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Muslim League oppose Krishna’s statements on Israel

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Dec 22, 2011
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Indian Union Muslim League (IUML) has taken a strong exception to the statement of union foreign affairs minister SM Krishna during his recent visit to Israel in which he described Israel and India as natural allies.
In a press statement, IUML chief Prof Basir Ahmed Khan said that Krishna described Israel and India as natural allies and said that both the countries were facing international terrorism. This, he said, is travesty of justice because what Israel was facing is an struggle of Palestinians to free their own country from the illegal occupation of Israel. Such a situation cannot be equated with terrorism, he added.
Khan has also expressed his displeasure at the timing of the Israel visit by foreign minister because today mosques are being burnt and Israeli forces are torturing the Palestinian youth. He also expressed concern over the foreign policy of UPA government, which he said was indifferent to the religious sensitivities of Indian Muslims. He also said that inviting Salman Rushdie to a function at Jaipur and playing host to Taslima Nasreen have also hurt the Muslims.

Muslim League oppose Krishna’s statements on Israel - The Times of India

why the hell Muslim League is still in india...didnt they got what they asked for.."free pakistan":angry:
How many seats does Muslim Leaque won in Last general elections.

Khatmal hai.
Someone should tell this jackass
There's still a Muslim league there??
How Muslim "leagues" are there in this world?? :confused:
There's still a Muslim league there??
How Muslim "leagues" are there in this world?? :confused:
-there is only one in India 'Indian Union Muslim League, the successor to the All India Muslim League in the state of Kerala, India'
others are in Pakistan
-Muslim League (Pakistan), the original successor to the All India Muslim League in Pakistan from 1947−1958
-Pakistan Muslim League (F), the political party whose chief is Pir Pagara
-Pakistan Muslim League (J), the political party formed in 1985 in the name of former Pakistani Prime Minister Muhammad Khan Junejo (merged with PML-Q in 2004)
-Pakistan Muslim League (N), the political party led by former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif
-Pakistan Muslim League (Q), the political party formed in 2001 by supporters of former Pakistani President Gen. Pervez Musharraf
-Pakistan Muslim League (Z) - the political party supporting the late Pakistani President Zia-ul-Haq, led by Muhammad Ijaz-ul-Haq
-Awami Muslim League Pakistan, founded in 2008 by Sheikh Rashid Ahmad after differences with PML-Q
-Pakistan Muslim League (Jinnah), founded in 1995 by Manzoor Wattoo after anees malik with Hamid Chattha (merged with PML-Q in 2004)
-All Pakistan Muslim League (APML), founded in 2010 by former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf and supporters breaking away from PML-Q
-Convention Muslim League, a political party created in 1962 to support the regime of Pakistani President Gen. Muhammad Ayub Khan
-Council Muslim League, a party created by political leaders who opposed Gen. Ayub Khan
-Muslim League (Qayyum), a party created by Khan Abdul Qayyum Khan when he split with the Council Muslim League to run for the 1970 general elections.
-there is only one in India 'Indian Union Muslim League, the successor to the All India Muslim League in the state of Kerala, India'
others are in Pakistan
-Muslim League (Pakistan), the original successor to the All India Muslim League in Pakistan from 1947−1958
-Pakistan Muslim League (F), the political party whose chief is Pir Pagara
-Pakistan Muslim League (J), the political party formed in 1985 in the name of former Pakistani Prime Minister Muhammad Khan Junejo (merged with PML-Q in 2004)
-Pakistan Muslim League (N), the political party led by former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif
-Pakistan Muslim League (Q), the political party formed in 2001 by supporters of former Pakistani President Gen. Pervez Musharraf
-Pakistan Muslim League (Z) - the political party supporting the late Pakistani President Zia-ul-Haq, led by Muhammad Ijaz-ul-Haq
-Awami Muslim League Pakistan, founded in 2008 by Sheikh Rashid Ahmad after differences with PML-Q
-Pakistan Muslim League (Jinnah), founded in 1995 by Manzoor Wattoo after anees malik with Hamid Chattha (merged with PML-Q in 2004)
-All Pakistan Muslim League (APML), founded in 2010 by former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf and supporters breaking away from PML-Q
-Convention Muslim League, a political party created in 1962 to support the regime of Pakistani President Gen. Muhammad Ayub Khan
-Council Muslim League, a party created by political leaders who opposed Gen. Ayub Khan
-Muslim League (Qayyum), a party created by Khan Abdul Qayyum Khan when he split with the Council Muslim League to run for the 1970 general elections.

Apparently there are more all over the world.
How many seats does Muslim Leaque won in Last general elections.

Khatmal hai.
fakular congressi are running an alliance with Indian Union Muslim League (IUML) in Kerala...no doubt these politicians are $wine$ of a kind
Did any news channel telecasted on the TV ??
If not, then its bye bye to this news..
Elections are near....we'll hear more such noises...just ignore 'em !!
Of course India and Isreal are natural allies
Both have genocidal agendas for their Muslim population.

Whats with the verbal vomit mate? The only genocide in this part of the world was carried out by pakistan in 1971 and the other that comes close was during the direct action heady days of you pious souls.

There's nothing in India that calls for genocide of muslims, their numbers and population percentage keep growing and they are 100% part of India, hence there is a muslim league even today and they have the freedom to say what they please.
They are like other political parties in India...all had their agendas If they leave their main agenda behind they`ll vanish..
& that not good for them... every party has bad things in them so is ML.
Did any news channel telecasted on the TV ??
If not, then its bye bye to this news..
why would our news channel telecast it on TV
they got other important stuffs to cover like dine and wine of RAHUL GANDHI with DALITS

and yeah its coming from TOI so its better to check the authenticity of this news
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