہنماﺅں اور کارکنوں کو قتل بھی کیا گیا ۔ لیکن اس وقت حالات کا تقاضا یہی تھا کہ ملک کے وسیع تر مفاد میں خاموشی اختیار کی جائے ۔ مصطفےٰ کمال کو چونکہ ملکی مفاد عزیز تھا اس لئے وہ چپ رہے ۔ کراچی کی سڑکوں پر جب بھی خون کی ہولی کھیلی جاتی تھی مصطفےٰ کمال خون کے گھونٹ بھر کے خاموش ہو جاتے تھے ۔ انہوں نے اپنی تمام تر توجہ کراچی کی ترقی پر مرکوز رکھی کراچی کی لہو رنگ سڑکیں دیکھ کر کبھی ان کا ضمیر جاگتا بھی تھا تو وہ شہر قائد کے میئر کی حیثیت فوری طور پر ان سڑکوں کو دھلوا دیتے تھے اور سوچتے تھے کہ خون کے دھبے دھلیں گے کتنی برساتوں کے بعد ۔ لیکن دوستو ضبط کی بھی تو ایک حد ہوتی ہے ۔ الطاف حسین شہر میں بھتہ وصول کرتے رہے مصطفےٰ کمال خاموش رہے ۔ الطاف بھائی نشے میں دھت ہو کر کارکنوں اور پارٹی لیڈروں کو بے عزت کرتے رہے مصطفےٰ کمال ہر گز نہ بولے ۔ بھارتی خفیہ ایجنسی ’را‘ کی جانب سے فنڈز آئے لیکن کشتہ ستم کی غیرت دھنیا پی کر سوئی رہی ۔ پھر ایک روزالطاف بھائی نے حسب معمول نشے میں دھت ہو کر ٹیلی فونک خطاب کیا اور اس میں پاک فوج کے جرنیلوں کو بھی برا بھلا کہہ دیا۔ یہی وہ لمحہ تھا جب کراچی کے فرزند نے ایک خواب دیکھا ۔خواب میں ایک مردِ کاملنے مصطفےٰ کمال کے ہاتھوں میں سبز ہلالی پرچم تھما دیا اور کہا اس ملک کو رکھنا مرے بچے سنبھال کے ۔ یہی وہ لمحہ تھا جس نے مصطفےٰ کمال کی دنیا ہی بدل ڈالی ۔ لوگ جو بھی کہیں لیکن ہم تو اسی بات پر یقین رکھتے ہیں کہ مصطفےٰ کمال نے ایک محب وطن پاکستانی کی حیثیت سے اپنے ضمیر کی آواز پر کہا ہے ۔ آپ نے ان کے ہاتھ میں جو پاکستانی پرچم دیکھا وہی اس بات کی گواہی دیتا ہے کہ انہوں نے یہ فیصلہ اپنے ضمیر کی آواز پر کیا ہے ۔ یہ سبز ہلالی پرچم ہی تو ہمارے ضمیر کی آواز ہے اور یہی اس بات کی گواہی دیتا ہے کہ ہوا کا رخ کس جانب ہے ۔ یہ پرچم ہمیں عمران خان کے سٹیج پر بھی نظر آتا تھا اور یہی پرچم پورے فوجی اعزاز کے ساتھ شہدا کی میتوں پر بھی ڈالا جاتا ہے ۔
مصطفےٰ کمال ۔۔ پورے فوجی اعزاز کے ساتھ واپسی؟ - ہم سب
مصطفےٰ کمال ۔ فوجی اعزاز کیساتھ واپسی
آپ بے شک ہمیں ’را ‘ کا ایجنٹ کہہ لیجئے لیکن ہم یہ بات کبھی تسلیم نہیں کریں گے کہ مصطفےٰ کمال پورے فوجی اعزاز کے ساتھ وطن واپس آئے ہیں ۔ جس طرح ممتاز قادری نے اپنی مرضی اور اپنی خواہش پر موت کا راستہ اختیار کیا اور اب اس کے حامی بلا وجہ اس کی عظیم شہادت کا رتبہ زائل کرنے کے لئے اس کی پھانسی پراحتجاج کر رہے ہیں بالکل اسی طرح مصطفےٰ کمال بھی اپنی مرضی سے اپنے ضمیر کی آواز پر لبیک کہتے ہوئے الطاف بھائی سے الگ ہوئے اور تین سال کی سوچ بچار کے بعد انہوںنے گزشتہ روز کراچی میں دھواں دھار پریس کانفرنس کر ڈالی اور اب کم فہم لوگ اس میں سے خاکی رنگ تلاش کر رہے ہیں۔ آپ جو مرضی سوچیںلیکن حقیقت تو یہی ہے کہ حقیقت اور حقیقی اب کچھ بھی نہیں ۔ سب کچھ غیر حقیقی اور غیر مرئی انداز میں ہو رہا ہے ۔ ضمیر کا کیا ہے یہ تو بیس برس بعد بھی جاگ سکتا ہے ۔ ہم جانتے بھی ہیں اور مانتے بھی ہیں کہ مسصطفےٰ کمال بیس سال تک الطاف بھائی کے پیاروں میں شامل رہے ۔ اس دوران عظیم طارق سمیتایم کیو ایم کے کئی رہنماﺅں اور کارکنوں کو قتل بھی کیا گیا ۔ لیکن اس وقت حالات کا تقاضا یہی تھا کہ ملک کے وسیع تر مفاد میں خاموشی اختیار کی جائے ۔ مصطفےٰ کمال کو چونکہ ملکی مفاد عزیز تھا اس لئے وہ چپ رہے ۔ کراچی کی سڑکوں پر جب بھی خون کی ہولی کھیلی جاتی تھی مصطفےٰ کمال خون کے گھونٹ بھر کے خاموش ہو جاتے تھے ۔ انہوں نے اپنی تمام تر توجہ کراچی کی ترقی پر مرکوز رکھی کراچی کی لہو رنگ سڑکیں دیکھ کر کبھی ان کا ضمیر جاگتا بھی تھا تو وہ شہر قائد کے میئر کی حیثیت فوری طور پر ان سڑکوں کو دھلوا دیتے تھے اور سوچتے تھے کہ خون کے دھبے دھلیں گے کتنی برساتوں کے بعد ۔ لیکن دوستو ضبط کی بھی تو ایک حد ہوتی ہے ۔ الطاف حسین شہر میں بھتہ وصول کرتے رہے مصطفےٰ کمال خاموش رہے ۔ الطاف بھائی نشے میں دھت ہو کر کارکنوں اور پارٹی لیڈروں کو بے عزت کرتے رہے مصطفےٰ کمال ہر گز نہ بولے ۔ بھارتی خفیہ ایجنسی ’را‘ کی جانب سے فنڈز آئے لیکن کشتہ ستم کی غیرت دھنیا پی کر سوئی رہی ۔ پھر ایک روزالطاف بھائی نے حسب معمول نشے میں دھت ہو کر ٹیلی فونک خطاب کیا اور اس میں پاک فوج کے جرنیلوں کو بھی برا بھلا کہہ دیا۔ یہی وہ لمحہ تھا جب کراچی کے فرزند نے ایک خواب دیکھا ۔خواب میں ایک مردِ کاملنے مصطفےٰ کمال کے ہاتھوں میں سبز ہلالی پرچم تھما دیا اور کہا اس ملک کو رکھنا مرے بچے سنبھال کے ۔ یہی وہ لمحہ تھا جس نے مصطفےٰ کمال کی دنیا ہی بدل ڈالی ۔ لوگ جو بھی کہیں لیکن ہم تو اسی بات پر یقین رکھتے ہیں کہ مصطفےٰ کمال نے ایک محب وطن پاکستانی کی حیثیت سے اپنے ضمیر کی آواز پر کہا ہے ۔ آپ نے ان کے ہاتھ میں جو پاکستانی پرچم دیکھا وہی اس بات کی گواہی دیتا ہے کہ انہوں نے یہ فیصلہ اپنے ضمیر کی آواز پر کیا ہے ۔ یہ سبز ہلالی پرچم ہی تو ہمارے ضمیر کی آواز ہے اور یہی اس بات کی گواہی دیتا ہے کہ ہوا کا رخ کس جانب ہے ۔ یہ پرچم ہمیں عمران خان کے سٹیج پر بھی نظر آتا تھا اور یہی پرچم پورے فوجی اعزاز کے ساتھ شہدا کی میتوں پر بھی ڈالا جاتا ہے ۔
مصطفےٰ کمال ۔۔ پورے فوجی اعزاز کے ساتھ واپسی؟ - ہم سب

I think its always better to be ISI agent then RAW .... nahi ?
So if its plan of MQM, I find no difference in Altaf and MK. Both were and in one case are involved in target killing, incident like Baldia, the famous bori & parchi. @The Eagle & others, so what do you guys think MQM supporters are being fooled in hands of the top members of MQM or they are smart enough to understand all the games? I fear the peace in Karachi in both cases.
By the way, I heard agencies are backing MK. I don't have much information about so can't say anything.
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