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MQM is not racist ethnic party proof ایم کیو ایم ایک نسل پرست لسانی جماعت نہیں ہےثبوت


Jan 20, 2011
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5 pushto speakers died for MQM on 12th May which is misunderstood as anti pushtun event


MQM pashtun jalsa was one of the biggest pashtun gathering in Karachi


MQM is planning sindhi page for mqm.org


list of MQM leaders with links

MQM MNA salman Baloch is ethnic Baloch

salman mujahid baloch's Page - WWW.ALLABOUTMQM.ORG

MQM MNA nabeel gabol is ethnic Baloch

Nabil Gabol (Nabilgabol) on Twitter

MQM MPA waqar hussain is ethnic hazarawal

Waqar Hussain Shah (WaqarHussainMQM) on Twitter

MQM MPA yusuf shehwani is ethnic baloch

Yousuf Shahwani (YousufShahwani) on Twitter

MQM MPA ashfaq mangi is ethnic Sindh

Ashfaq Ahmed Mangi (AshfaqAhmedMQM) on Twitter

MQM rabita committee member iftekhar randhawa is ethnic seraiki

Aftkhar Randhawa (AftkharRandhawa) on Twitter

MQM RC member mian ateeq is ethnic punjabi


MQM RC member gul faraz khattak is ethnic pashtun

Gulfaraz Khan Khattak - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

MQM senator tahir mashadi is ethnic punjabi

Tahir Hussain Mashhadi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

MQM MNA from Punjab Tahira Asif

Tahira Asif | Facebook
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I have a question for ALL MQM supporters.

If you were asked to choose just one from late Dr.Imran and Altaf Hussain, whom will you choose???


And do you think Altaf Hussain had Dr.Imran killed???

2 guys M.Kashif Khan Kamran and Mohsin Ali Syed. were arrested by England authorities. But they released them & they flew to Sri Lanka.

Then ISI was reported to have arrested both of them as they arrived in Pakistan.

Now same England authorities who released them, are asking Pakistan to help them arrest those two, again. o_O


I quote:
"Khalid Shamim, who also belongs to Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) is said to be the mastermind of Dr Imran’s murder...Sources revealed that Khalid Shamim was given the task of killing Dr Imran Farooq in London. He sought the help of a man named Hammad Siddiqi, who provided him two boys both of whom belonged to All Pakistan Muttahida Students Organisation."

"A statement issued by MQM’s coordination committee said that news reports on two people being arrested at the Karachi airport were “devoid of truth, baseless and concocted."

"Mohammed Kashif Khan Kamran arrived in the UK in early September 2010 and joined Mohsin Ali Syed...Both suspects were granted admission in London Academy of Management Sciences in East London... Imran Farooq was stabbed .. on September 16, 2010."

"After reaching there (Columbo Sri Lanka), they contacted the mastermind Khalid Shamim, who advised them to reach Pakistan. A secret agency recorded all the conversation between Shamim and the killers and kept the former under strict watch. Shamim had also planned to murder both these boys as soon as they would reach Karachi.
The agencies arrested both the young killers when they reached Karachi from Colombo and shifted them to Rawalpindi whereas contacts were also made with the MQM for handing over Khalid Shamim."

So did MQM itself kill Dr.Imran???

1) MQM is not a pashtun/sindi/punjabi/gilgit baltistani/hazarawal/seraiki/baloch/shia/sunni killer
2) MQM is not killer of its own party members
3) MQM is not an ethnic/racist/linguistic party

And would you choose Dr.Imran or Altaf Hussain??? If you had no choice but to side with one of them.
That was my primary question. I didn't even ask about ur point #1 & #3.

let me tell you how dumb you sound, let me ask you rhetoric question, if you were to choose between asad umar and imran khan who will you choose

I'll choose Imran Khan.!

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MQM: Sincerity Towards Other Ethnicities

By Akber Hussain

At the time of signing “Sulah-e-Hudaibiya” between the Muslims and the disbelievers, an objection was raised from the rival side to the name “Muhammad-Ur-Rasool Allah” saying, “Our agreement is with Muhammad (PBUH) not with the Prophet of God (Rasool Allah) and that it is our basic dispute with him (PBUH). We do not accept him as the prophet of God.”

Though his companions were not in a mood to accept this objection, yet the Last Prophet (PBUH) removed the word “Rasool Allah” with his own hands. At this point, it is very important to notice that as per the teachings of Islam, the Last Prophet (PBUH) has the importance not as only one good (in fact, the best) person or human being. Rather, he is respected and followed with heart and soul especially due to the reason that he was sent to this world as the (Last) Prophet of God. In fact, the purpose of removing the word “Rasoon-ullah” was to show the co-operation and sincerity on behalf of the Muslim community towards the agreement with the disbelievers (Kuffar). Logically speaking, what else could the Muslim leadership have done in order to show its fair intention to the rivals? How else could the Muslims have proved their sincerity to the agreement with the deniers? Anyway, after removing the word “Rasool-Allah”, the agreement was accepted and “Sulah-e-Hudebiya” came into existence.

It is an open secret that ever since MQM came into existence, it has been facing very common objection from almost all the political parties, columnists and the analysts to the word “Muhajir”. Although MQM leadership had quite strong and valid arguments in the support, yet it finally decided to remove the objection relating to the term “Muhajir” by replacing it with “Muttahida”. Everyone knows very well that MQM emerged in the name of “Muhajir” and this was a political base for it in the Pakistani politics, yet MQM leadership took a big step by risking its political ground in order to convey a congenial gesture not only to the political critics, but also to all the ethnic communities all over Pakistan. In fact, it was the fairest intention, fullest co-operation and the most sincerity that MQM was communicating to all the people in the country.

Further, due to this big step, there was a possibility that MQM leadership would face severe annoyance from its own supporters and workers. There were definitely chances that there would be some people in MQM who could disagree to the decision. But, by taking all these risks, MQM made the toughest and the biggest decision of its political life. Why don`t these anchorpersons, columnists, intellectuals, politicians and Ulema realize the fact that in the scenario where almost all the other “national” political and religious parties eventually return to their own ethnicity in case of need, while MQM, for the sake of striving to unite all the communities on one plat form for a revolution, has expanded its scope for other ethnic communities as well? The question is, how else could MQM and its leadership have expressed their sincerity and patriotism for the sake of brining unity in the country?

MQM not only transformed itself into Muttahida” from only one community-centric party, but also on-ground proved it. In addition to including Sindhi, Punjabi, Balochi, Pashtun and Hazaras office bearers to its top hierarchy of leadership (commonly known as MQM Co-ordination Committee), but it also made several non-Urdu speaking workers MPAs` and MNAs`.

Furthermore, MQM kept on doing its best for years to bring the different ethnic communities together on one platform. For this purpose, it set up various organizing committees for different ethnic communities to bridge the viciously created gaps among them. Finally, on June 24 2012, the entire Pakistan itself witnessed the results of the efforts carried out under POC(Pakhtun Organizing Committee of MQM). The people originally pertaining to the KPK province gathered in an impressive number in Jinnah ground on the appeal of Alaf Hussain who gave very loud and clear message of brotherhood and ethnic harmony especially between Urdu speaking and Pashtuns.

Though the Pakhtun convention, MQM`s leadership altogether turned down the allegation of not accepting the Pakhtoons in Karachi. Honestly, organizing the huge public gathering only of the People of KPK was itself an official and in-public recognition of the Pashtun ethnicity by MQM before the world. Then, how else could MQM prove its sincerity and honesty for ethnic harmony in the country especially including Karachi?

In addition to all these, MQM, to the extent it got the authority and powers either in the city district governments or in the coalition government, left no stone turned to serve the people regardless of their ethnicity, region, sec and religion. That is what the world recognized openly. It is said, “One`s reality automatically gets exposed when he/she gets powers and wealth”.

Practically, in most of the cases, it comes true. So, setting this rule as a standard or a yard stick, when we try to find out the reality of MQM and its leadership as it had powers and authorities especially during the PMLQ`s tenure, do we not get a very pleasant surprise about them that is completely opposite the long prevailing propaganda against MQM? The improved law & order of the city, peak of economic activities, more businesses, better job opportunities, tremendous increase in the foreign investments, historic development and improvement in the facilities for the general public surely made Karachi as the fastest developing city of the country which benefited all the people belonging to any ethnicity, region, sec and religion. On top of it, that was the period during which there was no conflicting situation between any two ethnic communities of Karachi that totally negated the repeatedly accusing MQM of opposing other ethnicities.

All these facts draw a very clear line between the politics of MQM and that of the rest. This is the fact that the anchorpersons, columnists and the political analysts have been deliberately ignoring.
nice eh first kill those pushto speaking people then claim them as your workers

1) MQM is not a pashtun/sindi/punjabi/gilgit baltistani/hazarawal/seraiki/baloch/shia/sunni killer

2) MQM is not killer of its own party members

3) MQM is not an ethnic/racist/linguistic party

nice eh first kill those pushto speaking people then claim them as your workers

which is oxy moronic, MQM has sindi, baloch, seraiki, hazawal, punjabi offices in nine zero and all of them have their respective office bearers and rep in rabita committee in addition to this KMOC(karachi muzafati organising committee) is a special branch which looks after non urdu speaking karachi suburbs villages and goths and their rights)
what??? this article is not even written by MQM guy

I don't care about the author.

I am talking about perceptions, the very fact that MQM has to physically distance itself from racism says it all.
Step in the right direction none the less.
And would you choose Dr.Imran or Altaf Hussain??? If you had no choice but to side with one of them.
That was my primary question. I didn't even ask about ur point #1 & #3.

the ethics is to make a separate post

let me tell you how dumb you sound, let me ask you rhetoric question, if you were to choose between asad umar and imran khan who will you choose

altaf is the founder and mqm is his original idea, imran farooq was the ordinary worker of MQM, imran farooq joined MQM and served MQM

I don't care about the author.

I am talking about perceptions, the very fact that MQM has to physically distance itself from racism says it all.
Step in the right direction none the less.

perception is bigger than reality my friend people re trying to do false propaganda tht MQM is anti pashtun and anti punjab, anti baloch party like what ANP, PPP did on taliban issue, gave it ethnic colour

and MQM was not racist to begin with, but yes MQM wants to be broad minded and be equally vocal about issues faced by other communities else where in the country

ethnic operation was done on MQM other wise MQM have baloch MPAs like Yousuf Shahwani (YousufShahwani) on Twitter from 1992 etc
what about the leader of this mafia....i mean political party

is he not racist, is he non-violent? How much legitimacy does he have, hiding in another country on a foreign passport :laugh:

nice eh first kill those pushto speaking people then claim them as your workers

i dont think it was an ethnic war per se but a turf war that takes on ethnic dimensions (MQM vs. ANP, etc..)

political parties are always experts at dividing rather than serving, nothing new here
what about the leader of this mafia....i mean political party

is he not racist, is he non-violent? How much legitimacy does he have, hiding in another country on a foreign passport :laugh:

you should have ethics of debating in the civil manner, only then i will respond, mistakes have been done by

by the way pakistan embassey or consulate what ever itself refused altaf issuing pakistani passport when he tried to renew it

you should have ethics of debating in the civil manner, only then i will respond, mistakes have been done by

by the way pakistan embassey or consulate what ever itself refused altaf issuing pakistani passport when he tried to renew it


he surrendered his nationality when he took asylum in UK

and he left Pakistan to escape legal charges against him - not because of "danger" to his life

that's the reality, my friend
proof please, do you have any proofs? and yes there were threats to his life, azeem tariq was killed by whom? it was IB, there was a suicide bomb blast on altaf way back, surprised? shocked, go read history

he should return to Pakistan if he wants to be taken seriously as a leader; and he should stop making ridiculous threats of violence (over internet video) or threaten to "seperate" Karachi from the rest of the country or other foolish talk like that

i feel sorry for people who are so passionately in love with the guy

1) MQM is not a pashtun/sindi/punjabi/gilgit baltistani/hazarawal/seraiki/baloch/shia/sunni killer

2) MQM is not killer of its own party members

3) MQM is not an ethnic/racist/linguistic party

which is oxy moronic, MQM has sindi, baloch, seraiki, hazawal, punjabi offices in nine zero and all of them have their respective office bearers and rep in rabita committee in addition to this KMOC(karachi muzafati organising committee) is a special branch which looks after non urdu speaking karachi suburbs villages and goths and their rights)

why have an special office for non urdu speaking people, shouldnt everyone and every area be treated same. you just said it yourself MQM is mohajir party and all others are minorities. Its like fed govt have special office for minorities and their own minister
I guess they should not think of Asad Umer, after his brother Zubair Umer decided to become Chief of Privitization Commission, under PML-N.

Privitization Commission - good choice! Good commission!
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