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Modi’s Proposed Revolution

And vice versa. Muslims have also rioted and killed hindus. But the govt itself has mostly taken pro-muslim measures. Anyway, does the fact that many seats in universities and many jobs are reerved for mulims make us a mulim nation? How we treat our own citizens is more pertinent to labelling us than how we treat illegal immigrants, wouldn't you say?
You are the most vulnerable when you are a refugee. That's why the international norm is to treat all refugees equally. The only exception to this rule probably is Israel. Which declares itself as a Jewish state, thus it gives priority to Jews over Gentiles.
This policy of Modi if implemented will bring India in line with Israel.
Well money talks every where....no place for poor reformist anywhere in the world.

Not true, the people of Delhi voted for them on the very first year of their political career. They formed the govt there but instead of delivering on their promises of good governance they resigned after 49 days. Many of us knew that it was political disaster. Guess how many seats they managed to win this time in Delhi? ZERO.
Anyone vote AAP... ?
There are few who voted for them here. But it's going to the bin of history now. They have some presence in Punjab and a little in Delhi otherwise more than 90% of their contestants lost their deposit in the election.
Not true, the people of Delhi voted for them on the very first year of their political career. They formed the govt there but instead of delivering on their promises of good governance they resigned after 49 days. Many of us knew that it was political disaster. Guess how many seats they managed to win this time in Delhi? ZERO.
Seems they are too honest and naive to take a very hot political heat....politics is nasty business....

There are few who voted for them here. But it's going to the bin of history now. They have some presence in Punjab and a little in Delhi otherwise more than 90% of their contestants lost their deposit in the election.
Dealing with the people and changing the system is not for innocent rookies....
Seems they are too honest and naive to take a very hot political heat....politics is nasty business....

I won't give them the certificate of honesty so soon but yes they were extremely naive to resign in Delhi. People felt betrayed and that's understandable. I am sure that they would have won a few more seats in Delhi if they did not try to win the whole country with limited resources. It is unrealistic to think that a new party less than a year old would sweep the whole country, no matter how good their message is. Look at Imran Khan. He has been working for 15-20 years and now after all these years he has managed to gain some political prominence. BJP got 2 seats in 1984 when they debuted. So it is not unusual. In fact I would say 4 seats are a good start, considering a party like congress got only 44.
Seems they are too honest and naive to take a very hot political heat....politics is nasty business....

Dealing with the people and changing the system is not for innocent rookies....
They didn't wanted to change the system they wanted to bring in a new system. Calling them innocent and honest is a bit of over exaggeration. Kejriwal is a highly ambitious guy who thinks that he can do no wrong. Innocent and honest is not accompanied by arrogance but humbleness. Except blaming others and calling them names he didnt do a single good deed.
he orchestrated dismissal of his own govt to appear as a political martyr but people saw right through him, although some are still disillusioned by his antics, for how long that is to be seen.
You are the most vulnerable when you are a refugee. That's why the international norm is to treat all refugees equally. The only exception to this rule probably is Israel. Which declares itself as a Jewish state, thus it gives priority to Jews over Gentiles.
This policy of Modi if implemented will bring India in line with Israel.

There is a big difference between refugees and illegal immigrants, aka pole-vaulters.
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I won't give them the certificate of honesty so soon but yes they were extremely naive to resign in Delhi. People felt betrayed and that's understandable. I am sure that they would have won a few more seats in Delhi if they did not try to win the whole country with limited resources. It is unrealistic to think that a new party less than a year old would sweep the whole country, no matter how good their message is. Look at Imran Khan. He has been working for 15-20 years and now after all these years he has managed to gain some political prominence. BJP got 2 seats in 1984 when they debuted. So it is not unusual. In fact I would say 4 seats are a good start, considering a party like congress got only 44.

resigning from Delhi wasn't naive, it was very well thought out and cunning plan. But like Nitish, kejriwal too fell flat on his face.
There is a big difference between refugees and illegal immigrants, aka pole-vaulters.
I think you just quoted the wrong person there.
But anyways I will answer your post.
Pole-Vaulters, economic migrants or whatever you want to call them. They are all vulnerable people. Nobody leaves their home just for the sake of it.
The discussion is not about the nomenclature of such but the religious based discrimination that Modi is proposing.
I think you just quoted the wrong person there.
But anyways I will answer your post.
Pole-Vaulters, economic migrants or whatever you want to call them. They are all vulnerable people. Nobody leaves their home just for the sake of it.
The discussion is not about the nomenclature of such but the religious based discrimination that Modi is proposing.

Yes, I meant to quote you.

"Economic migrants" would also include people who legally migrate with visas and valid documents and pay taxes - which pole vaulters don't do. So the proper term is illegal immigrants, not the larger "economic migrants".

Yes I agree that it is discriminatory, and they should be sent back regardless of their religion. But my only point to you was that that is not tantamount to India becoming a hindu state, any more than the slew of pro-muslim discrimination already in place (as opposed to just proposed) make India a muslim nation.
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