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MMRCA Deal has turned acrimonious between Britain and France


Mar 5, 2010
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United Kingdom
David Cameron stepped up his war of words with France yesterday, rubbishing the quality of a French jet that the Indian government has chosen to buy over the British-built Eurofighter.

The Prime Minister vowed to do ‘everything I can’ to persuade the Indians to change their mind and award the £13billion deal to British company BAE Systems and its three European partners.

India announced on Tuesday that French company Dassault Rafale had won preferred-bidder status to build 126 fighters because its equipment was cheaper.

MPs branded the decision ‘disastrous’ for Britain as government lawyers investigated whether the UK could file a legal challenge to the decision.

Going on the attack, Mr Cameron rubbished the quality of the Rafale jet, telling MPs the Typhoon was a ‘superb aircraft with far better capabilities than Rafale’.

And senior government sources said the Indians had chosen ‘cheap and cheerful’ over quality. ‘They’ve gone for the Asda option instead of Waitrose,’ one source said.

Well that's gratitude! We give India £1bn in aid, THEY snub the UK and give France a £13bn jet contract
Mr Cameron added: ‘I will do everything I can – as I have already – to encourage the Indians to look at Typhoon, because I think it is such a good aircraft.’
The Indian decision handed a propaganda victory to French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who last week taunted Mr Cameron with the sneering claim that Britain ‘has no industry’.

'Cheap and cheerful': The French-built Rafale jet which was described last night as the 'Asda option'
Tory MPs are furious that India has snubbed the UK when Britain is pumping nearly £1.2billion of foreign aid into the country over the next four years. France gave just £18million in 2009.

Tory David Davis, who represents workers at BAE’s Brough plant, near Hull, said: ‘That is disastrous news for thousands of workers up and down the country.’

He urged Mr Cameron to do more, ‘given the long relationship between India and Britain and given that we give many times more aid to India than France ever did’.

The Government was again on the back foot yesterday after it emerged that the Ministry of Defence will no longer give British companies priority over their foreign rivals when buying weapons and equipment for the Armed Forces. Defence procurement minister Peter Luff said the only exception would be when buying British was necessary to maintain national security, as he outlined details of a new White Paper.

Unions accused the Government of a ‘stunning betrayal’ of UK manufacturing for the decision to buy defence equipment ‘off the shelf’ from the cheapest supplier.

Unite, which represents staff at BAE Systems plants in Samlesbury and Warton in Lancashire, called on Mr Cameron to fly to India. The Prime Minister’s official spokesman said No 10 was in talks with the British High Commission in Delhi, exploring ways to reopen the bidding process.

'Superior': The British manufactured Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft which the Indians have rejected because it is more expensive

He said: ‘We are looking at this issue closely. Clearly it is not a done deal.’ He also defended the plans not to protect UK firms when bidding for contracts with the MoD on the grounds that the new plans will save money.

‘Clearly defence procurement has been a problem in the past. We had a huge black hole in the defence budget.
‘We need to ensure we get the best equipment for our Armed Forces at the best price.
‘We have a competitive defence industry in this country and it will continue to win contracts.’
The spokesman also defended the huge amount of aid sent to India.

‘India is still home to one third of the people in the world who live on less than 80p a day. We have targeted the poorest people and places where there are security implications for the UK.’

Read more: Cameron opens fire on France's 'Asda option' jet as he vows to do everything he can to persuade India to order British warplane | Mail Online


Now it seems that the deal has turned out to be an egoistical class between Cameron and Sarkozy
^^^^ It's none of our business... let them fight,thug,butcher or any do anything they please with each other, just ensure the rafale will be delivered on time... :)
talk about a bitter loser.... But I was actually hoping India goes for the Rafale actually... Hey BAE...How about a few missile Technologies for us here :D. I mean yes I know we already got Radar, Hull, Engine, etc. etc. Technologies but We want missiles too :D...We can pay too....

HaHaHa. Now it will be much easier to exploit the brits even more.
Does Anthony have the balls to make public the evaluation results and shut everyone up?
Daily Mail is the ToI of Britain. No journalism only sensationalism.
India has already said NO to Britan's AID.

So They really cand do much. They should ( like America) focus on other deals which will balance the damage in a span of time.

We chose what is best suited for us.
Both Britain and France is just playing along on the surface. Doesn't matter that Rafale won, since EADS controls nearly half of Dassault. Either way, the British will profit. It's like the left hand beating the right hand.
A friend of mine here in Taif Air Base (Where Typhoon is stationed) sent me congratulations text yesterday. I called him he was happy as fukc he told me that we have been having tugs and delays on our Typhoon deal looking at India's option hoping it picks the Rafale. The British were being a$$holes when we asked for Meteor, StormShadow and Brimstone ToT, But now they MUST accept our ToT offer if they wish to make any further Typhoon deal (We did not exercise our option for 72 more Typhoons).

HaHahahahaha. This is only about to get better and better. Britain is afraid of the MTCR agreement with our demands but now that they are between a rock and a hard place they will have no choice but to accept. Man this year is looking good for our Defense Industry already. :D
HaHahahahaha. This is only about to get better and better. Britain is afraid of the MTCR agreement with our demands but now that they are between a rock and a hard place they will have no choice but to accept. Man this year is looking good for our Defense Industry already. :D

Why would MTCR be in violation when the range of stormshadow is under 300km..?
talk about a bitter loser.... But I was actually hoping India goes for the Rafale actually... Hey BAE...How about a few missile Technologies for us here :D. I mean yes I know we already got Radar, Hull, Engine, etc. etc. Technologies but We want missiles too :D...We can pay too....

HaHaHa. Now it will be much easier to exploit the brits even more.

Dont flatter yourself. EFT has order book exceeding 500 fighters. An extra 126 fighters of which 90% was going to be assembled at HAL would never have made a dent to their sky rocketing misfortunes. Maybe their leaders have overlooked it but not their business managers.
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