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Muslim League oppose Krishna’s statements on Israel

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If Mamata Didi plays her cards correctly, Commies in WB will be history. As far as Kerala is concerned if no miracle happens we will elect Commies again in the coming election :lol:

Commies can be history in West Bengal, like we have made Congress a history in Bihar. You are true I have seen total disillusionment among Bengalis for Communist but still see lots of Communist follower among Keralites. They are in the weakest position now, if they will be wiped of West Bengal, we will get rid of their stupid licence Raj Mentality forever. Many Bengalis resent about what communist did to India's once largest city.
India has no issues with Israel , by having antagonistic relations with israel its not like we are going to help Palestinians in anyway.
even muslim country like Pak wants to get closer to Israel....look at recent statement by Mushy...India wants to maintain good relationship with all countries, may its Israel-Palestine, Iran-US or Iran-Saudi.....

except Pak and China, we dont have any threat...this is my own peception

Its was his personal opinion, majority pakistanis do not like it?
Its was his personal opinion, majority pakistanis do not like it?
similarly- majority of Indians support Krishna's statement. Muslim League may have their personal opinion opposing it.
We need israel what we dont need is idiots like this guy.....its time he packs up his bag and moves to pakistan....i sincerely ask the gov. of india to offer him a free air ticket for the journey .
We need israel what we dont need is idiots like this guy.....its time he packs up his bag and moves to pakistan....i sincerely ask the gov. of india to offer him a free air ticket for the journey .

In India people keep different opinions, as is their right. You don't have to agree with them, as I do not agree with this case. But having a different opinion is no reason to punish them.

I do hope you said that in anger and did not mean that.
why the hell Muslim League is still in india...didnt they got what they asked for.."free pakistan":angry:

Are you asking why Muslims are still in india?!!
i pity u bro.

Because,They are our Brothers.
Because,They have the same colour of blood that you have.
Because,We live in a Democratic country.
Because,everyone has freedom to express their opinion..
Because,They wr brought up by our mother india
Because,They may like their motherland more than you.
Because,They are also humans.
wrong thread self delete
guess, Pak has more severe issues than Palestine....So, for rest of the world, dont mind but Pakistan is a big issue, if you dont believe pls ignore my post...

for me not pakistan but pak's nuclear arsenal is more worst issue.
Muslim league is a political entity, and they have right to hold their opinion.
Shiv Sena and BJP seem to claim they are voice of hindus, and talk all crazy stuff, so why not muslim league.
I heard once G M Banatwala( muslim league) speaking in parliament, he seemed quite reasonable old chap( now dead).
And Israel is favourite vote gathering tool I guess, if I wanted muslim votes, I will also say something like israel is sh*t.
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