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Moscow and Beijing love Pakistan

it is not like the vendors were completely innocent or something. When they had fight with travellers they ganged up as is usual in india. That resulted in commtion and fire. But nothing justifies the catastroph that followed. It is our shame we cant get modi behind jail for he did was 'doing nothing' which is not a crime in india.
HELL NO, India is not any less succesfull than CHINA!!! we are just 1 DECADE behind..

Let me get this fact to you clearly.

1 Decade behind China (the fastest growing economy) is still 'less successful' and 'behind'.
So yes, the 'largest demoncratic country' is at least a decade behind the world's 'largest Communist country'. Is this a joke?

Come talk to me when a Democracy kills it's own citizens...

Sure, talk us through these: The 2002 Gujarat violence and 1984 massacre of the Sikhs.

:triniti: I like my women taller than 5'5 and look hot and sexy like Aishwarya Rai or Katrina Kaif(muslim Indian girl)... Indians have all we want!

Each to its own I suppose. China have lots of girls above 5'5 too. Sure you aren't tempted? I am talking about natural beauties without the makeups.
ARE you serious right NOW?? you are in unter DENIAL!!!! You want to ban me cause i spoke my mind with evidence of pictures... no surpise from a Chinese person here, BANNISH ME JUST LIKE YOU GOVERNMENT

and you think that^ example is anywhere close to being compard to Tinamen Squre
14 August, 2010

Try this:Superpower Democracy Mass-Murders Abroad! Largest Democracy Mass-murders Its Own Children By jay janson

Likewise, U.S. corporate commercial mass-media, would never call India's consistent, year after year, intentional allowing of millions of its citizens to die of starvation, mass-murder. India is always described as the world's largest democracy, and media and U.S. politicians make a show of proudly promoting support for democracy. everywhere. So, no criticism of India, corporate ally of U.S. imperialism and globalization - certainly no charge of homicidal crime for its annual starvation of millions of its citizens.

But, in jurisprudence, when a parent is arraigned in court for having intentionally caused the starvation death of a child, the charge is murder. If a homicidal crime is judged to have been caused by unpremeditated neglect, the charge will be reduced from murder to manslaughter. In the case of India, the officials of the Indian government have witnessed millions of its citizens dying of year after year in photographs, video, testimony and detailed written material from annual government investigations, as they approved legislation that assured its continuance.

UN statistics over decades have shown no improvement in reducing this horrendous and painful death toll, and often, even recently, a worsening of the amount of its citizens dying for having been denied food has been documented. Yet year after year this mass death goes on being legislated.

The half-billion Indians who are nourished, and the millions that are over-nourished go about their lives and occupations in full knowledge and awareness of this mass death, though distracted by India's commercial media's entertainments, advertising to consume, dramatization of religious conflict and promoted fear of neighboring nations.

UN statistics show death by starvation or from malnutrition caused diseases for two million of India's children under the age of five every year. How many millions more over the age of five and how many of their parents perish is perhaps best illustrated by this month's UN report that one third of the world's starving ‘live' in India. (India's population is 1,150,000, 000, billion, one third would be 38,000,000.)

That same New York Times that regularly nicknames India 'the world's largest democracy' got around to feature a horrific side of India's particular type of formal democracy with pathetic photo of a mother sitting next to her starving child on the front page of its August 8, 2010 edition.
it is not like the vendors were completely innocent or something. When they had fight with travellers they ganged up as is usual in india. That resulted in commtion and fire. But nothing justifies the catastroph that followed. It is our shame we cant get modi behind jail for he did was 'doing nothing' which is not a crime in india.

A government official telling the police to remain "indifferent" to the massacres occuring is not a crime in india?

It would be murder or genocide. Conspiracy to commit murder and genocide.
This is definite hallucinogenics. Most of Bollywood doesnt look anything like India.

Just get the hell out here, omg Indian Bollywood doesn't look like Indians, wtf kind of statement is that? !! 800 million Indo Aryans and 400 Million Dravidians make up India!
Delhi Massacre

NOTE: This massacre was carried on from October 31, 1984 to November 4, 1984. Everything was arranged by the government officials. Even police helped the mobs. It is recorded that about 5000 people (the real figures are a lot higher) killed only in Delhi and about 60,000 became homeless. Same type of massacre was lead by the government in other Indian states as well.

sikh man burn alive by the mobs

Sikh woman trying to save herself from Indian army

Hindu mobs ready to kill Sikhs
Just get the hell out here, omg Indian Bollywood doesn't look like Indians, wtf kind of statement is that? !! 800 million Indo Aryans and 400 Million Dravidians make up India!

Here goes. I've repeated this often enough.

Bollywood is just a selection of unusual people, freaks if you like, from the fringes of India, for example katrina kaif is kashmiri from the fringes of India. They look nothing like Indians.

Indo Aryan does not refer to any ethnicity. India is 99.9999999% Dravidian and the rest is slightly non Dravidian. The 800 million is a linguistic classification.

If anyone walks the dreaded streets of India in any city or town, mark my words you will not see anyone that looks remotely like anyone in Bollywood. :agree:
Delhi Massacre

NOTE: This massacre was carried on from October 31, 1984 to November 4, 1984. Everything was arranged by the government officials. Even police helped the mobs. It is recorded that about 5000 people (the real figures are a lot higher) killed only in Delhi and about 60,000 became homeless. Same type of massacre was lead by the government in other Indian states as well.

sikh man burn alive by the mobs

Sikh woman trying to save herself from Indian army

Hindu mobs ready to kill Sikhs

many scenes from the gujerat massacres were similar.

A government official telling the police to remain "indifferent" to the massacres occuring is not a crime in india?

It would be murder or genocide. Conspiracy to commit murder and genocide.

govt official telling police or army,airforce to remain indiffirent to massacres occuring is not a crime in india or pakistan. Plain and simple fact. Difficult to swallow but that is the plain drone truth.
China always love Pakistan but Moscow is diverting as India was her best ally but now India is friend of Moscow's Enemy i.e USA. Dual Indian Policy hurt Moscow. Think it :coffee:
China always love Pakistan but Moscow is diverting as India was her best ally but now India is friend of Moscow's Enemy i.e USA. Dual Indian Policy hurt Moscow. Think it :coffee:

if that is the case we would have selected the american fighters for mrca ..it is just capitalism ,nothing else. russian moved towards that before us.
if that is the case we would have selected the american fighters for mrca ..it is just capitalism ,nothing else. russian moved towards that before us.

Diverting towards the west in that case.

I think India should not have backed out of the MiG-35 deal.

It's not a genuine ally and Moscow knows it.
govt official telling police or army,airforce to remain indiffirent to massacres occuring is not a crime in india or pakistan. Plain and simple fact. Difficult to swallow but that is the plain drone truth.

dont be silly. A government official (modhi) telling the Indian police force to allow mass killings of its citizens is guilty of premeditated murder. This is state-sponsored premeditated murder
China and Russia are well wishers of Pakistan. China is our best freind and Russia has great potential for trade, economic and strategic relations with Pakistan.
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