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Muslim Block.

Yasir Altaf


New Recruit

Apr 20, 2014
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United Kingdom
In past few years we have seen security situation in many muslims countries deteriorated.
Countries like Pakistan , Syria, Afghanistan,Egypt are facing hostile situation.
Many experts and think tanks blame US for all this.
It is generally believed that US is working on a new world map project and destabilizing muslim countries one by one.
Middle Eatern Countries Syria and Egypt have openly Accused US behind the anarchy situation.
Pakistan and Iran are next in line.
On the other hand muslims leaders are still indulged in sectarian and ethinic issues. Shia sunni problem.

Now its time to get united or no one will survive.
Look at EU.
They are safe because they are united.
Why cannot we get united.
Muslims are fighting among themselves.
This is what America wants.
We all Muslims inclding Pak , Iran S Arab, Syria, Egypt , UAE should get unite and nobody will dare to attack.

( its my first post)
For unity we need awareness for awareness we need litracy ,litracy we dont have.
Totally agree with you .
Pakistan though has a lesser chance of being invaded because we are a nuclear power. Thats the reason USA was asking for control over the nuclear plants in pakistan but we stood firm
And yes USA is most certainly working on a new map Back in 2010 i saw what pakistan will be looking like in the coming years. Guessing the work has started. It looked a little like this.


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Insha Allah enemy of Pakistan will never be able to invade Pakistan.
Our strategic assests are assurance of our safety and sovereignty.
But i wish to see in my lifetimw a strong muslim block.
Muslim unity will never be built on hopeless and stupid paranoia that the USA is against Islam or Muslim majority countries. IT'S NOT. The USA is FOR individual freedom and constitutional, republican, democracy. End of story.
It is not a dream, its inevitable if we are to survive as a people.

Trying to form a full scale 'union' will be impossible at this stage for a number of factors play against it. The best option is to have 'small blocks' formed by regional Muslim powers with fellow Muslim states through economic/military cooperation agreements. They don't need to be 'unions'.

  • Turkey with C.Asian Turkic states and Baltic states like Bosnia, Kosovo, Albania and Turkish Cyprus.
  • Pakistan with Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Maldives
  • Iran with Iraq, Lebanon.
  • Arab league with GCC, Yemen, lead by Saudi Arabia
  • Egypt and Algeria with N.African Muslim states all the way to Somalia.
  • Indonesia with Malaysia, Brunei etc
6 blocks should adopt a strategic framework of cooperation in economics, trade and military. This arrangement will work much better than trying to achieve a 'single union', which has been tried and failed before.

Muslim unity will never be built on hopeless and stupid paranoia that the USA is against Islam or Muslim majority countries. IT'S NOT. The USA is FOR individual freedom and constitutional, republican, democracy. End of story.

Muslims are not paranoid about the US, nor do we hate the American people. This is nothing but republican propaganda.
Making such small blocks won, t make any significant effect.
At least a block/Union should be strong enough to defend any invasion situation.
Yes muslim countries at the same time should increse economic ties.
increase trade among them.
It is not possible because we hate each others. We are followers, and followers can't be leaders.
Saudi Arab has realised now that they are the next target in middle East so they are seeking help from Pakistan Army.
Saudi Arab has realised now that they are the next target in middle East so they are seeking help from Pakistan Army.
Mere Masoom bhai it's over they came to pakistan just to put pressure on US. Now they have agreed on syria because Saudis wanted to send arms there and they were after Americans endorsement . They don't need pakistan anymore. Btw any follow up on deals b/w pakistan saudia.?:tdown: Just take 1.5 arbs as gift and be happy with it.
S Arab came To Pak to put preasure on US?
That is some funny point.
US has nothing to lose in S Arab.
They have established their bases there.
Now S Arab has to accept whatever they want tbem to do.
Saudi Leaders have been sitting and having fun considering US their trusted partner but now things are getting changed.
Saudis theartened Americans to withdraw trillion of their dollars deposited in American banks.
America in response gave them warning to get ready for something bad.
All Saudi leaders want is the safety of their King Family.
But things are but too late for them now
S Arab came To Pak to put preasure on US?
That is some funny point.
US has nothing to lose in S Arab.
They have established their bases there.
Now S Arab has to accept whatever they want tbem to do.
Saudi Leaders have been sitting and having fun considering US their trusted partner but now things are getting changed.
Saudis theartened Americans to withdraw trillion of their dollars deposited in American banks.
America in response gave them warning to get ready for something bad.
All Saudi leaders want is the safety of their King Family.
But things are but too late for them now
Any reports about your claims? .any news about threat or Saudis investment going out of USA.? What I said is based on news reports and assumption but a bit close to reality. What you are saying is a straight hawai fire still based on assumption but not close to reality. And you think pakistan can save them? One side you are saying us has nothing to lose and On other side you are saying Saudis warned them to withdraw trillions. That is funny.
1st we need to make them realize of this: United we stand, divided we fall

For this we need them to get rid off their sensitivity to differences and trying to become the next Prophet! I mean seriously the way some drill in their thinking is as though they are the prophet come to do that when all a prophet's job was to deliver a message....why are the followers trying to become something even the prophets werent (imposing laws and thoughts) ?!
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