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MQM & calls??


Aug 23, 2009
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KARACHI: In perhaps what is one of the strongest statements to emerge from the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) in recent days, party chief Altaf Hussain has linked the issue of perceived discrimination against party members to the various ‘calls’ emerging from the country.

What those ‘calls’ were, appeared to have been mentioned in a vague manner deliberately. In the statement, Altaf Hussain has said that it was a logical conclusion that such ‘calls’ would emerge from the country when discrimination against the party that represents the people reached its peak.

Altaf Hussain believes that the party was a victim of propaganda on the basis of bigotry, and cited the discrimination against praising and officially recognising the achievements of former Karachi mayor and newly elected senator Mustafa Kamal and Sindh Governor Dr Ishratul Ebad Khan as examples.

Altaf Hussain said that even though Kamal’s work was recognised worldwide and had been praised by the Supreme Court, there was no official reception or honour for him. Similarly, he noted, that even though Dr Ishratul Ebad Khan was the longest-serving governor of Sindh, his contributions were not recognised officially.

He noted that even though the MQM had a large number of seats in the Sindh Assembly in 1997, the MQM was denied the chance of nominating a member as Sindh chief minister. Altaf Hussain has also praised journalists who interviewed Mustafa Kamal and praised his work, and lamented that the “ink ran dry” for other columnists when it came to the ex-mayor.

Altaf Hussain reiterated that such bigoted treatment will only lead to ‘different types of calls’ from the country.

In recent weeks, a call for the creation of a Mohajir province has emerged from an unknown group known as the Mohajir Sooba Tehreek. While the MQM has officially denied a link to the movement, party workers have been supporting the initiative and were present at its events. At the funeral for an MQM worker killed recently in a targeted attack, several people held Mohajir Sooba placards aloft and proudly displayed them for cameras. The group has also been actively releasing statements to the press, advertising at the Karachi Press Club through a newsletter that was pasted outside the premises and has scribbled graffiti throughout the city.

An MQM representative in the Sindh Assembly did note that perhaps the government should open talks with those making these demands and find out what their motives and reasoning were, which was strongly criticised by several Pakistan Peoples Party members. A resolution decrying the movement and calls for separation from Sindh was passed in the Sindh Assembly unanimously, but several backers of the resolution have complained that they received threatening letters and text messages for their criticism.

Published in The Express Tribune, April 21st, 2012.

London calling: MQM chief believes party members are being sidelined – The Express Tribune

SO FINALY MQM is talking about a province which everyone said they would!!!
Even though I support Pti, if Khi becomes a province, 20million people will be happy. And also, when mqm ruled in the past, khi was developing.
Plus, if khi becomes a province, PPP will be out of the equation :D
SO FINALY MQM is talking about a province which everyone said they would!!!
Where'd you conclude that? Article said, "An MQM representative in the Sindh Assembly did note that perhaps the government should open talks with those making these demands and find out what their motives and reasoning were, which was strongly criticised by several Pakistan Peoples Party members"
It's just asking PPP to investigate the reason
actually, I think all cities in Pakistan with population of over 10 million should be on a provincial level.
Korea does this for it's large cities and it works pretty well.
So Cities like Karachi, Lahore, etc would not be under Sind/Punjab. This way, people from the rest of the province wont get angry about development funds going to the large cities only.
Dont know abt new province thing but as far as Mustafa Kamal thing is concerned i totally agree with Altaf Hussain.
I agree that Mustafa Kamal did a fabulous job as a mayor. But I disagree that MQM is at the short end of bigotry. MQM has done politics of bigotry for a long time. In fact it takes pride in representing a certain language speaking people in the country. It has distanced itself from that and now claims to represent everyone but in its political statements, it always divides Pakistan on languages.

Its politics of sitting in government while also acting like an opposition also does not sit well with neutrals like me. It claims its politics is of 'principles' but those principles are not seen in action. Like, one of the 'principles' is that MQM struggles against feudals. Well it is sitting with feudals in the govt in province as well as centre for the last four years.

It separates from the government on 'principles' and opts to sit in opposition but it comes back to the government the same evening!! This has happened at least four times.

The biggest objection that I have is that MQM does not renounce violence. In fact, it is one of the most violent political parties in the country. It does politics of violence and fear and although it has a solid vote bank, it has some fear that does not let it give up violence. But violence begets violence and MQM is also its victim as consequence.

Can you really blame them?
Most Pakistanis hate MQM for 2 reasons
1. Violence
2. Their leader is a traitor who made traitors remarks in India.
for that alone he should be hanged.

Some people in MQM have done good things for Karachi, but on the whole they are like a cancer
Slowly killing the country form the inside.
Can you really blame them?
Most Pakistanis hate MQM for 2 reasons
1. Violence
2. Their leader is a traitor who made traitors remarks in India.
for that alone he should be hanged.

Some people in MQM have done good things for Karachi, but on the whole they are like a cancer
Slowly killing the country form the inside.
No, not on the whole. Altaf is a messed uop person, he isnt the real leader, the real brains of mqm like MK and haider etc. probably just use him as a mascot.
The party was actually pretty good, but their internal mismanagement has made a them what they're today. Also, even though they're violent, when they had control of the police (2002-2008 approx) there was a lot of peace.
No, not on the whole. Altaf is a messed uop person, he isnt the real leader, the real brains of mqm like MK and haider etc. probably just use him as a mascot.
The party was actually pretty good, but their internal mismanagement has made a them what they're today. Also, even though they're violent, when they had control of the police (2002-2008 approx) there was a lot of peace.

If the party got rid of Altaf and stopped violence then a lot of people will support them.
They have clearly shown that they can improve the situation of Pakistan.
And they are competent enough to at least run a city.

But until they do the 2 things, I can never support them or have a favorable image of them.
Is there anything useful in that article other than self victimization, accusations, lies and the usual "propaganda against MQM" arguments. The most important thing people want to know is ..What are those calls which MQM takes credit for raising??

Calls against wadera and jageerdars? Well who is sitting in alliance with them
Calls against Bhatta?? Well Bhatta only happens in parts of Karachi with MQM is strong..and even a 2 years old knows MQM sector incharge are bhatta khors.

Those whining over Punjab attitude should know that the word "muhajir" itself is derogatory and is often use to label stateless people in temporary assylum. And a party which raises a slogan of "muhajir" should not expect a better treatment because they are alienating themselves with such slogans - admitting that they are just temporary / illegal / stateless migrants.

Politics of MQM has not changed much despite making it "Muttahida"...there is nothing "Muttahida" about their ideology. Just look at Altaf telephonic khittabs..he crosses all limits of sanity...no self respecting person would be part of this idiocy.

Can you really blame them?
Most Pakistanis hate MQM for 2 reasons
1. Violence
2. Their leader is a traitor who made traitors remarks in India.
for that alone he should be hanged.

Some people in MQM have done good things for Karachi, but on the whole they are like a cancer
Slowly killing the country form the inside.

Lets not forget that they were part of the provincial government, as Karachi city is part of Sindh province. What they did was divert entire provincial development budget into once city. This has created a huge Sindhi vs Karachite rift in other parts of Sindh and given fuel to separation movements like Jiay Sindh!
If the party got rid of Altaf and stopped violence then a lot of people will support them.
They have clearly shown that they can improve the situation of Pakistan.
And they are competent enough to at least run a city.

But until they do the 2 things, I can never support them or have a favorable image of them.
You see the illeterate jiyalas and whatever find altaf charismatic, mqm thinks theyre more important than the rest of pakistan

So what ? I am a Pakistani and i can start thread on any topic. And what if i start that is that false news ? is that a propaganda ?

As for as insulting yr ethnicity i didn't. Its you people who are insulting themselves. If you are living in Pakistan then you are a Pakistani and not muhajir. Belive it or not untill 20 or 22 (Age) i didnt even knew about this Muhajir term EXCEPT for Afghanies we always called them Muhajir not you.
Lets not forget that they were part of the provincial government, as Karachi city is part of Sindh province. What they did was divert entire provincial development budget into once city. This has created a huge Sindhi vs Karachite rift in other parts of Sindh and given fuel to separation movements like Jiay Sindh!

dont be stupid, quote any major source which claims it, quote marvi memon is she believes that??

who had majority in sindh govt,?? who was the chief minister??? and then if all the sindh development money was directed to karachi then why was hyderabad developing??

the thing is, you guys rant a lot and do a little work,start working, we karachiites are working hard, and so we are/were reaping results,the other sindhis are not

its not MQM's fault that PPP is not developing sindh and that PPP jyalas themselves are committing suicides as the promises which were made to them were never given
So what ? I am a Pakistani and i can start thread on any topic. And what if i start that is that false news ? is that a propaganda ?

As for as insulting yr ethnicity i didn't. Its you people who are insulting themselves. If you are living in Pakistan then you are a Pakistani and not muhajir. Belive it or not untill 20 or 22 (Age) i didnt even knew about this Muhajir term EXCEPT for Afghanies we always called them Muhajir not you.

if few people start making mahajir sooba website then it doesnt reflect a common karachiite view nor it does support MQM view,i can tell you many pashtun separatist or greater pashtunistan websites,i can even show you a picture of greater pashtunistan billboard in KP, so whats the point?? im not calling all pashtuns a ghaddar?
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