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Mullahism V/S Liberalism

what is the defination of mullahism?why?

  • Mindset which promotes Islamic ideology

    Votes: 13 22.4%
  • Mindset which promotes TTP version of Islam

    Votes: 22 37.9%
  • Mindset with wild conspiracy theory and no sense of ideology

    Votes: 17 29.3%
  • Mindsets with lack of knowledge about Islam/group of confused mindsets

    Votes: 19 32.8%
  • other

    Votes: 8 13.8%

  • Total voters
I am neither mullah nor liberal. I consider myself in the middle of boht...

There are many liberals who give label of mullah to anyone who talk about Islam or Islamic morals

and there are mullah who just blindly reject everything liberal bring even if it make more sense

They boht are threat for Pakistan if they cannot tolerate different opinions of others

Exactly, I consider my self as Neutral. Neutral means give time to everything we should. We cannot do Allah Allah all the time and we cannot deny our religious activities.
For them, tolerant means that you should bow before their deities and offer sacrifices to them, nothing less. The Hinduvta Brigade shouldn't be tolerated

But Allah has clearly forbidden in Quran to abuse their deities as they will do that in return,Instead Allah teaches his followers to carry healthy argument.
Most of Mullah and Molvi in our society are 5th grade fail. Here our parents wish that our son become doctor or engineer. If son is not that much god then they wish that their son complete education for a good job. If he is not good enough then he becomes Molvi or Naat khawa in our society.

Liberalism is the best solution.

The problem is that the vocal Pakistani liberals are not liberal at all; they just wear the self-appointed label -- like a favorite tie.

Can you define Liberalism?
Get your facts straight...

There is no such thing as "mullahism" in islam .

Islam is the most tolerant religion on earth !!!

tell me this : why does a man who follows western culture is called a liberal and someone who follows his religion (specially islam) is called a stereotype/mullah .

also how can you judge millions of practicing muslims on the bases of the ideology of a few thousand ???

There are some people called mullahs because they just want talk about religion without any information. They never read anything deeply in Islam and they call those people yahoodi + kafir etc who talks about Islam in deep.
I'm a mullah at heart and liberal by actions... so which category do I belong to? :P

@Oscar @Armstrong @Dillinger.... :D

a funny cap does not mullah a make..
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Can you define Liberalism?

True liberalism is to allow personal freedom of choice to each individual as long as it doesn't infringe on others' rights.

This means that it is not a crime for a Pakistani to be ultra-religious, have a beard and to speak Arabic. Just as another Pakistani can be ultra-mod and speak English all the time. Or another can dress up like a Star Trek character and speak Klingonese.

In practice, around the world, societal mores impose limits at either extreme, but the range is far wider than is deemed acceptable by either the Islamic or liberal extremists in Pakistan.
Your Iman is in the right quarter, and your actions are correct. That makes you a good Mussalman.


Father , now take a confession from @Hyperion and get him rid of his sins !!! :omghaha:
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Well, if you are jannati, then I'm the gatekeeper there... I ain't letting you in without rishwat.... :D

:rofl: Thankgod,I have other friends too in Jannah :woot:,so I don't need to give you bribe,go go,earn sawab of your own,I will not give you my kindness as bribe :D
True liberalism is to allow personal freedom of choice to each individual as long as it doesn't infringe on others' rights.

This means that it is not a crime for a Pakistani to be ultra-religious, have a beard and to speak Arabic. Just as another Pakistani can be ultra-mod and speak English all the time. Or another can dress up like a Star Trek character and speak Klingonese.

In practice, around the world, societal mores impose limits at either extreme, but the range is far wider than is deemed acceptable by either the Islamic or liberal extremists in Pakistan.

if this is liberalism then islam is most liberal religion. how much i studied and a little knowledge i have.
in islam you cant force any thing. but you will tell others what you know.

not like now days muslims.(extremists) who suppress their thoughts on other.
Quran says
“And there should be a group amongst you who invite towards good, order for acknowledged virtues, forbid from sin and these it is that are the successful ones” (Ale Imran: 104).

look at this aya. it is said order for good deeds. not force.
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