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MQM Cuts The Comedy Show#N246

Anyone can see the hypocrisy in this post. WHile in the same breathe this person claims resilient awam of karachi would not be dictated from bani gala but karachitte would happily get dictation from altaf hussain
As long as its Karachiite's own decision to support someone their is no issue but if a person is just interested in making his presence by riding on the shoulders of someone Very Powerful then I dont think he would be WELCOMED.
Why are MQM supporters acting like they have won the election?

Let's see what happens in a few days.
Mobilizing in such a number when they are facing Media Trial and Worse Maligning Campaign since 1990s is itself a huge SUCCESS on its own. Even so called so many Media analyst wouldnt have anticipated this response.
They dont want to be DICTATED from someone from Bani Gala or from Rawalpindi. Simple as that Karachiite are Resilient kind rather then Submissive once.

I am a Karachiite, an ex-MQMer, bro, this is called mental slavery, they see what MQM does to their own people, they talk about it, they condemn it, but they do not stop supporting them. I have heard very bad things from some highly placed members of MQM, they hate it, but they want to save themselves.

Allah hamari hifazat kere.
I am a Karachiite, an ex-MQMer, bro, this is called mental slavery, they see what MQM does to their own people, they talk about it, they condemn it, but they do not stop supporting them. I have heard very bad things from some highly placed members of MQM, they hate it, but they want to save themselves.

Allah hamari hifazat kere.
There is lots of good and bad things in MQM no doubt but when after every 10-20 years a new Political Force is BROUGHT to Karachiite they are not ready to accept it. You are MQMer so you would understand more then me that MQM can either REFORM itself or Die their own Death but if they are tried to KILL then these kind of sentiments would be brought back alive again and again. People can leave MQM same way they left Jamat when they were running their Thunder Squad and rejected MQM HAqiqi, Lashkar-e-ABC, PPI and so on so forth when Rangers were Chasing them all over Karachi back in 1990s. Thing is let the City decide rather then Try to ENGINEER something out of Thin Air.

Dekh lo kitni awam nikli hai :omghaha:

There is lots of good and bad things in MQM no doubt but when after every 10-20 years a new Political Force is BROUGHT to Karachiite they are not ready to accept it. You are MQMer so you would understand more then me that MQM can either REFORM itself or Die their own Death but if they are tried to KILL then these kind of sentiments would be brought back alive again and again. People can leave MQM same way they left Jamat when they were running their Thunder Squad and rejected MQM HAqiqi, Lashkar-e-ABC, PPI and so on so forth when Rangers were Chasing them all over Karachi back in 1990s. Thing is let the City decide rather then Try to ENGINEER something out of Thin Air.

Bro, i am not an MQMer, i am an EX. Rangers is not doing anything anti MQM, neither are they re-engineering anything, they got their senses, they are just merely killing the terrorists in MQM. Because right now they pose the biggest threat to Karachi and hence, to Pakistan. Karachi-ties are not willing to choose MQM this time (well, some still do). But they will be forced to, you will see massive rigging happening again this time. In 2013, i did not cast a vote, but my vote got casted to MQM. If you decide to not vote, they will ask for your NIC at gun point. I wish MQM does not win this time. But alas...
Bro, i am not an MQMer, i am an EX. Rangers is not doing anything anti MQM, neither are they re-engineering anything, they got their senses, they are just merely killing the terrorists in MQM. Because right now they pose the biggest threat to Karachi and hence, to Pakistan. Karachi-ties are not willing to choose MQM this time (well, some still do). But they will be forced to, you will see massive rigging happening again this time. In 2013, i did not cast a vote, but my vote got casted to MQM. If you decide to not vote, they will ask for your NIC at gun point. I wish MQM does not win this time. But alas...
So you are EX supporter or Worker???If you are ex worker then so much for Perception that they killed their Ex when they leave if not then Irrelevant. Bro like you I also live in Karachi and in relatively MIX locality rather then MQM Influenced or MQM Dominated one in Karachi. I have seen almost all kind of Groups activities in Karachi and let me tell you from my Experience MQM is most DECENT ONE and I am not saying as a supporter here but as an Observer. You might have your Bad Experiences with them as I have some of them too but if you have any experience of Anti MQM group in Karachi you would started Supporting them. For last 7 Years all these LEAs put the blind eye on Karachi's Crimes hence resulted in Worse Crime Track record in Karachi and that happen Across the Board not just confined to MQM. They got all the MESS of last 7 years LEA Mismanagement and for that they dont deserve to be treated like the way they are being treated here because all others were doing it and what I have Observe regarding MQM was SELF DEFENSE Rather then OFFENSE in last 7 years.
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