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Modi’s Proposed Revolution

Whatever it sounds like, it certainly does not sound like turning India into a hindu country.
So giving precedence to Hindus over other religion doesn't look like discrimination to you?
So giving precedence to Hindus over other religion doesn't look like discrimination to you?
It does. So does giving muslims reservation in jobs and educational institutions - but did that make you call us a muslim country? We have been doing that discrimination for years and years. We have also been subsidizing muslims pilgrimage to Mecca at taxpayers expense, which is also discrimination. None of this should happen, but none of it makes India a hindu country or muslim country.
Supreme court of India has freed him from all charges.
There is nothing left for discussing it again and again and feeding the communal thoughts.

Thank You!
It does. So does giving muslims reservation in jobs and educational institutions - but did that make you call us a muslim country? We have been doing that discrimination for years and years. We have also been subsidizing muslims pilgrimage to Mecca at taxpayers expense, which is also discrimination. None of this should happen, but none of it makes India a hindu country or muslim country.
Allowing or dis-allowing refugees is completely different to how you treat your own citizens.
The examples you gave may be so. But also remember how Muslims are mistreated by the Hindu majority.
I thought ' liberal' and secular are bad words i Pakistan...coz when some sane Pakistani talks about any minority issue of Pakistan, he is rediculed by the very members here that he is a 'liberalist/ secularist' ....why then is it important for Pakistanis that India remains secular
I thought ' liberal' and secular are bad words i Pakistan...coz when some sane Pakistani talks about any minority issue of Pakistan, he is rediculed by the very members here that he is a 'liberalist/ secularist' ....why then is it important for Pakistanis that India remains secular

Go on prove yourself. Quote me. From any of my previous posts.
The thread is about India and Modi's agenda. Answer that rather than going round in circles.
Allowing or dis-allowing refugees is completely different to how you treat your own citizens.
The examples you gave may be so. But also remember how Muslims are mistreated by the Hindu majority.
And vice versa. Muslims have also rioted and killed hindus. But the govt itself has mostly taken pro-muslim measures. Anyway, does the fact that many seats in universities and many jobs are reerved for mulims make us a mulim nation? How we treat our own citizens is more pertinent to labelling us than how we treat illegal immigrants, wouldn't you say?
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