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Mullahism V/S Liberalism

what is the defination of mullahism?why?

  • Mindset which promotes Islamic ideology

    Votes: 13 22.4%
  • Mindset which promotes TTP version of Islam

    Votes: 22 37.9%
  • Mindset with wild conspiracy theory and no sense of ideology

    Votes: 17 29.3%
  • Mindsets with lack of knowledge about Islam/group of confused mindsets

    Votes: 19 32.8%
  • other

    Votes: 8 13.8%

  • Total voters
Personally,I think that mullahism is a poisonous for people of Pakistan,and we need to open our mind and understand the true version of Islam.

Well said,yes there are some people with extreme mindsets,as tolerance is basic requirement,if we have tolerance,then we will be able to understand each other.you haven't vote.

lack of education is the biggest threat. we wont have to worry about ttp terrorists or any fundamentalists if we were educated.
right now people in pakistan believe one educated person like a sheep simple becuase he went to 10th grade lol.
pakistanis in general are very sly people, so once they know something more then rest of pakistanis they will use to milk people as long as they can, its not that mullahs are bad , its just that the people are dumb who follow the mullahs blindly. and who wouldnt get power hungry once you have people following you like that? especially if your pakistani, say what you want but this mullahism is native to sly people of pakistan.
Lets see who is a Mullah first .

Mullah is described as a religious cleric who considers himself the sole authority and the final word on everything he says , all in the name of Islam and God , for it is which he considers the power of doing so , is vested in him . He often has a myopic , confused and paranoid view of the entire world . Anything which doesn't fit into his narrow minded and dogmatic view of the world is a Western and Jewish conspiracy . Denial/turning a blind eye and declaring it all a ' propaganda ' is a norm and mode of operation of such person . This lot is idealistic and not realistic . He considers all others wrong and only his beliefs right to the point that the other sects/people are labelled ' kafir ' and ' worthy of being killed ' . Usually , he has an agenda of his own / or acts for agendas of other big Mullah for influence and power over the radicalized masses ( devoid of free and analytical thinking , unable to criticize and dont ask ' why ' ) and to fulfill which , he often resorts to violence and acts of terror . The power of a Mullah is derived from a modified and violent interpretation of religion which uses the ' psychology of fear ' and inherent human ' fear of the unknown ' to sustain itself . A Mullah will always be eager and quick to declare a thing which doesn't fit well with his beliefs ' forbidden ' , ' unislamic ' and in majority of cases , give an order of ' capital punishment ' over that , intrude upon people's freedom in almost all of the cases . He will often adopt an extreme approach towards thing without leaving a path for moderation . Last , but not least , a rejection of authority and complete disregard/disdain towards the existing system except his own is present .

Do I make myself abundantly clear ? :)
@Slav Defence @Raja.Pakistani @Talon @Hyperion @Armstrong

I agree with some points but let be honest here :D We all pass judgement on others and we all think that our opinions/views are more valid than others. We all argue to each others on this forum that my opinion is right/correct and your opinion is wrong/false etc. I am Muslim and believe Islam is true religion. Christian believe Islam is false while they are on right path. Atheist think boht Christian and Muslims are fool who put believe in something which they have not seen etc why just bash Mullah for this?

Its not problem to consider beliefs/opinions of others as wrong/false. Problem is you have no right to impose your right opinions/ideas on others by force. People should be free to follow these beliefs even if we consider them wrong. Considering some ideas/beliefs/practices wrong is one thing but using violence or force to stop people keeping these beliefs/practices is another. If mullah or anyone belive in second part then that's extremism which is dangerous for any peaceful society
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^ Brother you quoted my post 5 times :D

yea you are right a true scholar will never preach you hatred or intolerance against any individuals

oops my bad, my computer messed up i guess.

anyhow, what needs to be done in pakistan is that pakistanis need to be told that they should worry about their own household and let others do what they want. this is a very bad problem with us pakistanis.
arabs more open minded then pakistanis, we are stuck in this delusion that we are the only defenders of islam and the Quran, what we forget is that god said himself that he will protect the Quran so why we need to worry? lol.
once we get rid of this mindset i think all these fundamentalists will lose power.

however pakistan should always remain an islamic republic and never a secular nation, and if we decide to become secular we should join india and just become one country.
I agree with some points but let be honest here :D We all pass judgement on others and we all think that our opinions/views are more valid than others. We all argue to each others on this forum that my opinion is right/correct and your opinion is wrong/false etc. I am Muslim and believe Islam is true religion. Christian believe Islam is false while they are on right path. Atheist think boht Christian and Muslims are fool who put believe in something which they have not seen etc why just bash Mullah for this?

Its not problem to consider beliefs/opinions of others as wrong/false. Problem is you have no right to impose your right opinions/ideas on others by force. People should be free to follow these beliefs even if we cosnider them wrong. Considering some ideas/beliefs/practices wrong is one thing but using violence or force to stop people keeping these beliefs/practices is another. If mullah or anyone belive in second part then that's extremism which is dangerous for any peaceful society
@Secur is a athiest is the closet himself i believe, just look at the what he has written as pm,

a mullah was supposed to a religious leader, i don't even think we should call fundamentalists mullahs to begin with.
soon people are going to be using imam instead of a mullah to describe a extreme fundamentalist.

they are just fundamentalists they don't even have to be muslims, i mean we all as pakistanis know that these terrorists arent muslims, they could be cultural fundamentalists i guess. i hope you understand what im trying to say lol.
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anyhow, what needs to be done in pakistan is that pakistanis need to be told that they should worry about their own household and let others do what they want. this is a very bad problem with us pakistanis.
arabs more open minded then pakistanis, we are stuck in this delusion that we are the only defenders of islam and the Quran, what we forget is that god said himself that he will protect the Quran so why we need to worry? lol

once we get rid of this mindset i think all these fundamentalists will lose power.

Yea we should remember that there is no compulsion in religion. I mean even Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did not forced people into Islam and only conveyed the message of Islam in best possible way and left it for people to accept or reject it then who are you and me to force people into our beliefs. I am Sunni and consider some beliefs of different people wrong but does it mean i should eliminate them from this planet if they don't agree with me? Answer is no they still have right to live and believe in whatever they want. This stick approach only bring disturbance in society

however pakistan should always remain an islamic republic and never a secular nation, and if we decide to become secular we should join india and just become one country.

I don't think Pakistan is Islamic country. Life , honour, wealth of a citizen should be safe in Islamic country and people should also have freedom to practice their religion. Islamic country should provide justice to all its citizens whether poor or rich and powerful or weak , muslim or non muslim.

Islamic country should work for welfare of people including old people, disable, widows, child etc and leader of islamic country consider themselves as servant of citizens not rulers. These are some of the basic characteristic of Islamic country which are more prevalent in western secular countries. If we ignore wine, open sex, gambling/interest (which are free choices of individuals and no one force you into these things) then western countries are more Islamic than Pakistan or rest of the Muslim countries
with due due respect.

a practising muslim is a mullah (some one pointed out in above posts. the things mullah has). according to these points every practising muslim is a mullah.
i can prove it with ahadith and Quran.
there is large no. of muslims who don't know about islam. and they preach others to act on what they belive is islam.

and for liberals .....
the persons escape from religion ..... pointing every bad thing on religion every bad happened to nation or the world they think its because of the religion.
oops my bad, my computer messed up i guess.

anyhow, what needs to be done in pakistan is that pakistanis need to be told that they should worry about their own household and let others do what they want. this is a very bad problem with us pakistanis.
arabs more open minded then pakistanis, we are stuck in this delusion that we are the only defenders of islam and the Quran, what we forget is that god said himself that he will protect the Quran so why we need to worry? lol.
once we get rid of this mindset i think all these fundamentalists will lose power.

however pakistan should always remain an islamic republic and never a secular nation, and if we decide to become secular we should join india and just become one country.
sorry, why would you join India if you decide to go secular? Also, should Indians not have say on who joins them :)
@Secur is a athiest is the closet himself i believe, just look at the what he has written as pm

Not really . What exactly have I written , which makes you think so ? :lol:
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Not really . What exactly have I written , which makes you think so ? :lol:

Why Secur, you never told me. I would have reserved a ticket for you too for down under. :frown:

Did you get someone's knickers in a twist or something?
Why Secur, you never told me. I would have reserved a ticket for you too for down under. :frown:

Did you get someone's knickers in a twist or something?

Hell , I never knew myself that I believed that there exists no God :D

I am not quite sure at the moment :what:
sorry, why would you join India if you decide to go secular? Also, should Indians not have say on who joins them :)

No, you did not get his point :D

He said if Pakistan wanted to be secular then they never wanted freedom from india and be part of greater secular india ( for me india is as much secular as pakistan is islamic )
I agree with some points but let be honest here :D We all pass judgement on others and we all think that our opinions/views are more valid than others. We all argue to each others on this forum that my opinion is right/correct and your opinion is wrong/false etc. I am Muslim and believe Islam is true religion. Christian believe Islam is false while they are on right path. Atheist think boht Christian and Muslims are fool who put believe in something which they have not seen etc why just bash Mullah for this?

Its not problem to consider beliefs/opinions of others as wrong/false. Problem is you have no right to impose your right opinions/ideas on others by force. People should be free to follow these beliefs even if we consider them wrong. Considering some ideas/beliefs/practices wrong is one thing but using violence or force to stop people keeping these beliefs/practices is another. If mullah or anyone belive in second part then that's extremism which is dangerous for any peaceful society

The very point that I was trying to make . The belief/ideology/opinion/ideas aren't a problem unless it asks its followers to deny others the right to practice their respective ones with the use of force . I have no problem with the Mullah who spews venom day and night but does nothing to harm others who do not agree with him , even if I have that is in the form of disagreement , but is the same true for them ? No ! They would like to use force/fear psychology/harassment to stop me from practicing what is my belief . Live and let live . Mind your own freaking business is the way forward . None of Taliban's concern if I keep a beard or clean shave myself , that is my choice to make so there's no need to threaten barbers not to do their supposedly ' unislamic ' work . :D
sorry, why would you join India if you decide to go secular? Also, should Indians not have say on who joins them :)

indians can say what they want,
the reason pakistan was created was to have an islamic republic for muslims, and soon as pakistan becomes secular then the reason for its existence is over.
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