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Musharraf Era was best in 63-year history of Pakistan: Dr. Salman Shah

Actually Ayubs time was the best in our collective history, Musharraf is a very close second.

During Ayubs time, Pakistan was the most progressive and least corrupt nation in Asia. It was respected by the west and admired by our neighbours for its achievements.

Even Zia's period had good economic progress but his doctrine destroyed our nation.
About Musharrafs era :
Pakistan’s economy grew by 100% — to become $ 160 billion
Revenue grew by 100% — to become $ 11.4 billion
Per Capita income grew by 100% — to become $ 925
Foreign Reserves grew by 500% — to become $ 17 billion
Exports grew by 100% — to become $ 18.5 billion
Textile exports grew by 100% — to become $ 11.2 billion
Karachi Stock Exchange grew by 500% — to become $ 75 billion
Foreign Direct Investment grew by 500% — to become $ 8.4 billion
Annual Debt servicing decreased by 35% — to become 26%
Poverty decreased by 10% — to become 24%
Literacy ratio grew by 10% — to become 54%
Public development Funds grew by 100% — to become Rs 520 billion

About corruption during his era :
When Musharraf came to power in 1999, he claimed that the corruption in the government bureaucracy would be cleaned up.[81]

In 2001, according to a survey conducted by Transparency International, Pakistan was ranked as the world's 11th most corrupt nation. However, by 2002 Pakistan's rating had improved 13 places within the year, to be ranked 24th.[82] By 2007, Pakistan was ranked 138th out of 179 countries, placing it as the 41st most corrupt country in 2007.[83] Overall, under Musharraf's regime, Pakistan's rating improved by 30 places.

Women's right :
The National Assembly voted in favor of the “Women's Protection Bill” on 15 November 2006 and the Senate approved it on 23 November 2006. President General Pervez Musharraf signed into law the “Women's Protection Bill”, on 1 December 2006. The bill places rape laws under the penal code and allegedly does away with harsh conditions that previously required victims to produce four male witnesses and exposed the victims to prosecution for adultery, if they were unable to prove the crime.[61] However, the Women's Protection bill has been criticized heavily by many for paying continued lip service and failing to address the actual problem by its' roots: repealing the Hudood Ordinance. In this context, Musharraf has also been criticized by women and human rights activists for not following up his words by action.[62][63][64] The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) said that "The so-called Women's Protection Bill is a farcical attempt at making Hudood Ordinances palatable" outlining the issues of the bill and the continued impact on women.[65]

His government increased reserved seats for women in assemblies, to increase women's representation and make their presence more effective. Compared with 1988 seats in the National Assembly were increased from 20 to 60. In provincial assemblies 128 seats were reserved for women. This situation has brought out increase participation of women for 1988 and 2008 elections.[66]

I think that after Jinnah and Liaqat Ali Khan, he is the best politican on seat for Pakistan !!

(Taken from WikiPedia)
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For all his achievements, real as well as imagined, Musharraf was a military dictator, pure and simple.

That fact should not be forgotten.

All these stories are just to facilitate his return to politics.

Right now he is meeting all sorts of people in the US to ensure his backing by the right quarters when the time comes.
For all his achievements, real as well as imagined, Musharraf was a military dictator, pure and simple.

That fact should not be forgotten.

All these stories are just to facilitate his return to politics.

Right now he is meeting all sorts of people in the US to ensure his backing by the right quarters when the time comes.

Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was also a dictator. Yet we all know what he turned Iran into during the white revolution and how a step was taken back after his demise.
Musharraf era was was of cooking up accounts books and shortcut buy Mr.Shortcut Aziz.
Musharraf admires Ataturk, so that could be a good starting point. :D

Didn't he receive some military training in Turkey?
Call him any name you want to, Musharraf brought you that freedom

muse you are very right! He has given too much to pakistan and ignoring him is not fair to the country! He took control of Pakistan in worst condition then current times and he turned the table around to 180 o so why not support him now when he can do what he did before! Reason we felt his last moment as bad is because we were too used to of comfort and progress and definatly we felt uncomfortable but now that he is gone we realize the reality and his last words that Pakistan need me as much as i need pakistan for 5 years! Long live Pakistan and long live Musharraf..... Call him anything just as you said brother lol but as you and me can agree that he was the best!:pakistan::usflag::china:
As nation, Pakistanis keep praying for a savior, and charlatans (Musharraf included) continue to take advantage of these misguided hopes to benefit themesleves and their cronies. This includes the present government as well.

In short, "plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose"

(The more things change, the more they remain the same.)
Nothing new here, our people have a habit of itching for change even if it's for the worst. The periods of rule of Ayub Khan and Pervez Musharraf are prime examples.
Ayub Khan: During his time in power, Pakistan saw unprecedented growth in economy and Pakistan's position in International politics was at it's highest ever. But we dismissed the man in a manner befitting a common thief.
Pervez Musharraf: During his rule, Pakistan was among the top 10 global reformers, KSE-100 became the world's 5th largest market, Pakistan was brought back from the brink of economic collapse, among other services and we treated him like a criminal.
Zardari is what our people deserve, a person befitting the treatment that our people dish out to our leaders.
I use to be mush fan but now i can say it was my mistake to support him. I cant think of any pakistani politician who is sincere to this country. Mush Zardari or anyone from current politics is a western puppet.
I like this guy, though he engineered the Kargil, he did try to resolve Kashmir issue with Mr. Singh, which would have brought a new light in the plight of Pakistan. Unfortunately some of his domestic decisions were not good.

Lawyers and judiciary were funded by RAW.
Aitizaz Ahsan, Bhagwan Das, Munir A. Malik, Asma jehangir were key RAW operatives.
Lawyers and judiciary were funded by RAW.
Aitizaz Ahsan, Bhagwan Das, Munir A. Malik, Asma jehangir were key RAW operatives.
this post should be preserve in PDF's Hall Of Fame, like the barney says "Legendary". thanks Batman
Lawyers and judiciary were funded by RAW.
Aitizaz Ahsan, Bhagwan Das, Munir A. Malik, Asma jehangir were key RAW operatives.

Why am I not surprised by your thoughts? :what:
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