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Miss Pakistan World pageant

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Why do you want to judge?

A person if tries to teach us something then he must exhibit some credibility in his words! We are not hard headed and are here to learn. If logic is flawed then we have the right to question!

Lemme give you an example,all of you see the semi naked women (accept it or not thats another issue) then this means you will also want to get your sisters into it? Going by your logic, No you won't but does this stops you from seeing it all, NO

Exactly! I will not thus i am not advocating in its favour. Everyone who want to see other ladies semi-naked but not their own is hypocrite in my opinion.
Every evil activity will attract you but does it mean that it should be propagated. Night clubs , wine, wiskey, prostitution, **** etc everything is attrative!

Twisted logic & it might hurt a few people here(no doubt)

You are free to say anything! I will not mind!

You are no one to judge a person because you simply lack the authority over morality & there is no instrument to measure it..

I am not judging any person but trying to understand his/her logic for my learning and education. And questioning is best way to do so.
I don't have authority over morality, but surly trying my best to get it!

Blown out of context, Prostitution is not simple & straight phenomenon

BTW who are the customers of Prostitutes?

OK! I can talk on this matter but just leave it as it will not be appropriate.

Another one, It just so easy to judge people, These girls are a disgrace to Pakistan but Taliban & hypocrites are not a disgrace, The little bit of grace that is left will be destroyed by the Pakistanis themselves...

Keep it up 'Good Muslims' (no offense intended)

Taliban is on one extreme and these girls are on the other extreme.

Neither Taliban or these girls represent Pakistani culture.

These girls have no shame, they are half naked in front of strangers during the last 10 days of the Holy Month of RAMADAN, and they are supposed to represent The Islamic Republic of Pakistan and Pakistanis????? :angry:
A person if tries to teach us something then he must exhibit some credibility in his words! We are not hard headed and are here to learn. If logic is flawed then we have the right to question!

who's teaching here? The people are practicing their will & choice but the moral brigade here has got a problem with them & they want to pass judgments over the so called sluts

Exactly! I will not thus i am not advocating in its favour. Everyone who want to see other ladies semi-naked but not their own is hypocrite in my opinion.

99.999 % of Pakistan is a hypocite, They see it all They love it BUT at the same time they want the 'isss-lam'

Every evil activity will attract you but does it mean that it should be propagated. Night clubs , wine, wiskey, prostitution, **** etc everything is attrative!

Actaully many of these things were not Haram quite some time back in Pakistan, it didn't made Pakistan a immoral state

You are free to say anything! I will not mind!


I am not judging any person but trying to understand his /logic for my learning and education. And questioning is best way to do so.
I don't have authority over morality, but surly trying my best to get it!

you are questioning the actions of people who are free to do what ever they want to do

OK! I can talk on this matter but just leave it as it will not be appropriate.

Actually I never brought it in
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Why do you want to judge?
Lemme give you an example,all of you see the semi naked women (accept it or not thats another issue) then this means you will also want to get your sisters into it? Going by your logic, No you won't but does this stops you from seeing it all, NO

Twisted logic & it might hurt a few people here(no doubt)

You are no one to judge a person because you simply lack the authority over morality & there is no instrument to measure it..

Overwhelming majority of men in the subcontinent have double standards when it comes to women.

We have no qualms ogling other women, but would be up in arms in a jiffy if someone else does that to our family member or neighbors.

Blown out of context, Prostitution is not simple & straight phenomenon

BTW who are the customers of Prostitutes?

See above :D:D
Can't we be moderate!
Let me define it:

By moderate I mean, respect religion, follow religion but also keep yourself up to date. Learn other cultures, compare it with your norms and culture and accept good thing from them. Discard bad and out dated norms with in your society keeping it within limits of religion.
and most important is to keep mind open so that one is able to judge correctly!
Keep it up 'Moral Brigade'

It amazing that people who are in favour of Miss Pakistan Pageant are resorting to these tactics again and again as I also saw one such comment by Muse for Jana in the same thread!
Can't you guys simply present argument instead of resorting to attaching labels? :lazy:
It amazing that people who are in favour of Miss Pakistan Pageant are resorting to these tactics again and again as I also saw one such comment by Muse for Jana in the same thread!
Can't you guys simply present argument instead of resorting to attaching labels? :lazy:

actually i have answered your post, You haven't answered it & you shifted your point

there is a moral brigade, can't you see that ?
Overwhelming majority of men in the subcontinent have double standards when it comes to women.

We have no qualms ogling other women, but would be up in arms in a jiffy if someone else does that to our family member or neighbors.

See above :D:D
yes we all do have some amount of hypocrisy.i am still not sure what is right and what is wrong.
nudity is not comfortable with me. I would like to know how westerners think about this issue.
semi nudity - entirely depends up on costume to costume.it can be vary in degree.its all about how comfortable you are in that particular dress,which place you are in,in india if you wear a little modern dress people will stare at you,make nasty comments, where as in western countries it will be ok.
when a women decides to wear some thing she should consider her family members sentiments and their comfort levels also but ultimatly it's her choice. What do you think ?
When did I say it is not personal. It is indeed a personal thing and everyone should be moderate while keeping it personal.

can't you keep your religion to yourself & let others do what ever they want to do as long as their actions are not hurting anyone
semi nudity - entirely depends up on costume to costume.it can be vary in degree.its all about how comfortable you are in that particular dress,which place you are in,in india if you wear a little modern dress people will stare at you,make nasty comments, where as in western countries it will be ok.

agreed.... even in India, reaction in Delhi or Mumbai would be different compared to some small kasba or village.....

when a women decides to wear some thing she should consider her family members sentiments and their comfort levels also but ultimatly it's her choice. What do you think ?


But what good is a choice if a woman has no right to exercise it, or if she has to constantly fight for it when it is much easier to take path of least resistance and follow the imposed norms.
who's teaching here? The people are practicing their will & choice but the moral brigade here has got a problem with them & they want to pass judgments over the so called sluts

This may be a place for enjoyment and relaxement for you but I can assure that I joined it only for learning purpose which I believe is the theme of PDF.

99.999 % of Pakistan is a hypocite, They see it all They love it BUT at the same time they want the 'isss-lam'

Now this is what my point is! We are all hypocrites and want twisted Islam.

Actaully many of these things were not Haram quite some time back in Pakistan, it didn't made Pakistan a immoral state

Why not abandon Islam? It will also not make Pakistan an immoral state.
can't you keep your religion to yourself & let others do what ever they want to do as long as their actions are not hurting anyone

Now do not twist topic! I guess were discussing whether people who are advocating in favor of this pageant are ready to allow their women to wear same clothes!

As far as those ladies in pageant are concerned they can do what they want! I have no issue as far as they are not labeling it as an (so called) promotion of soft image of Pakistan. But from calling bad as bad is what no one can stop me.
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