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Muslim of China


Dec 29, 2009
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1300years ago, Islam went into China, there are 20million muslim in China now, about 1.5% of whole population of China, this thread is to introduce the condition and news about the muslim in China(and other minority nationality )

two province of China is Islam area, Ningxia and Xinjiang

Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region

Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region is an autonomous region of the People's Republic of China,
Capital(and largest city) Yinchuan
Chairman:Wang Zhengwei( Hui, holds a doctorate in ethnic economics, Born in 1957)

Area : 66,000 km2 (25,000 sq mi)
Population (2010):- Density 6.3 million, 89.1 /km2 (231 /sq mi)
GDP (2011) CNY 206.0 billion (US$ 32.7 billion)
per capita :CNY 26,860(US$ 3,968)
Ethnic composition:
Han: 61% (3.8 million)
Hui: 35% (2.22 million, 1/5 of Hui of China, 10million Hui in China, 8million in other provinces of China)
other 33 ethnics: 4% (0.25 million)
number of universities: 13
Airports: five
National Highways: six
National Rail: two
Number of Mosque:3760, 500 Muslim/one Mosque
Churchs of Buddhism, Taoism, Catholicism and Protestantism:200
Imam: 10000
The big mosques, the silver Kawaminami Guan Mosque (built in 1915), Wing Ning Na household mosque (built in 1524), Tongxin Mosque (built in 1573).and, Buddhism temple: Cheng Tian temple (built in 1055)
number of generals in China:15
Hui clothing




Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region
شىنجاڭ ئۇيغۇر ئاپتونوم رايونى

Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region is an autonomous region of the People's Republic of China,
Capital(and largest city) Ürümqi
Chairman:Nur Bekri (نۇر بەكرى , He is of Uyghur ethnicity,born August 1961 in Bole, Xinjiang)

Area : 1,660,001 km2
Population (2010):- Density 21 million
GDP (2011)
CNY 657.5 billion
US$ 101.7 billion
per capita :
CNY 29,924
US$ 4,633
Ethnic composition:
Uyghur – 45%(9.45million)
Han – 41%(8.6million)
Kazakh – 7%
Hui – 5%

number of universities: 18
Airports: 22

Number of Mosque:24300, 400 Muslim/one Mosque
Hetian mosque


my own opinion

general Chinese welcome all the Religions, there are Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, Taoism and so on in China
about 100 million followers of religions, bcs we think the doctrines of most religions is to encourage people to perform good deeds and kindness, no religion encourage people to do bad thing or kill someone;

general Chinese don't care about other's religion, another interesting thing: one may be a follower of Buddhism but become a follower of Christianity several years later, he may change his religion to find one more suited to him.

and general Chinese give honor to all the religions images, there may be Taoist God of Wealth statue,Jesus portrait and Buddha in one family, Bible and the Koran stay together; Chinese will pray when we go to a church ,temple, Mosque or even Ancient Egyptian temple ruins and give honor to their statues, even he is a follower of another religon ; So we(including Chinese Catholics) are confused by Catholic and Christian, why they dislike each other?? Why followers of different religions dislike each other?? In China , Taoist priest and Monk often work together and travel together.

the reason why little number of Chinese being a Muslim, Islam has not a concrete image, as pics of Cross of Christ ,Buddha, and many gods Statue of Taoism. If Islam has a pic or statue of Mohammed in Mosque will be better. And Islam should improve with the time, Islam should be a system but not only one Koran, should have more interpretation and innovation; Buddhism and Christianity improved themselves many times ,and have more new life; no one understanding suilts all the time

more, my mother and my grandmother are Christian, but they only take the Worship as a party, they sing the song, read story in the Bible,chating and rehearse life drama program for show of the Spring Festival,this make them happy, and mothers don't care about Pope and cardinals, bcs there aren't them in Bible, belive Jesus is enough why listen to one named Pope, and they only choose the story which they think are right in Bible and don't belive all the things in Bible. I don't care about which religion my mother prefer to, she is happy and have relax when take part in the pray and I am happy

MY english teacher in middle school is a Hui muslim, here has a town of Hui in YUtai county Shandong province , we like him, three of my University teachers are Koreaner, we have 56 ethnics, my own experience,
Muslim Restaurant everywhere, all over the country, if you search "清真餐厅" means "Muslim Restaurant" in google, you will find 4,210,000 result Chinese sites ; if you search "中国清真寺" means "mosque of China" in google,you will find 4,190,000 Chinese sites

In Xinjiang, there are 9.4million muslims, 2000 mosques in 1978, but 24300 mosques now,about 400muslims/mosque
In Ningxia, there are 2.1million muslims, 3760mosques now, about 550muslims/mosque

20 million muslims in China, but the second largest number of mosques in world(more than 30000,about 40000),(first is Indonesia, 200million muslims and even 28478 only in East Java of Indonesia in 1992 )

the number of mosque in Xinjiang 6 times bigger than school
Xinjiang and Ningxia are the largest density for mosque all over the word

Iran 60million muslims, 5400 mosques , 11000muslims/mosque
Egypt 43million muslims, 17000 mosques, 2500muslims/mosque
Tunisia 7millionmuslims, only 650 mosques, 10770muslims/mosque
about 1000muslims/mosque in Middle east

So, I think that it's a waste to build new mosque in Xinjiang now, more schools are better, the best building in vallige is mosque but not school, in other place of China the best building is school; and Mosques compete for the follows now, and one or more crime related with mosque or nere mosque among 24300mosques is normal
related thread

Islam Flourishes in China's Ningxia Region
YINCHAUN, Ningxia - Islam in China is flourishing, with official statistics counting more than 20 million Chinese Muslims. But, as with all religions in China, the state continues to maintain close watch over Islamic activities.

Northwest China's Ningxia is the country's only provincial-level autonomous region for the country's most numerous Muslims, the Hui.

Ningxia's Na Jia Hu is more than 500 years old and one of China's oldest surviving mosques. Villager Na, who is 74 years old, says he remembers when Red Guards tried to tear it down during the Cultural Revolution in the 1960's and 1970's, when Muslims were persecuted, not allowed to worship and some even driven to suicide.

"Old people resisted, and this mosque also had been turned into a copper factory, so they [the Red Guards] could not destroy it," said one worshipper.

Na is one of China's 10-million Huis, descendants of Arab and Persian Silk Road traders who stayed and intermarried. He says life for Chinese Muslims has improved tremendously in recent decades.

"Ever since reform and opening, things have been very good -- so good I cannot even say it in words," said Na.

Huis make up China's largest Muslim population. They are seen as better integrated into Chinese society than the Uighurs in Xinjiang, who speak a different language. But Lu Zhiming, who heads the mosque's management committee, says he thinks it is essential for the Chinese government to manage all of the country's Muslims.

"These past few years, after the huge changes that happened in the Muslim world, our country has enforced a 'management according to law' system, so that we do not have problems in our areas such as not being united or harmonious," said Lu.

The government maintains 10 state-run Muslim colleges throughout China and has allowed the emergence of non-governmental Islamic institutes too. Chinese Muslim scholar Ma Ping, director of Ningxia's Hui and Islam Institute, says the government has a standard criterion to manage imams and Islamic students.

"If you want to get a permit to become an imam, you need certification from the government. After you have that, you can go to a mosque and be an imam," said Ma.

Ma stresses that Huis are largely peaceable, despite a recent incident in which Hui villagers clashed with Ningxia authorities who tore down their newly-built mosque. He says the reason in that case was straightforward - the villagers did not have a government permit, and so their mosque was deemed illegal.
Islam Flourishes in China's Ningxia Region

China and its little-known Muslim history

A lecturer at London's School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), Mr Lane, whose speciality is medieval Iran, first came to China in the mid 1980s. But it was only 10 years ago, when he began to study the role Persians played in the city of Hangzhou near Shanghai, that he started to realise the historic importance of Muslims in the world's most populous nation.

"I was surprised how many mosques there were. I never thought of China as an Islamic country, but they're everywhere. Yet they have a low profile," he said.

The role of Islam in China, as well as China's relations with Muslim countries, is the subject of a two-day conference in the capital, "China and the Muslim World: Cultural Encounters".

The event, organised by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Istanbul's Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture, began yesterday with scholars from China, the Muslim world and other regions in attendance.

A key theme is the historical ties between the Islamic world and China. The first Muslims arrived in the seventh century and today there are about 20 million Muslims living in China. About 95 per cent of the counties and most major cities in China have Muslim populations, said Jacqueline Armijo, an associate professor in the department of international affairs at Qatar University. Most are descendants of Muslims who settled there during the Yuan Dynasty, which lasted from 1271 to 1368.

"China and the Muslim world engaged in productive relations over a long period. They were the dominant players in global trade. It's only the last 200 years the West experienced success in global trade," said Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, the secretary general of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, in an opening speech.

"That was only due to the work of the Eastern world, that is to say the Muslim world and China, and the harnessing of colonial lands."

Through interactions with the Muslim world, technologies developed in China, such as the printing press, spread to Europe, noted Mr Ihsanoglu.

Tensions between China and its Muslim populations have been evident in the past, and still flare.

Gao Zhangfu, a professor with the Chinese Association of Islam, said that in the Ming Dynasty, which ran from 1368 to 1644, "the government adopted this policy of discrimination against ethnic minorities", forcing them to speak Chinese.

These days, the western Xinjiang province, a homeland of Muslim Uighurs, is among the most restive parts of the country. Rioting broke out in July 2009 and there has been continued violence, although tensions largely stem from nationalist sentiment rather than religion. Nonetheless, it illustrates that China does not have good relations with all of its Muslim minorities.

What participants at the conference emphasised, however, is that China, with established ties to the Muslim world and its own significant Muslim population, does not view the Muslim world as a threat.

"China has always been very cognisant of the fact it has long-standing relations with the Middle East," said Ms Armijo.

"They have always maintained good relations with the Arab countries, and [while] there are angles on how cynical they've been about using this [Chinese] Muslim population, in general they don't have that fear."

In the 20th century there have been tensions though. Gulf states were, said Ms Armijo, relatively late to establish diplomatic relations with communist China, which was formed in 1949.

Mahmoud Ghafouri, a political science professor in Iran, wrote in a Middle East Policy Council essay that until the more pragmatic Deng Xiaoping took control of China in the late 1970s, relations with the Middle East were "paralysed" by China's rigid Marxist ideology.

The modern-day growth in trade between China and the Arab world, increasing from US$36.4 billion (Dh133.7bn) in 2004 to $145.4bn in 2010 and seen as a revival of the Silk Road that linked the regions, offers opportunities for many Chinese Muslims.For example, some of the Hue minority Muslims who have studied Arabic are now securing jobs as translators for Arab traders active in China, Ms Armijo said. In Ningxia, a central region with a major Hue population, Arabic courses tailored for work in business or tourism are being offered.

"There's now tremendous interest in studying Arabic for commercial reasons," Ms Armijo said.

China and its little-known Muslim history - The National
really only 20 million ? i thought it was around 35-40 million
mashallah, i didnt know some years ago that china had other province than xinjiang as muslim majority, china is a beautiful unrealised diverse country

Inshallah on day I am gonna visit China and go to these provinces.
It's one of my life goals.

Halal Chinese food? Yes please :smitten:

TBH we cant eat non spicy chinese food :sick: well atleast i tried and failed
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