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‘Moeen Ali would have joined ISIS’: Taslima Nasreen

She is a guest of BJP just because she makes anti-muslim posts which lines up perfectly with their election agenda.

she came to india during rule of baba adam of secular parties congress , she had life threat from mullas . thank god she is in secular land .
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He just wants attention, no matter positive or negative. And you guys are giving it to him.
she is an honored guest , we will save her life from extremists at any cost .

I hope you save his/her sexual life personally. That part of his/her life faces greatest threat. Good luck mate.
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Come on if Yogi is projected as PM...you guys should be able to handily beat him...really absolutely no excuse this time..He has like zero acceptance outside of BIMARU states.

Some Indian member here had posted a photo of Yogi in Hyderabad meeting the BJP leader of Hyderabad Raja Singh.

Maybe Yogi has some acceptance in Telangana, Karnataka and Kerala. It seems that Kerala has the most RSS shakhas of any state in India. Below photo is posted on Raja Singh's Twitter account. It shows Yogi in Kerala :


do not get embroiled in coalition negotiations 9 months before Gemeral Election..get that done now, when media coverage is elsewhere...bitter coalition fights for seats sap public confidence in any united front

Yes, your point makes sense, so any nicely created coalition now has nearly three years to bring out a list of who becomes who. There really needs to be a national version of the Mahagathbandhan Alliance from Bihar :
Mahagathbandhan (abbr. MGB) also known as Grand Alliance is a coalition of political parties in the Eastern state of Bihar in India, formed ahead of the upcoming 2020 Vidhan Sabha elections in Bihar. The alliance consists of Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD), Indian National Congress (INC) and several Left parties including Communist Party of India (CPI), Communist Party of India (Marxist–Leninist) Liberation-CPIML(Liberation) and Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPIM) , with Tejashwi Yadav as the proposed Chief Minister candidate.
Some Indian member here had posted a photo of Yogi in Hyderabad meeting the BJP leader of Hyderabad Raja Singh.

Maybe Yogi has some acceptance in Telangana, Karnataka and Kerala. It seems that Kerala has the most RSS shakhas of any state in India. Below photo is posted on Raja Singh's Twitter account. It shows Yogi in Kerala :


Yes, your point makes sense, so any nicely created coalition now has nearly three years to bring out a list of who becomes who. There really needs to be a national version of the Mahagathbandhan Alliance from Bihar :

Will free capitalism in SEZ+ social welfare in rest of the state-model work? we can go to your thread if you want
Ryan sidebottom and archer should ask moeen the following questions:
" do we as christians have the right to enter heaven according to islam? Will we or will we not be burnt in eternal hellfire for worshipping Jesus? Is jesus equal or lesser in ranking compared to mohammad? Is it true jesus prayed behind mohammad while mohammad led the prayers?.Do you believe homosexuals should be hanged? Do you believe or not that people who had sex before marriage should be whipped? Do you believe or not they be called adulterers?"
Poor souls...got carried away by their liberal upbringing without knowing the beliefs of Moeen Ali.

Awwww how salty of you my little hindutva warrior. Taking pot shots on our faith, no worries.
No need to ask "liberal" Ryan and Archer.
You can always ask Christians right in your country how tolerant you lot can be.






It's got worse since.
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ill we or will we not be burnt in eternal hellfire for worshipping Jesus? Is jesus equal or lesser in ranking compared to mohammad? Is it true jesus prayed behind mohammad while mohammad led the prayers?.

Morally good people of the book can go to heaven, but the people who worship and prostrate to Shiv lingams are going straight to hell, I'm sorry to say.
Anyone that describes themselves as a free thinker is usually the most narrow minded bigot. She is also a coward for deleting the tweet. Can't value free speech that much if a couple of white people disagreeing causes you to delete it.

Also interesting how these ex-Muslims/secularists seem to take their lead from Westerners. They need their acknowledgment of what they can and can't say. They don't have an independent view point of what free speech entails despite championing it wherever possible.
i did not know isa and musa AS are dark complexioned ?

Now, you know... Isa might and i say this with unsureity but Hazrat Isa A.S might be little lighter means more like Arabs of today but Mosa A.S as per our Prophet is Dark skinned tall man.
It comes down to inferiority complexes -

Pakistan needs to take back its rightful place and dominate the peoples of the subcontinent - they've all gone overly confident over the last 70+ years - they all need to be bought back to Earth.
She sounds salty, even for an ex-muslim and self-described radical feminist. This is a case of faux-progressiveness trying to take a shot at a real example of pluralism. Kudos to the response from players.

Grapes-are-sour feminist who needed love but never deserved any.

Attention wh*re looking for cheap publicity (by using Islam as a convenient target) to feel relevant.

Best ignored.
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