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Mumbai-Ahmedabad bullet train will have a 21 km long tunnel under the sea

New Recruit

Feb 20, 2013
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NEW DELHI: Passengers will get the thrill of riding under the sea while travelling between Mumbai and Ahmedabad in the first bullet train of the country.

The 508 km long Mumbai-Ahmedabad high speed rail corridor will have a 21 km long tunnel under the sea, said a senior Railway Ministry official involved with the public transporter’s ambitious bullet train project

While most part of the corridor is proposed to be on the elevated track, there will be a stretch after Thane creek towards Virar which will go under the sea as per the detailed project report by JICA.

Estimated to cost about Rs 97,636 crore, 81 per cent of the funding for the project will come by way of a loan from Japan. The project cost includes possible cost escalation, interest during construction and import duties.

It is a soft loan for 50 years at 0.1 per cent annual interest with 15 years’ moratorium, said the official.

Rolling stock and other equipment like signalling and power system will be imported from Japan as per the loan agreement.

The official said the loan agreement with Japan is slated to be signed by the end of the year and construction work is likely to begin by the end of 2018.

According top priority to the first of its kind project, railways has formed National High Speed Rail Corporation Limited (NHSRCL), a special purpose vehicle (SPV), with a paid-up capital of Rs 500 crore.

A search committee comprising senior government officials including Cabinet Secretary, Chairman Railway Board and Secretary DOPT among others is on the job currently to select the Managing Director and five directors for the NHSRCL

Railways has already allotted Rs 200 crore for the SPV. Maharashtra and Gujarat will have equity of 25 per cent each, while the Railways will have 50 per cent in the SPV.

The bullet train is expected to
READ MORE ABOUT IT AT :> http://www.indiandaily.in/mumbai-ahmedabad-bullet-train-will-21-km-long-tunnel-sea/
It won't even break ground until the end of 2018. Seriously? Between signing the contract and construction start, Indonesia HSR only took 4 months.
It won't even break ground until the end of 2018. Seriously? Between signing the contract and construction start, Indonesia HSR only took 4 months.

False report according to reliable sources construction will start in 2017

NEW DELHI: Passengers will get the thrill of riding under the sea while travelling between Mumbai and Ahmedabad in the first bullet train of the country.

The 508 km long Mumbai-Ahmedabad high speed rail corridor will have a 21 km long tunnel under the sea, said a senior Railway Ministry official involved with the public transporter’s ambitious bullet train project

While most part of the corridor is proposed to be on the elevated track, there will be a stretch after Thane creek towards Virar which will go under the sea as per the detailed project report by JICA.

Estimated to cost about Rs 97,636 crore, 81 per cent of the funding for the project will come by way of a loan from Japan. The project cost includes possible cost escalation, interest during construction and import duties.

It is a soft loan for 50 years at 0.1 per cent annual interest with 15 years’ moratorium, said the official.

Rolling stock and other equipment like signalling and power system will be imported from Japan as per the loan agreement.

The official said the loan agreement with Japan is slated to be signed by the end of the year and construction work is likely to begin by the end of 2018.

According top priority to the first of its kind project, railways has formed National High Speed Rail Corporation Limited (NHSRCL), a special purpose vehicle (SPV), with a paid-up capital of Rs 500 crore.

A search committee comprising senior government officials including Cabinet Secretary, Chairman Railway Board and Secretary DOPT among others is on the job currently to select the Managing Director and five directors for the NHSRCL

Railways has already allotted Rs 200 crore for the SPV. Maharashtra and Gujarat will have equity of 25 per cent each, while the Railways will have 50 per cent in the SPV.

The bullet train is expected to
READ MORE ABOUT IT AT :> http://www.indiandaily.in/mumbai-ahmedabad-bullet-train-will-21-km-long-tunnel-sea/

It will be boring, believe me :-/
81 per cent of the funding for the project will come by way of a loan from Japan. The project cost includes possible cost escalation, interest during construction and import duties.

It is a soft loan for 50 years at 0.1 per cent annual interest with 15 years’ moratorium, said the official.
Now these are truly "mates rates", I don't know what other neighbourhood nations are thinking by accepting "loans" to fund infrastructure projects with 7-30% interest rates.

Now these are truly "mates rates", I don't know what other neighbourhood nations are thinking by accepting "loans" to fund infrastructure projects with 7-30% interest rates.

Let me paraphrase a few esteemed members:
"These are not loans to pakistan. These are loans to Chinese Companies from Chinese Banks to implement projects in pakistan. That is why you will see that they don't show up in FDI figures."
PS: pak has guaranteed a return of 18% in Dollar terms. with the fed tightening and yuan depreciation it'll be a bloodbath in pak in about a decade when it's time to pay.
Is that right???
Yes. Najam Sethi had in a program, shortly after the CPEC drama (and the RANDI drama :lol: ) claimed that pak guarenteed a return between 18 to 30 % (varying with project) in dollars. Now when the fed tightens policy rates and every currency in the world will depreciate wrt the dollar, pak will be selling kidneys as it is a sovereign guarantee. If CPEC fails for whatever reasons(fails to generate profits/kick start domestic economy) pak will be fully colonized through debt.
Let me paraphrase a few esteemed members:
"These are not loans to pakistan. These are loans to Chinese Companies from Chinese Banks to implement projects in pakistan. That is why you will see that they don't show up in FDI figures."
PS: pak has guaranteed a return of 18% in Dollar terms. with the fed tightening and yuan depreciation it'll be a bloodbath in pak in about a decade when it's time to pay.
Cylon is having very good experience of it
Yes. Najam Sethi had in a program, shortly after the CPEC drama (and the RANDI drama :lol: ) claimed that pak guarenteed a return between 18 to 30 % (varying with project) in dollars. Now when the fed tightens policy rates and every currency in the world will depreciate wrt the dollar, pak will be selling kidneys as it is a sovereign guarantee. If CPEC fails for whatever reasons(fails to generate profits/kick start domestic economy) pak will be fully colonized through debt.


Hey, what's the best way to get out of a debt trap? Get yourself into an even deeper hole with debt.
Ohh and I thought you meant something from Battlestar Galactica :P

Hahah their airport gets an annual footfall of 14 (yes that's fourteen).
Here is the result
Where is that srilankan moron who is bragging about dirty india and high HDI srilanka... all lazy f*ckers taking debt shortcuts.

Here is the airport article

If a plane flies into an empty airport, does it make a sound?
On paper Sri Lanka has two international airports. One, Bandaranaike, is long-established, and sits conveniently about 20 miles outside the capital city of Colombo. According to the Civil Aviation Authority of Sri Lanka, it saw over 55,000 air craft movements in 2014, with those planes shipping nearly 200,000 tonnes of air freight and the best part of 8m passengers.

This makes it rather busy for a single runway airport. So, around a decade ago, the government of president Mahinda Rajapaska (2005-15) authorised the building of a second international airport to relieve the pressure on Bandaranaike.

Ballyhooed as a greenfield project, and an opportunity to demonstrate the expertise of homegrown Sri Lankan engineers, the second airport was built to strict international standards, under advice from the International Civil Aviation Organisation. It cost $200m to build, and is currently costing the government 2.5bn Sri Lankan rupees a year in debt payments to its Chinese creditors. It’s compatible with the world’s largest passenger aircraft, and has a projected capacity of 5m travellers a year.

There’s only one problem: almost literally nobody is using it.
Read the whole link :rofl:
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