First of all people haven't read the entire High court judgment. Under Indian law, minor marraiges cannot be legally annulled unless the partners themselves request it until they attain the age of 18. This applies to ALL. A Hindu minor, Sikh minor e.t.c. all will have their marriage upheld even if they are minor. There are infact similar cases where the Supreme court has upheld the validity of the marriage of Hindu minor as well.
On the other hand, it is a criminal offence to facilitate or encourage a marriage of a minor. So in this case for example, the Muslim priest who solemenised the marraige and other who facilitated it can be charged under criminal offence. But under the legal viewpoin,
the marraige can't be annulled unless the minor couple wants it to. This is across ALL communities in India, Hindus, Muslims Sikhs e.t.c.
Just to clarify again, CRIMINAL law is the same for all. There are differences in CIVIL laws. But even when it comes to validit of marraige for minors, that is STILL THE SAME FOR ALL. Including Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs e.t.c.
The media has just picked up the Muslim personal law part of the judgment and has not reported the entire judment correctly. The judgement extending the validity of the marriage doesn't really have anything to do with the Muslim Personal law itself.
An example of
Hindu minor couple whose marriage was upheld by the same court. NO MINORITY appeasement happening here
Marriage of minor couple valid, rules Delhi HC - Economic Times
Listen to law professor Mehmood in this NDTV debate where he points out the legal aspects, skip the other participants if you don't have time cause the dont' add much to the debate
Different marriage age for Muslim girls?
Ofcourse, there are need for law reforms, particularly around divorce. But the minor couples marraige is an issue that AFFECTS ALL communities. At present, it doesn't matter if you are a Muslim or a Hindu or Sikh. A minor couple marraige cannot be annulled without consent of the partners. Its a law that applies to all communities