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Mossad And India Spy Agency Team Up, Target Pakistan

VUNN4uEHLaQ[/media] - Inside Story -Indian/Israeli collaboration -21 Oct 07-Part 1

well INDIA is getting in bed with ISRAEL....and yes ISRAEL has a lobby and india is learning from it...even though in this video the PAKISTANI guy embarrases us....but i guess this kind of shows to a degree what israel is upto...and if i am not wrong in KARGIL war ISRAELS sent india TARGETTING PODS to drop weapons on tiger hill and all.....

INDIA is getting PHALCONS....ISRAEL helped INDIA in setting up the LOC FENCE with pakistan....

now solomon tell me your this "PEACEFUL" nation of ISRAEL is killing inncoents and arming a country that is hostile towards PAKISTAN....then you want me to think ISRAEL is nice and it is all just our PARANOYA

Guess which country also buys weapons from Israel? Your own beloved China.

The sheer vacuous pontification and the hypocrisy is so damned ridiculous.
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Helping setting up a fence is "arming a country that is hostile towards PAKISTAN." Yes, that sounds like paranoia to me.

Israel's other big customer for weaponry is the U.S. Would you like to eliminate the Israeli-manufactured components from Pakistan's F-16s? I'll bet the Indians would, but that doesn't mean they treat Israel as an enemy state, does it?

is that the best you could come up with...not an airforce man are u mate......thank you.....
is that the best you could come up with...not an airforce man are u mate......thank you.....

He's right. You'd better boycott all Israeli-made products, which would also include significant components within your own defence systems.

That would be the true, untainted, moral stand.
please can you tell me what ISRAEL weapon PAKISTAN has and you actually belive ISRAEL will allow pakistan to have something ISRAELI....
We have nothing of theres thats forsure!
Zia ul Haq, may not be the ideal ruler but Pakistan was much safe in his era.
His murder was clearly, a part of much larger conspiracy.
Worst part of Pakistan's history started after his death. I have no doubt that marriage of BB with Zardari was organized by RAW.
ISI was politicised during the 10 yers of civilian rule and failed to produce results.
We are suffering for setting Zardari free.

May be RAW has some role in the couple having kids? :rofl:
Zia ul Haq, may not be the ideal ruler but Pakistan was much safe in his era.
His murder was clearly, a part of much larger conspiracy.
Worst part of Pakistan's history started after his death. I have no doubt that marriage of BB with Zardari was organized by RAW.
ISI was politicised during the 10 yers of civilian rule and failed to produce results.
We are suffering for setting Zardari free.

Now... this one is really funny !!!
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