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More on YFC-1e

Muse: Huh? This is not a dream. According to the article, India plans to purchase 250-300 PAK stealth fighters from Russia!

If you wait until India receives these planes, then Pakistan is doomed. They have no options. They should start begging China right now, this second to start a stealth fighter program for Pakistan!!

Pakistani JF-XX:

-Powered by a 13,200 KG WS10A turbofan engine, later the 20,000KG WS15
-Slightly larger than a J10
-Internal carriage for 4-6 A2A missiles
-All aspect stealth
-Super Cruise@1.8Mach with WS15
-Advanced avionics

You need rest buddy! Afbanistan will be a good picnic spot for you!:P
Indian Khiali pullau? 200, no 300, wait why just 300 khiali invisible jets that even the manufacturing country does not have.
whatever, dude - chill -- sell Indians F22 and F35, don't you want them to get the best?
if such model is reallity than pakistan and china who are the co producers of jf17 will first satisfy there own needs and it is really a lame excuse that china is presenting stealth model for the other countries and use itself a j10 or j11 non stealth crafts and pakistan who is getting block 1 aircrafts are not inducting that stealthy thing into its arsenal

Are that guy a foolish one who started such a thread
its seems so weird man......................
And where do you get that assessment from? PAK-FA is not a LO but all aspect stealth fighter. You think the Russians would build a less stealthier aircraft than the F22? Think again.

Pakistan is in serious trouble. They have no answers for the PAK-FA flying in Indian colors. J10? No chance. JF17? Please. Will China give Pakistan it's JXX? Doubt it. So where does Pakistan go?

They should be begging China for it's own Stealth craft. A single engined stealth fighter that has internal carriage built on a WS10A engine.
Well I dont know how easily did you depart from logic:lol: care to go though my post again and prove my points wrong that how i am incorrect technically and then i will respond.

see this picture and tell me whoz tail is exposed more? and who has more smoothed body?
And where do you get that assessment from? PAK-FA is not a LO but all aspect stealth fighter. You think the Russians would build a less stealthier aircraft than the F22? Think again.

the F-22 is clearly an all aspect stealth fighter, or at least built to be one

the PAK-FA is clearly never meant to be all aspect stealth one large giveaway is the engines, the PAK-FA is meant to be stealthy mostly facing the enemy face on which is also where the F-22 does its best, but from areas like directly behind the PAK-FA makes no attempts to even hide its engine signatures.

so i guess what im saying is,
"You think the Russians would build a less stealthier aircraft than the F22?"

the F-22 is clearly an all aspect stealth fighter, or at least built to be one

the PAK-FA is clearly never meant to be all aspect stealth one large giveaway is the engines, the PAK-FA is meant to be stealthy mostly facing the enemy face on which is also where the F-22 does its best, but from areas like directly behind the PAK-FA makes no attempts to even hide its engine signatures.

so i guess what im saying is,
"You think the Russians would build a less stealthier aircraft than the F22?"


The PAK-FA has not finished it's development. The engine used in that demonstration flight is not even the final engine. The PAK-FA will be an ALL-ASPECT stealth fighter otherwise what is the point???

I am 100% sure the PAK-FA will be superior to the Chinese JXX including it's stealth.
The PAK-FA has not finished it's development. The engine used in that demonstration flight is not even the final engine. The PAK-FA will be an ALL-ASPECT stealth fighter otherwise what is the point???

I am 100% sure the PAK-FA will be superior to the Chinese JXX including it's stealth.

plz change one of your flags to correct one :lol:
Well I dont know how easily did you depart from logic:lol: care to go though my post again and prove my points wrong that how i am incorrect technically and then i will respond.

see this picture and tell me whoz tail is exposed more? and who has more smoothed body?

Considering the fighter seems more geared towards A2A.. frontal RCS is what matters more usually I believe.. off course I may be wrong..
Also the F-22 of today is very evolved from the YF-22. So eventually a much more refined machine may be what the Indians finally receive.
Then again, Considering the time the Chinese are taking with their J-XX. One CANNOT comment on what is superior or not till it comes out... By all accounts the "Blair witch project" was a B grade film.. look how well it did...
Or as a more relevant example, take a peek at the thread about the Super fighters that did not make it into production. Its best to let something come out and at least show itself.. then make assumptions as to what it can and cannot do.

And.. the FA-XX will replace the F-22.. that program too will see its first light in the 2030's.. till then lets leave it as the paper project it is.
The YFC-1e will for me remain a fanboy rumor gone wild just like the J-10B till a picture comes out. .. and like the J-10B.. it wont look anything like those pretty CGI's.
First let me clearify some concepts:
STEALTH: Hard to find. (It is extremely difficult to find the aircraft at all)
STEALTHY: Harder to find than usual. (It is dificult to find the aircraft, but eventually it is possible to locate it)
NO STEALTH: Found it!
YFC-1e will be a stealthy aircraft. The Chinese Airforce can afford the price tag of what maybe ~$35 million per plane. It will still be cheaper than most competing planes of similar capabilities. PAF on the other hand will not (initially) induct the YFC-1e, because of the price cost. If they do, they will able to afford just ~200 of them instead of the targeted ~350 new multirole planes for 2009-2019. However, if the reports of PAF inducting a stealthy version of the JF-17 are correct, then it most probably will be the YFC-1e in quantities of ~150.
Stealth and stealthy fighter jets are now becoming the standard of every new plane that desires to stand a chance today. Just like jet engines became standard for fighter planes, the same way without stealth (or stealthy features) you would be bringing a wooden club to a gun-fight.
First let me clearify some concepts:
STEALTH: Hard to find. (It is extremely difficult to find the aircraft at all)
STEALTHY: Harder to find than usual. (It is dificult to find the aircraft, but eventually it is possible to locate it)
NO STEALTH: Found it!
YFC-1e will be a stealthy aircraft. The Chinese Airforce can afford the price tag of what maybe ~$35 million per plane. It will still be cheaper than most competing planes of similar capabilities. PAF on the other hand will not (initially) induct the YFC-1e, because of the price cost. If they do, they will able to afford just ~200 of them instead of the targeted ~350 new multirole planes for 2009-2019. However, if the reports of PAF inducting a stealthy version of the JF-17 are correct, then it most probably will be the YFC-1e in quantities of ~150.
Stealth and stealthy fighter jets are now becoming the standard of every new plane that desires to stand a chance today. Just like jet engines became standard for fighter planes, the same way without stealth (or stealthy features) you would be bringing a wooden club to a gun-fight.

lemme correct you on few things
1) there is no YFC-1e as we speak. It was a concept that never materialized
2) The stealth fighters wont be the standard of tomorrow as the producers of such aircraft will have the strategic advantage which they obviously wont wana lose so yes we may see a limited supply of watered down versions in the export market, potent platforms are likely to stay with the producers (US, Russia and expectedly China) so 4th gens will become the AF standard as these aircraft will constitute the backbone of most of the air forces
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lemme correct you on few things
1) there is no YFC-1e as we speak. It was a concept that never materialized
2) The stealth fighters wont be the standard of tomorrow as the producers of such aircraft will have the strategic advantage which they obviously wont wana lose so yes we may see a limited supply of watered down versions in the export market, potent platforms are likely to stay with the producers (US, Russia and expectedly China) so 4th gens will become the AF standard as these aircraft will constitute the backbone of most of the air forces

I was not aware of the YFC-1e being a confirmed project, let alone cancelled. Maybe I missed something.
However, I beg to differ about the stealthy and stealth aircrafts not making it big in most airforces.
For example, the F-35 is being sold to Australia, Denmark, Canada, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Israel. And these are just the initial customers. Singapore and Saudi Arabia might also get a few of them eventually. Next comes Russia, India and China. That makes up a bulk of the airforces of the world. So, as you can see, the air forces are switching to stealth and stealthy aircrafts. As time goes by, more and more air forces will be incorporating stealth technologies.
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