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More Chinese Navy in Indian Ocean, US OK, India not


Mar 24, 2007
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More Chinese Navy in Indian Ocean, US OK, India not

IANS First Published : 14 May 2009 09:44:39 PM ISTLast Updated : 15 May 2009 12:17:20 AM IST

NEW DELHI: A clear disconnect has emerged in the military views of India and the US, with a top American military commander saying Washington is comfortable with the increased presence of the Chinese Navy in the Indian Ocean, a suggestion that New Delhi bristles at.

This apart, Admiral Timothy J. Keating, who heads the Hawaii-based US Pacific Command, said he would like China to come aboard - as an observer and later as a participant - in the annual India-US Malabar naval war games that occasionally take on a trilateral hue. India is hardly expected to root for this.

And, the US would be comfortable with the Chinese Navy acquiring berthing facilities in Sri Lanka and the Maldives, a move that India has been vehemently opposing, Keating, (w)ho was on a two-day visit here, told reporters Thursday.

Keating also felt the broader India-US military-military contact could be considerably ramped if New Delhi signs three rather controversial pacts, one of them on providing mutual logistics support, that have been pending for long. India has often said it is uncomfortable with the language of the pacts and that they would have to be reworked.

"It's not a question of us versus them. There's lots of room in the Indian Ocean for various players," Keating contended.

"We are not in favour of splitting the Indian Ocean into sphere but are talking in terms of cooperating and collaborating and sharing best practices," he maintained.

Keating also welcomed the increased participation of the Chinese Navy in the anti-piracy operations in the Gulf of Aden at a time when India has been expressing growing concern over this, viewing it as Beijing's muscling into New Delhi's backyard.

In floating the Indian Ocean Naval Seminar (IONS) last year, India aimed to crate a regional grouping stretching from the eastern coast of Africa to Australia. The US and China were specifically excluded on the ground they were not Indian Ocean littoral states.

Speaking about the Malabar exercises, Keating said the US had "no objection" to China coming on board.

China had created a major ruckus when the trilateral version of the war games - also involving Australia, Japan and Singapore - were conducted in the Bay of Bengal in 2007 against the usual exercise area off India's west coast.

This apart, the Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M), which was supporting Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's government at the time, had staged a series of demonstrations during the exercise but they were conducted nonetheless.

The Left had later parted ways with the government over the India-US civilian nuclear deal.

As for the three military pacts, one of these is Logistics Support Agreement (LSA) that enables cashless transactions for fuel and other non-lethal supplies that are balanced at the end of the year.

India says agreeing to this would be tantamount to granting the US navy and air force berthing and landing facilities in India.

This apart there is CISMOA (Communications and Information Security Memorandum of Agreement) and the End-User Agreement.

The first would have the Indian military reconfiguring their communications frequencies to make them compatible with the US grid. While there are some advantages to this, particularly during disaster relief operations and war games, the downside would be compromising India's security setup.

As for the End-User Agreement, Indian Navy chief Admiral Sureesh Mehta is on record as terming this as restrictive.

Under the agreement, India would have to certify that the US military hardware it purchases would not be used in combat.

Thus, even though India has already deployed the troop carrier INS Jalashwa it has purchased from the US, the End-User Agreement for this is yet to be inked.

The End-User Agreement has also not been signed for the eight Boeing P8I Orion long range maritime reconnaissance aircraft that are being purchased for the Indian Navy.

The three pacts were high on the agenda during Defence Minister A.K. Antony's visit to the US earlier this year and there was considerable speculation that they would be signed. This did not happen as India felt it was being tied down too much in return for too little.

During his visit here, Keating held discussions with his Indian counterpart, Admiral Sureesh Mehta, National Security Advisor M.K. Narayanan and Foreign Secretary Shivshankar Menon.
well for US its okey bcoz its not their backyard. I wonder what US would say if they see more chinese or russian vessels in Atlantic ocean near americas.
well for US its okey bcoz its not their backyard. I wonder what US would say if they see more chinese or russian vessels in Atlantic ocean near americas.
The submarine service does not say much about what they do to potential surface targets.

I think this news is that politicians in the United States and India are playing a cover-up game.
Behind in the news is: so far, the Government of India and the U.S. arms dealers who are doing the transaction. Recently, the Indian pilots test the F/A-18 fighter jets of the United States;and they in order to expand their military is a inevitable turth .

Indians play with the art of war which is seems not learn good enough. Keep in mind that the India militants : China is not your enemy, the British had ruled India and other holders of the foreign policy of double standards in Western countries is your enemy. Our common enemy is poverty, as well as how to eradicate poverty.
Indians are rich, but the rest is just only money. Why not come up with funds to improve the Indian custom's office equipment?
You can not afford to fight a war with China. Why?About India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka's long-term disputes between countries, why not you look carefully documented the history of research? Great Britain and the United States now is the real killer for india.
The manufacturers of these problems is the United States and the United Kingdom and other rogue countries,which had caused you poor and dangerous:taz::taz::taz::mps::taz::toast_sign::taz::taz:.
China and Taiwan, South Korea and North Korea issue, the issue of splitting the former Soviet Union, the Kosovo war and so on,and the manufacturers of these problems is the United States and the United Kingdom and other countries, therefore, don't become a victim of politicians.
For Indian soldiers, I am afraid the old-age pensions and pensions has been confiscated by corrupt officials, will they have thoughts to fight for india?
However, there is no such a problem for chinese soldiers .if you are disabled and the martyrs,national finance will provide you for a life-long dependency .
I think this news is that politicians in the United States and India are playing a cover-up game.
Behind in the news is: so far, the Government of India and the U.S. arms dealers who are doing the transaction. Recently, the Indian pilots test the F/A-18 fighter jets of the United States;and they in order to expand their military is a inevitable turth .

Indians play with the art of war which is seems not learn good enough. Keep in mind that the India militants : China is not your enemy, the British had ruled India and other holders of the foreign policy of double standards in Western countries is your enemy. Our common enemy is poverty, as well as how to eradicate poverty.
Indians are rich, but the rest is just only money. Why not come up with funds to improve the Indian custom's office equipment?
You can not afford to fight a war with China. Why?About India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka's long-term disputes between countries, why not you look carefully documented the history of research? Great Britain and the United States now is the real killer for india.
The manufacturers of these problems is the United States and the United Kingdom and other rogue countries,which had caused you poor and dangerous:taz::taz::taz::mps::taz::toast_sign::taz::taz:.
China and Taiwan, South Korea and North Korea issue, the issue of splitting the former Soviet Union, the Kosovo war and so on,and the manufacturers of these problems is the United States and the United Kingdom and other countries, therefore, don't become a victim of politicians.
For Indian soldiers, I am afraid the old-age pensions and pensions has been confiscated by corrupt officials, will they have thoughts to fight for india?
However, there is no such a problem for chinese soldiers .if you are disabled and the martyrs,national finance will provide you for a life-long dependency .

Every country has its won interest be it US , UK or China or PAK

India always Remember few things,

US allowed PAK to go Nuclear
China Supplied Missile and Nuclear bomb design to PAK

Only when India Supplies Nuclear bomb design to Vietnam will equals this. It take time but it will happen. India will do what china did for India.
there are some problems about your ridiculous “revenge plan” :
1.shouldn't india ask vietnam that if they want NB ........
2.will the P5 let it happen
3.where is the nuclear materials from

india can kiss goodbye to international affairs if she supplies NB design to other country

china always welcome india picking up your "forward policy" if india plan to revenge
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i don't even care who lost that war,indian kept pushing "forward policy" ,that's how that war broke out ,just don't blame others for your "forward policy"
i don't even care who lost that war,indian kept pushing "forward policy" ,that's how that war broke out ,just don't blame others for your "forward policy"

You don't need to care who lost the war. I am not hiding Forward Policy anyway, but I want to admit about building of Roads in disputed areas.

Check the facts yourself!!
From your belove REDIFF.COM.

rediff.com: The India-China War, 40 Years On :smitten:

Thanks for telling me about my favorite site. Can you check who is the author of that article. :rofl:
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