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Mullahism V/S Liberalism

what is the defination of mullahism?why?

  • Mindset which promotes Islamic ideology

    Votes: 13 22.4%
  • Mindset which promotes TTP version of Islam

    Votes: 22 37.9%
  • Mindset with wild conspiracy theory and no sense of ideology

    Votes: 17 29.3%
  • Mindsets with lack of knowledge about Islam/group of confused mindsets

    Votes: 19 32.8%
  • other

    Votes: 8 13.8%

  • Total voters
Quran says
“And there should be a group amongst you who invite towards good, order for acknowledged virtues, forbid from sin and these it is that are the successful ones” (Ale Imran: 104).

The problem is that everyone has their own idea of what is 'good' and what is 'sin'.

Some people think listening to music is a sin.
Ahhh that is the point! FLEXIBLE yes ISLAM is not flexible...You cant dance and say you are praying nor can you bow to someother deity and say its ok I called ALLAH while I was doing that...NO

But we are tolerant ...though our followers are not...That seriously is THEIR problem! Nothing to do with the religion....Islam DOES NOT preach intolerance!

Here is a piece I liked of how much misunderstanding is flying around:

ISLAM for peace

You are not getting the point here.. I never said you will have to do all these kind of things you mentioned there. You are assuming it yourself that.. Lets stop this discussion for good..
For them, tolerant means that you should bow before their deities and offer sacrifices to them, nothing less. The Hinduvta Brigade shouldn't be tolerated

Look, I am a Christian. You wont see me praying in any temple or doing any sacrifices for any other God than what I believe in.. I told many times what my view point of tolerance is all about.. Its not about worshiping, its about letting people believe what they want to.. You dont have to blame any Hindus for that, its purely my view point..
The problem is that everyone has their own idea of what is 'good' and what is 'sin'.

Some people think listening to music is a sin.

Yes,it is but when people interprets the meaning of Allah's statements on the basis of their assumptions rather then understanding the actual meaning of it,then evolution of various theories takes place which collapse to each other and thus sects are formed.
@seiko .. kindly dont bring hinduism into debate as there is no specific 'dos' and 'donts' in hinduism, it depends on individual hindus to be either peaceful or intolerant. There is no evidence that hindus as a whole are either peaceful or intolerant.

Mate, It was not my intention to bring Hinduism in to this discussion. I was just sharing my view point about which religion is more tolerant.You do not need guide lines and rules to worship God.. There is no do's and dont's is exactly what I meant by flexible.. Most of the Abrahamic religions came to India with the blessings of Hinduism and its people.. Yes people will have different view point, but I for one find Hindus are much tolerent than any other religion..
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Mate, It was not my intention to bring Hinduism in to this discussion. I was just sharing my view point about which religion is more tolerant.You do not need guide lines and rules to worship God.. There is no do's and dont's is exactly what I meant by flexible.. Most of the Abrahamic religions came to India with the blessings of Hinduism and its people.. Yes people will have different view point, but I for one find Hindus are much tolerent than any other religion..
mate, some are tolerant some are not. All I can say is, generalization in any way is incorrect. Hindus find it easier to accept others because it is part of the belief system itself, comparing other religions of which it is not part is unfair. More specifically hindus find it easier to accept pacifist jesus as their own. Now all these are off topic.
Ontopic, give your view about what is mullahism.. :)
You are not getting the point here.. I never said you will have to do all these kind of things you mentioned there. You are assuming it yourself that.. Lets stop this discussion for good..
@seiko you also failed to see the difference between ISLAM and what people who are calling themselves Muslims DO....BIG difference! ESP when the blame slum falls on Islam and MUSLIMS who actually are practising WHAT ISLAM SAYS...

THIS is why we Muslims always ask people to do their HOMEWORK or a little research ON ISLAM and not ON PEOPLE CALLING THEMSELVES MUSLIMS and doing whatever they want!

@gmabit talk here...I cant post on that thread that quickly!
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A Liberullah or a Muberal? there are two breeds. Im a Muberal.

Define "Muberal"?

What category do you think our friend @Hyperion falls in? I think he'd make an excellent Kemalist, dunno about anything else. :undecided:

What of @Armstrong, he wanted to stone me to death for premarital sex?:angry:
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if he thinks he has to try and convence you why he think. but he cant force you to not listen music.

Yes, that is the preferred way: to make one's point by talking instead of killing.

Yes,it is but when people interprets the meaning of Allah's statements on the basis of their assumptions rather then understanding the actual meaning of it,then evolution of various theories takes place which collapse to each other and thus sects are formed.

But now we are back to square one, since everyone claims that they know the "actual meaning" and everyone else is just "interpreting" God's intentions.
Yes, that is the preferred way: to make one's point by talking instead of killing.

But now we are back to square one, since everyone claims that they know the "actual meaning" and everyone else is just "interpreting" God's intentions.

Well asked Mr.Developero,very nice question...

We need to differentiate first the difference between interpretation and translation,when we only translate the verse straight,then the actual objective of verse got visible for itself mainly,but sometime,we really need an explanation,or tafseer,the problem is of evolution of clash points which results mainly when different interpretations are attached.
So,here a question arises,when interpretation collapse with one another then what one should do?
Well the answer is simple, we need to check the sources of interpreter,if he has references of authentic narrators and hadith,then interpretation is acceptable.
But when interpreter does not have a proper source,and his interpretation reflects his personal assumptions only,then such interpretations must be rejected.
if he has references of authentic narrators and hadith,then interpretation is acceptable.

Still no sale!

There is no universally accepted set of "authentic narrators" or hadith. Everyone has their own standards.
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