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Muslim Malaysian astronaut Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor praying in space

This is the height of idiocy of you Indians. Who asked you to barge in to this thread uninvited? What have Indians contributed to space science or technology? Which Indian went to space on his own national space launch vehicle? Name them. Don't take everyone as one of your illiterate countrymen who would believe every fairytale story of gau-mutra as panacea for all ills and 'skinny-dipping' in polluted Ganges as source of 'eternal life' or whatever other tripe your "Nanga Sadhus" may conjure up from time to time.

What have Indians contributed to space programs? How about we start off with start off with number zero, decimal systems and trigonometry(Trikonmiti) and astrology? :)

1) True no Hindu country has ever launched human beings to space yet, because there is no Hindu country in the world. Nepal used to be till 2008 but even Nepal is socialist now. :)

2) Yes true. but Hindu (Rakesh Sharma, 3 April 1984) has been in space long before first Muslim (Sultan al-Saud, 17 June 1985) would go in space. In fact India was the first country to send Non-Christian in space since you want to get all religious.

By the way, I don't think any country apart from Russia/America and China has sent a man in space. Other countries just send their men on this rockets.

Although what he said, could have been said in better way but true. No Muslim country apart from Iran has even launched a satellite on their own forget about astronauts. You guys need to stop looking everything from religious goggles. :)
We muslims dont feel ourselves attacked by these hindustanian cow worshippers. They just show their own dark side with this. Nothing more nothing less =)
haha... kashmir is in india. i can g how i want in india ... the ladies of your house will be more than happy to remove their burqas if the males were not around. they dont have a choice. no wonder americans hate muslims. if you cant learn american culture why go there.

its unislamic to pray infront of an audience.

Your a stupid bharti I've been America my whole life I know of its culture better than some dumb **** like you. Nah the woman of my house are modest and don't mind wearing burqas regardless of who is around. Perhaps though you should worry about your own house I'm guessing the woman of your home like running around nude so you are just assuming the rest of the world must be the same. News flash bharti just because the woman of your family are a bunch of two bit ****** doesn't mean the rest of the world will follow suit. All Americans hate Muslims? Great now you are the spokesperson for America do you have a source that says 100% of Americans hate Muslims??? As for your last comment I don't see why you would have a problem with people going to America without knowing their culture what are you being forced to sponsor all immigrants??? If that is the case than yeah you should have a problem if not than your just taking sht out of your *** again no surprise there. I'm willing to bet your family would jump at the chance to come here don't worry then your woman can really be free we have a couple of pimps here who would be happy to teach them about American culture.
haha... kashmir is in india. i can g how i want in india ... the ladies of your house will be more than happy to remove their burqas if the males were not around. they dont have a choice. no wonder americans hate muslims. if you cant learn american culture why go there.

its unislamic to pray infront of an audience.

so now you are an Islamic Scholar?
Leave this stuff for the actual scholars of Islam.
Internet Hindus like you have no say in the matter.
haha... kashmir is in india. i can g how i want in india ... the ladies of your house will be more than happy to remove their burqas if the males were not around. they dont have a choice. no wonder americans hate muslims. if you cant learn american culture why go there.

its unislamic to pray infront of an audience.

How about you leave Islam to Muslims idiot.
These indians are really shameless. SO much ignorance , arrogance and venom they spout and start derailing threads. Such
shameless attention seeking beggars. Majority of the indians here , barring a few are like that.

@On topic: Good achievement I guess but economically rich muslim countries should cumulatively start a manned space programme. OIC can work as a base for something like that. And countries like Indoneshia, PAK and turkey should have an active ambitious space programme, off course after they get economically very developed and rich and have lots of cash to spare. If turkey becomes the top ten economies by 2030/2040 they should start a manned space programme jointly with other muslim countries.
lol what a stupidity...

I haven't seen a Christian,or Hindu or buddhist go to space and beleive these kind of god fairy tales...it's purely scientific and should be kept away from religious delusions

All these Christian,Hindu and Buddhist countries can build space components and can launch space vehicles..

Really these Malaysians are worth to got to space??what have they built??not even a space rocket..

If you take religion into consideration,then muslims don't deserve to be in space,while not even a single muslim country can launch a satellite without the help of other non-muslim countires..

This is a the height of foolishness a of Malaysians

Members like these make me embarrassed as an Indian .Idiot
I know Muslims must always face Kaaba while praying -- in a spaceship that is going at the speed of tens of thousands of km per hour how would he be continually facing the Kaaba during the entire duration of his prayer ?

Malaysians are a progressive people.

Malaysian religious laws are a whole lot stricter than even Pakistan's. Just saying.
Mashallah May Allah bless him and the muslim ummah

He is not the hero of just Malaysia but the whole muslim world.

Indians as usually dont contribute anything useful just bunch of trollers

This is what happens to an Indian when he hears about muslims:--


and then we say:--

whats the fuzz about this, one man is doing what he believes in a space station and there is nothing great about it.
There are over 1000's of 1000's of muslims praying in the planet each and every day. I don't know what God is going to give this guy a special ticket to heaven as he is praying in space..

and this is of no big importance as far as his purpose in space is concerned.

Good for him that he is a active practitionaer of his religion, but he would have never thought that his act would be taken emotionaly rather than inspirationally
whats the fuzz about this, one man is doing what he believes in a space station and there is nothing great about it.
There are over 1000's of 1000's of muslims praying in the planet each and every day. I don't know what God is going to give this guy a special ticket to heaven as he is praying in space..

and this is of no big importance as far as his purpose in space is concerned.

Good for him that he is a active practitionaer of his religion, but he would have never thought that his act would be taken emotionaly rather than inspirationally

He does what every muslim does but i dont understand the hindustanians here that throw up their hate.
He does what every muslim does but i dont understand the hindustanians here that throw up their hate.
thats what i am to saying man, he is doing what every other Muslim is doing, but why are you people making a headlines out of it.
Note - I have not hate towards any one. I just reason logically with my ownself to understand why men are divided over petty things like religion
:lol: Stop fighting and insulting each other over petty affair..

As a matter of fact, people don't stop using restrooms in space as that's a body need and is important and so can be a person's belief system..

A serious question, what will happen if one is on flight to Mars and the journey time/distance/difficulties are not known? Is one going to be rigid then too?
thats what i am to saying man, he is doing what every other Muslim is doing, but why are you people making a headlines out of it.
Note - I have not hate towards any one. I just reason logically with my ownself to understand why men are divided over petty things like religion

Dude what are you flipping this is not street fighter on sega 16 bit just relax mister Ken.. Its just something cool to see a muslim praying in space because of the floating effect. And its a honor for us to see a muslim brother in such high state in terms of being a astronaut.
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