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Mr Obama---I can't Support You Anymore:


Dec 26, 2005
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United States

These were the words uttered by a black female--aged 35 to 45 years old in a town hall type of meeting that Pres Obama held about a year ago.


These were the words of shame that were poured on Obama from one of the black females in the meeting----.

No other president has been insulted and degraded like this before in a town hall meeting as was Obama----THAT WAS THE MOMENT OF TRUTH FOR OBAMA---FACE YOUR REFLECTION IN THE MIRROR MOMENT.

Even the hard core blacks have been talking openly about his ordinary policies----no one sees anything extraordinary in what Obama has done---all the bank and industrial salvation has cost the nation alot----what he should have salvaged from day one----he let it go----after that whatever he saved didnot matter to much----.

This was the chant that Obama fears the most in the upcoming elections---this is the chant that the democratic party fears the most in the coming presidential race---.

As I stated from day one----the onus fell on the pak millitary establishment to analyze the situation from day one of american millitary strike on afghanistan----that was the moment to analyze and assess what the americans were upto---what were they thinking and where would that thought process lead them to.

I gave too much credit to my pakistani brethren and pakistan millitary analyst to understand and comprehend the situation----. To my utter dismay----their analysis was that of a high school graduate level----not pakistani---but american high school level----.

Pakistani analysts spent too much time on being sarcastic towards the american indulgence---they spent too much time in finding faults in the american system---they were focusing too much on laying the blame on america for 9/11---of either doing it to itself or of being negligent in enforcing the security regimen against the 19 hijackers---. They were too critical in blasting the american agencies---the cia and fbi for not taking a step forward to take out the 19 hijackers in advance---.

Then they blamed these agencies of collusion as well---well---in all through this----their energies diverted to lambast the americans for their shortcomings----the paks forgot to look into the distant horizn through the looking glass---.

When they started looking through the looking glass for wisdom and guidance---their distorted perception of eventsand hidden anger due to sanctions came afloating like sludge and it gave a distorted picture of the current situation and the future setup---once the illusion became a belief---then all goals and targets set from that place onwards led paks to a direction that was not in syn with their own national interests---even though they believed it---it was not in sync to the world interest---just because they didnot see it that way---and neither was it in sync with what america was doing----.

The distortion in the lens had created confusion to the extent that even when the moments were available to re-focus the object---we were so deep into believing in our kind of truth that even that oppurtunity was floundered.

his approval rating among " the blacks" as you call it is in the 90's and close to 60 percent among all US voters. The very same women you have cited above- has said she would vote for him again. look it up ...

have a nice a day!
his approval rating among " the blacks" as you call it is in the 90's and close to 60 percent among all US voters. The very same women you have cited above- has said she would vote for him again. look it up ...

have a nice a day!

Post the source.
mastankhan i still fail to understand what this topic has got to do with pakistan's affairs and pakistan's war :), are you suggesting being so much pro american in their policies, that those dirty american politices you supported is no longer valid??

My brother Fida Jan,

Welcome to the forum----if for any reason that you feel that i am being disrespectful to you in my post---please accept my apologies up front.

From your post I feel that you are mad at me and you don't have the words to explain yourself clearly----if you could take a moment and make a coherent post in a little more detail---then I can maybe answer you in a more clearer manner.

There is no such thinmg as pakistan's war and pakistan's affairs anymore----if the pakistanis have been told of that or have been living in that illusion---it is a sad state of affairs of who told them so, and it is tragic for those who believe in it.

Pakistan has been propelled in the world to be the harbinger of terrorists---a sanctuary for terrorists that attack nations worldwide at their discretion----. If the pakistanis didnot know about it or didnot believe in it---then shame on them for hiding their heads in the sands----. It then also tells how inadequately they are educated in world affairs and how little comprehension they have of what is happening in and around of them.

How is it possible for someone to be born and raised in britain and france and norway and sweden and then end up in waziristan just like that----why are muslim foreigners living in the areas of fata and frontier province---what purpose do these foreigners have to be so far away from the main cities of pakistan. Why are single younger male members travelling to these areas and not being apprehended and then persecuted.

How many of these people have been prosecuted by the civil courts and executed by a firing squad or by hanging----. What has pakistan done to stop the influx of these young terrorists to come to their motherland and disappear in the badlands----.

Where is the islamic punishment for these terrorists-----all of you here want a khilafat---and islamic state----do anyone of you know what the khalifa would have done with these terrorists----.

Executed them---torn their limbs in pieces and hung the body parts on poles for the birds to eat them----or as Amir Abdur Rahman of afghanistan did----put them in iron cages and hang them by tree limbs and poles and they starve to death and let the skeleton hang there to set an example.

Pakistanis want sharia and khilafat-----but have no clue what the khalifas did to maintain peace in the nation-----pickup the example of any successful khalifa in the muslim history----to have peace----he was ruthless with any kind of religious insurgency or otherwise----.

Now coming back to pakistan and world affairs-----just like George Bush jr used OBL's video tape to win his second term in election----the same way Obama wanted to use something for his elections----and paksitan provided it at the most critical stage of his career. Pakistanis didnot do it intentionally---now did they----it just happened during the game.

My motherland----my people are basically dumber than molasses on a cold day in middle of winter in the city of chicago by the lake.

Pakistan's economy had begun to take a boom right after 9/11---because of the insecurities from all over the world----the ex-pats were moving back to pakistan and transferring their moneys as well and also the situation in the country for economic growth was great---Musharraf had made it easy for the investors-----.

Now here is pakistan---the economy is heading towards a boom---massive rewards are being seen on the horizon---and then fiasco takes place----of 9/11.

And every pakistani says---'Oh you trained OBL' he was your guy----okay so america trained so many of them 12 years ago and supported of what you tricked them into---now we all know that pakistan tricked america into fighting russia in afg---some of you who may not know----pease say so and we can talk.

Scre-w the training of 12 years ago---a lot of water has passed under the bridge since then---OBL had made his choice what to do---and he stuck with and what my countrymen do---the fools that my people are----they forgot their identity as pakistani nationals---they forgot the sacrifices that were made to get this nation---they lost the respect for their identity as pakistanis and disclaimed that they are muslims first and pakistanis later---for them every jack- came first before pakistan----and they have destroyed this motherland of mine for a YEMENI D_OG----OBL-----this man who had no home----kicked out of his motherland----kicked out of every country that he went to----brought death and destruction in his wake----every nation that he went to thousands and thousand died because of him and his policeis----.

Ad out of all the people in the world---my pakistanis welcomed him back----now someone tell me how clever and intelligent the pakistanis are----here is the FOURTH HORSEMAN RIDING HIS STALLION AND A SCYTHE IN HIS HAND----and blood and gore is strewed around where he has been through---in saudi arabia---in egypt---in sudan---in somalia----and in afghanistan----AND MY PAKISTANI BRETHREN GIVE THIS MURDERER OF HUMANITY PROTECTION knowing that the rest of the world wants him----you clever country men---you can only fool yourself----don't take it as an insult if people call you dillusional----.

Then you people went on this nuclear streak----every jacka-ss prime minster and president and other ministers got on the tv radio and newspaper and talked about nuclear weapons and nuclear strikes everywhere---it became a sort of fashionable statement to say" if someone looks at us with a dirty eye---we take the eye out'----what is that man thinking when he talks like that in front of the world----pakistanis made so many nuc strikes in words that everyone in the world took notice----will continue---.
The fact of the matter is that with OBL's death, there will be even more pressure on Obama to withdraw the troops from Afghanistan, & end the WOT. If he doesn't do it, he would lose support very quickly. Most people here think the WOT is over.
The fact of the matter is that with OBL's death, there will be even more pressure on Obama to withdraw the troops from Afghanistan, & end the WOT. If he doesn't do it, he would lose support very quickly. Most people here think the WOT is over.

There will be a draw down but it will be on the timetable already set. not a day before- and it won't go down to zero. sitting in China's backyard is bit too attractive for the US.
There will be a draw down but it will be on the timetable already set. not a day before- and it won't go down to zero. sitting in China's backyard is bit too attractive for the US.

And you need more money to stay in our backyard.

These were the words uttered by a black female--aged 35 to 45 years old in a town hall type of meeting that Pres Obama held about a year ago.


These were the words of shame that were poured on Obama from one of the black females in the meeting----.

No other president has been insulted and degraded like this before in a town hall meeting as was Obama----THAT WAS THE MOMENT OF TRUTH FOR OBAMA---FACE YOUR REFLECTION IN THE MIRROR MOMENT.

Even the hard core blacks have been talking openly about his ordinary policies----no one sees anything extraordinary in what Obama has done---all the bank and industrial salvation has cost the nation alot----what he should have salvaged from day one----he let it go----after that whatever he saved didnot matter to much----.

This was the chant that Obama fears the most in the upcoming elections---this is the chant that the democratic party fears the most in the coming presidential race---.

As I stated from day one----the onus fell on the pak millitary establishment to analyze the situation from day one of american millitary strike on afghanistan----that was the moment to analyze and assess what the americans were upto---what were they thinking and where would that thought process lead them to.

I gave too much credit to my pakistani brethren and pakistan millitary analyst to understand and comprehend the situation----. To my utter dismay----their analysis was that of a high school graduate level----not pakistani---but american high school level----.

Pakistani analysts spent too much time on being sarcastic towards the american indulgence---they spent too much time in finding faults in the american system---they were focusing too much on laying the blame on america for 9/11---of either doing it to itself or of being negligent in enforcing the security regimen against the 19 hijackers---. They were too critical in blasting the american agencies---the cia and fbi for not taking a step forward to take out the 19 hijackers in advance---.

Then they blamed these agencies of collusion as well---well---in all through this----their energies diverted to lambast the americans for their shortcomings----the paks forgot to look into the distant horizn through the looking glass---.

When they started looking through the looking glass for wisdom and guidance---their distorted perception of eventsand hidden anger due to sanctions came afloating like sludge and it gave a distorted picture of the current situation and the future setup---once the illusion became a belief---then all goals and targets set from that place onwards led paks to a direction that was not in syn with their own national interests---even though they believed it---it was not in sync to the world interest---just because they didnot see it that way---and neither was it in sync with what america was doing----.

The distortion in the lens had created confusion to the extent that even when the moments were available to re-focus the object---we were so deep into believing in our kind of truth that even that oppurtunity was floundered.

Mr. Mastan, do you know the meaning of mastan? Usually mastan's impose the wicked and twisted views of the mighty upon others. You are certainly mesmerized by the military might of the US. Hence, you advise everyone not to mess with your mighty uncle sam, though in reality, your uncle sam has been messing with every state that despises the wicked ways of your uncle sam. You have absolutely no idea about human spirit and ingenuity perhaps because you have no such spirit in you, all you know is how to worship a thug of monumental size and ferocity. You may try to sell your slave-like attitude as being a realist but trust me, it has nothing to do with the realities that bring welfare to mankind. Your reality brings joy to a few but utter miseries(Palestinians, kashmiris) to most. I pray to God to save mankind from your reality and to take care of people like you.
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