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Muslim Military Tradition....What happened?


Sep 14, 2010
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United States
O.K lets analyze...What happened to the Muslim military tradition? Muslim militaries were once the strongest in the world....even Crusaders (Western Militaries) were no match to the Muslim Forces...Even at Antioch (1st Crusade),Yaghi-Siyan almost annihilated the large Crusader Army until one of his own soldier turn out to be a traitor and opened the gate which allowed the crusaders to take the city.Till,mid 16th/17th century,Ottoman Empire was the strongest military power in the world...But then after 1800s etc,it all vanished.

What happened? Muslim World has shown almost NO talents in modern (complex) warfare.Arab wars with Israel were more than disastrous.Lack of modern training and inability to deploy modern weapons were clear from Arab side...Arab artillery once even bombed its own advancing infantry (as they lack basic mathematical skills) :rolleyes:..Pakistan,as compared to Arabs,performed exceptionally well (against India).

Today,we can not see any modern military in Muslim World..The advantage of the WEST is overwhelming.No Muslim military can face any good Western military in pure conventional mode..

So what happened? Where did we went wrong? Is there any hope of comeback (Not necessarily a fight but atleast a credible deterrence against Western Militaries)? Paradox is that we cannot fight/Deter Western Militaries without using Western Military technology ...So what is the practical way forward?
we lack behind modern education and lack of leadership's vision !
only a return to islam can provide an awakening to our ummah. A return to the quran and sunnah are needed
It is said that when the Expedition by the Caliph Umar was at the gates of Jerusalem..
The clergy and leadership of that city was involved in a hectic debate.. on the length of the sword of Gabriel...and other petty matters.
And its leaders and defenders were busy elsewhere.
While it may or may not be true..
today's Muslim clergy is doing the same..
When your prowess as a Muslim is judged not by your understanding of your religion..and your accomplishments in science to understands god's marvels... and rather by the length of your beard..and how arabic sounding your accent is.. or delusional ideas of a Khilafat based on shoddy foundations..
Then expect to be .. in the most polite of terms possible.. arse kicked by everyone east and west of the suez.
Today's "Muslim" nations have formidable armies as well.. an they did in 67 and in 73.. it was lacklustre leadership..
and a culture of either complete abandon of religion.. or misled mechanical following of the religion.. that led to those defeats.
And worst of all.. not judging a man by his prowess in the field.. rather than his subservience.. as it is today.. that leads to the certain defeat of Armies from Muslim majority nations.

Just bowing down 5 times a day.. like robot... and not reaching out and understanding the world.. and not striving for professional excellence.
Is the cause of not just the decline of the military power.. but overall influence of Muslims in the world.
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