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Muslim appeasement | Modi Govt to repair riot damaged Mosques

How is it that every time we cross paths you are found to be absent comprehension? If a succinct post will not suffice then I shall elucidate for your benefit.

That is because Comprehension requires intelligence.:D

The test consists of 15 subtests, which are grouped into the four area scores. Not all subtests are administered to each age group; but six subtests are administered to all age levels. These subtests are: Vocabulary, Comprehension, Pattern Analysis, Quantitative, Bead Memory, and Memory for Sentences. The number of tests administered and general test difficulty is adjusted based on the test taker's age and performance on the sub-test that measures word knowledge. The subtest measuring word knowledge is given to all test takers and is the first subtest administered.

Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale - children, functioning, adults, examples, person, used, score, skills, Definition
All Gujrati Shias are supporting Modi... Gujrat has many Shia. When Sunni started killing Bohras(Shia) came to Gujrat and settle there.

30% of Gujrati Muslims have voted for Modi .. 100% shia and few Sunni voted for Modi in Gujrat..
You have got 12 years already to distort the facts and you will have many more years to rewrite the history. Like somebody said history is written by the rulers so they can distort and present the way they want.

But the fact remains when Hindus started killing Muslims and that were hundreds and hundreds of Muslims being slaughtered in the street of Gujarat and the bollywood media of India was busy showing action movie on their channel and when we all were feeling like crying for the sorry state of Muslims and when Muslims followed the same path of militant Hindus to defend themselves or seek revenge... Here you already manipulated the history.

I am yet to see a Muslim face to face who was ever supportive of MODI. The whole of London is filled with Indian Gujarati Muslims population and they love their motherland India but would come to eat you alive if you were to defend Terrorist MODI. Of course BJP is a Hindu nationalist party by root and the people of Gujarat don't need Muslims support to choose their CM. They will take him as CM/PM since the Muslims are still in minority.
Yeh badhiya hai... Na karo toh kehte nain jki karte nahi... aur kar do toh kehte hain ki kyun kiya...

Heads I win ... tails you lose.

nah its heads I win and tail even then I win

see Congress karay to wo sickular had modi karay to budhay ko secular hona par raha ha seat k liye.
Indians particularly supporters of Modi and other hard line Hindu groups invented this word Sickluar for Indian Secularism so your definition about lack of understanding must be directed at Indians not me.

:) well the surprising thing is that Modi abuse Congress as Muslim appeasers and call then names and now he is practicing the same.

So either he should accept his criticism of Congress viz a viz Muslim appeasement is uncalled for or he is a hypocrite

Repairing Masjids is not appeasement,what congress does is appeasement.
You have got 12 years already to distort the facts and you will have many more years to rewrite the history. Like somebody said history is written by the rulers so they can distort and present the way they want.

But the fact remains when Hindus started killing Muslims and that were hundreds and hundreds of Muslims being slaughtered in the street of Gujarat and the bollywood media of India was busy showing action movie on their channel and when we all were feeling like crying for the sorry state of Muslims and when Muslims followed the same path of militant Hindus to defend themselves or seek revenge... Here you already manipulated the history.

I am yet to see a Muslim face to face who was ever supportive of MODI. The whole of London is filled with Indian Gujarati Muslims population and they love their motherland India but would come to eat you alive if you were to defend Terrorist MODI. Of course BJP is a Hindu nationalist party by root and the people of Gujarat don't need Muslims support to choose their CM. They will take him as CM/PM since the Muslims are still in minority.

There are fissures within muslim community also.

Mostly it is Ahemadis and shia's who support BJP. Shia-Sunni riots are commonplace in UP. I remember there was one when Saddam Hussein was hanged.
:) same applies to Congress policies.

:))) So how Congress giving incentives to Muslims become appeasing "Muslim terrorists". And Modi appeasing Muslims is not the otherway round?

You need to understand things much more in detail before writing.

Please google for Shah Bano case.

You have got 12 years already to distort the facts and you will have many more years to rewrite the history. Like somebody said history is written by the rulers so they can distort and present the way they want.

But the fact remains when Hindus started killing Muslims and that were hundreds and hundreds of Muslims being slaughtered in the street of Gujarat and the bollywood media of India was busy showing action movie on their channel and when we all were feeling like crying for the sorry state of Muslims and when Muslims followed the same path of militant Hindus to defend themselves or seek revenge... Here you already manipulated the history.

I am yet to see a Muslim face to face who was ever supportive of MODI. The whole of London is filled with Indian Gujarati Muslims population and they love their motherland India but would come to eat you alive if you were to defend Terrorist MODI. Of course BJP is a Hindu nationalist party by root and the people of Gujarat don't need Muslims support to choose their CM. They will take him as CM/PM since the Muslims are still in minority.

Please google Madhu Kishwar and dont quote London Gujrati Muslims who are unaware of the reality.
Same applies to Hindu Terrorists and Hindu terror? Isnt it?? :)

And when was the last time Congress was unwilling to call those Muslims who are involved and proven guilty of terrorism? (wrong or rightly proven is another thing which we are not even discussing it.

The most funny thing in your definition of usage of the term "Islamic terrorism" IS that you want Congress to label entire Muslim population of India as terrorist community. Sorry generalization is NOT calling spade a spade but in your case its just Hindu appeasement.

On the other hand when same congress claim presence of HINDU TERRORISM then you also call it Muslim appeasement despite the fact that there are Hindu terrorists who had been charged over such charges.

Draconian laws have NO place in civilized world may be you find once again a place for it during extremists' rule in India.

And how did Hardline Hindus have margnalised them with their ability which is lacking in congress??

Ahhh would you apply the same on Known painter Mr. Hussain? I don't think so you will . You are deliberately saying insulting Islam and Islamic texts by so-called academicians must be allowed but at the same time you will burn to hell if same ones abuse Hinduism in the same manner or for that matter Muslim scholars/authors do the same to Hinduism.

Congress is playing smart avoiding any clashes good thing.

Mr. Modi and Co had defied such orders in the past so timing of his willingness to follow these now indeed much have to do with elections.

Well, now we know that comprehension indeed seems to be the issue here. Perhaps you need to revisit the post. I specifically stated that the "strain " of violent extremism present within the community needs to be correctly termed as Islamic terror, that does not equal clamoring for the whole Muslim community to be labelled as terrorists. If you must indulge in an association fallacy then at least be more eloquent about it.

There have been clear examples of violent extremism in the Hindu community such as the members of Abhinav Bharat- who happen to be incarcerated at the moment unlike the mujahids who run amok all over Islamabad. Before you throw a spanner let us be clear that there is a marked difference between divisive leaders, rioters, bigots, leaders of internationally proscribed terrorist organisations and non-uniformed armed proxies in legally and semantically apt terms. We are well versed in dealing with any armed and extremist organisation which takes up arms against the state and wages war against the state- hopefully you will grasp the legal context here. Extremism of any and all kinds is unacceptable. No god, no prophet, no avatar and no saint is above the constitution of this land. The laws and tenets of these gods must either bow before the constitution or be rendered null and void.

Authors, artists, musicians, scientists and academics of all sorts must remain outside the ambit of religious rules and tenets. Neither Krishna nor Muhammad are more important than artistic expression and human progress. On that my stand has always been absolutely clear.

POTA and TADA are draconian according to whom, not our courts nor according to most of the members of the parliament. That is the only criterion that is relevant, not the sentiments of people who have no legal background or expertise.
Please google Madhu Kishwar and dont quote London Gujrati Muslims who are unaware of the reality.

Many of them escaped from India to seek refuge in UK. They got visas easily as the UK already acknowledged the massacre taken place in India. Go to forest gate in London... Speak to any Gujarati and you will not need to Google after hearing the stories of eye witnesses.
Fact check:

Gujrat has 9% muslims with maximum concentration of 21% in bharuch.

I am talking about the composition of Muslim votes that came online.

Not about the total population of Gujarat of a particular community.

Got the difference?

Many of them escaped from India to seek refuge in UK. They got visas easily as the UK already acknowledged the massacre taken place in India. Go to forest gate in London... Speak to any Gujarati and you will not need to Google after hearing the stories of eye witnesses.

No problem.

Those who ran away should have first asked why were they targeted? The answer was the burning down of the train and years of riots in Gujarat under Congress government.

Those who ran away, are better off outside India because they will not want to be a part of India's development but always talk about religion that too which is not of this land.
He has to do please muslims. Because muslims never vote in name of develmpent, economy or national interest. They vote always in religion interest.

I have worked as AAP volunteer. And leave some case, almost every muslim asked humare logo ka kya kaam karega. Etc type stuffs


Thanks for highlighting the communal and isolationist attitude of muslim community who vote as a community rather than as individual countrymen.

They want special religious favours and appeasement like how UP is doing and how Nitish is yapping in Bihar.

They don't want development, progress and peaceful living with good jobs and a good family life.

And when I or any other community's Indian asks them why they are like this, we get a response that we are communal, we hate them, we are against them, we want them to remain 'oppressed' among other such false victimizations.
Technically a state is indeed not responsible for repairing religious structures but if the damage is on a large scale where it becomes impossible for individuals or organisations to do the work alone then the state should intervene, flexibility in exigent circumstances is called for. But then cooperation from WAKF would be appreciated given the exemptions given to them.

LOL .....by that same logic Indian govt. should help rebuild 10,000 or more temples that were destroyed in India for the last 1000 years. ...... or does your 'secular' views extend only to mosques broken 10 years back ? :azn:

This is most certainly a minority appeasement tactic worked under the shadow of the court ....... but the most likely target seems to be 'secular' Hindus and maybe a small segment of muslims and large part of Non Hindu voters.
There are fissures within muslim community also.

Mostly it is Ahemadis and shia's who support BJP. Shia-Sunni riots are commonplace in UP. I remember there was one when Saddam Hussein was hanged.

That's because these sections of Muslim society want to progress and forget the old animosity while their aggressive co-religionists want to create problems and continue arabization.
No problem.

Those who ran away should have first asked why were they targeted? The answer was the burning down of the train and years of riots in Gujarat under Congress government.

Those who ran away, are better off outside India because they will not want to be a part of India's development but always talk about religion that too which is not of this land.
Of course when one of your two children's are dead and you are we escaped from a close shot and you never know if tomorrow you might be killed... He should continue the chant of jai midi and jai Gujarat and wait for his death. Whomsoever found the way to escape... They did
LOL .....by that same logic Indian govt. should help rebuild 10,000 or more temples that were destroyed in India for the last 1000 years. ...... or does your 'secular' views extend only to mosques broken 10 years back ? :azn:

This is most certainly a minority appeasement tactic worked under the shadow of the court ....... but the most likely target seems to be 'secular' Hindus and maybe a small segment of muslims and large part of Non Hindu voters.

I don't think he's a secoolar mate.

What Modi is doing is more or less a token. Nothing wrong after the kind of work he has done in his state and brought it forward to such levels of prosperity and peace.

He gives concessions, but never bows before Islamic bullying.

A good gesture is welcome but it should not be the stepladder to suppressing the silent majority.

Of course when one of your two children's are dead and you are we escaped from a close shot and you never know if tomorrow you might be killed... He should continue the chant of jai midi and jai Gujarat and wait for his death. Whomsoever found the way to escape... They did

Well they should think about it before shouting allahu Akbar and running amok with swords and torches,
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