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Military industry in the Muslim World

T-72KZ Aselsan upgraded.

Aselsan signed agreement with Kazakhstan to upgrade Ruski made BTR, BRDM and other armoured vehicles Kazakhistan have in inventory.


%95 of them are foreign. :D

Turkish Otokar To Launch Production in Kazakhstan

ANKARA — Turkey’s leading armored vehicles manufacturer, Otokar, will launch a production line in Kazakhstan, the company said in a statement.

A memorandum of understanding for the venture was signed Oct. 12 in Istanbul during the Turkish-Kazakh Investment and Commerce Forum, the statement said. The deal was witnessed by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev.

This is a follow-up deal to a contract Otokar won in May to sell scores of vehicles to the Kazakh Army. Under the deal, Otokar will launch a joint venture with Kazakhstan Engineering to produce Otokar’s four-wheel-drive Cobra armored vehicles.

Otokar, based in Istanbul, is a privately owned Turkish company listed on the Istanbul Stock Exchange and has sold more than 25,000 armored vehicles to nearly 30 countries. This is the first time a Turkish defense company will produce abroad.

Kazakhstan Engineering has been tasked with building the production facility for the Cobra vehicles while Otokar will transfer production know-how, deliver all parts and components for production, train Kazakh army officers, and supervise the production process.

The Cobra is a wheeled armored vehicle developed by Otokar using some components from the American Humvee. The Cobra forms a common platform that can be adapted for various roles and missions, including armored personnel carrier, anti-tank vehicle, reconnaissance vehicle, ground surveillance radar vehicle, forward observation vehicle, armored ambulance and armored command post. It can be equipped with a turreted vehicle for 12.7mm machine gun, a 20mm cannon, anti-tank missiles such as the TOW missile and Spike missile, or surface-to-air missiles. It can be used as an amphibious vehicle in combat.

Turkish Otokar To Launch Production in Kazakhstan | Defense News | defensenews.com

Hope to see Cobra-2 in production in Khazakstan instead of Cobra-1. Cobras have already been ordered by Khazakstan officials. I expect a joint production for Cobra-2.


%95 of them are foreign :D
Wow! I didn't knoww those... Thanks for posting :enjoy:
Our Ruski friend is getting angry to talk about such partnerships but It is the nature of forums.

Ruski equivalent lost against Cobra, is making a show in Khazakstan.

Winner Cobra is in Khazakstan

BRDM mounted Igla system for Who ? :D


The reason of Russian anger !!!

Russia warns Ukraine against sale of missile technology

Russia has warned Ukraine against selling long-range ballistic missile technology to third countries, amid media claims that officials from a Ukrainian company had visited Turkey for talks about a possible sale.

In a statement released on Monday, the Russian Foreign Ministry said that the Ukrainian administration, considered illegitimate by Moscow, should take its international responsibilities to prevent the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction seriously. The statement cited reports in Russian media alleging that representatives from the Ukrainian company Yuzhmash have held talks with foreign clients on the sale of technologies involved in the production of RS-20 Voyevoda (SS-18 Satan) ballistic missiles, according to Russian news agency RIA Novosti.


The ministry did not name any foreign clients but some reports in the Russian media claimed that Ukraine is trying to sell the missile technology to Turkey. The Turkish daily Hürriyet quoted claims on a Russian social media website that a Ukrainian delegation visited Turkey on April 5 to discuss a possible sale. A Ukrainian delegation has also visited China, according to Russian reports cited by Hürriyet.

Russia warns Ukraine against sale of missile technology

Waffenmesse in Abu Dhabi: Poroschenko im Kaufrausch / Sputnik Deutschland - Nachrichten, Meinung, Radio

According to source Ukraine is preparing to work with Roketsan on 300mm Rocket System, most probably guided variant. Truck would be Ukrainian.

The Azerbaijani 300mm guided missile variant Ukraine is also interested in.

A similar variant which is able to fire K+, is also produced for UAE Armed Forces.


Poroschenko ließ sich in Abu Dhabi vor dem Stand des türkischen Raketenbauers Roketsan blicken. Laut Quellen zeigte er dabei Interesse an einer gemeinsamen Entwicklung von Flugabwehrsystemen.

Waffenmesse in Abu Dhabi: Poroschenko im Kaufrausch / Sputnik Deutschland - Nachrichten, Meinung, Radio

Waffenmesse in Abu Dhabi: Poroschenko im Kaufrausch / Sputnik Deutschland - Nachrichten, Meinung, Radio

"Не могу назвать точный круг вопросов, который обсуждался Порошенко и нашим советом директоров, но это был визит вежливости. Порошенко выразил желание укреплять сотрудничество с нашей компанией и Турцией в целом. Мы показывали ему свою продукцию, но никаких контрактов подписано не было", — сказал представитель Roketsan.

ИсточникRoketsan отрицает заключение контракта с Порошенко на IDEX-2015 В» ВЕСТНИК ИНФО | Вести Новороссии © BECTHIK Юго-Востока

According to source, Ukraine wants to jointly develop SAM missiles with Turkey but It is not told Which SAM missile project Ukraine wants to join in. There are two ongoing SAM missile project called Hisar-A low and Hisar-O medium altitude Roketsan is developing at present. With commencement of Long range SAM missile project called T-LORAMIDS China won, Roketsan/Aselsan is also going to commence development of a new and more capable domestic long range missile system called Hisar-U in parallel with Chinese FD-2000 production and technology transfer and It is predicted that What Ukrainian officials mentioned as joint project, is joining development of domestic Hisar-U missiles under a cooperation with Ukraine.



A strategic signiture between Ukraine and Turkey !!!

Ukoboronprom Release,


Turkey and Ukraine agreed to cooperate in defence field at visit on 8-9 April 2015 by Ukraine state committee.

Cooperation Fields;

1- Establishment of Turkish national Missile System (Satellite launch (?)) Remember Russian warn Ukraine not to share the technology of SATAN missiles to Turkey :D)
2- Turbojet engine and Other aircraft engine productions.
3- Participation of Ukrainian defence companies in Altay tank Production and other armoured vehicles.
4- Design and manufacture of radar, communications and navigation systems.

Україна і Туреччина ініціюють спільні проекти в АПК, новини України - Умма | Umma

Russians talk but Noone cares !!! :D
As you see, Our industry always have a subject to make Russians anger, Even If We didn't develop nuclear or turbofan engines yet.. ;)
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remove this from your post,we dont have interst in your thread
We have don`t interest into you at all. Thats why you are no longer wlecome here.
Dude, It is you jumping thread with nonsense and It is same you keeping same nonsense as If claimed a great thing. It seems Altay project inflicted a deep wound in your agenda so You like talking Altay When the subject is about Turkish defence industry. Don't worry, That's my thinking, Your disappointment Armata will have a hard times If It joins into same tender with Altay as other Russian tools that lost many tender against Turk/Israeli equivalents in a country like Kazakhstan Russia considers as biggest ally. If you pay attention, I didnt compare anything with Ruski gears. You always jump into threads to throw such claims but There is a fact that Without your political influence, Many of your weapons don't have a serious chance against NATO rivals dude. You lost many tenders in India as well so threatening India with supplying weapon to Pakistan. The countries which is looking for quality, change their routes towards other sides.

Russia dominates the the global arms market, Turkey is a nobody, just because Turkey may win a contract here and there means nothing, but you are gloating and puffing your chest because Turkey won a few peanut contracts as if it's something special, Russia is seeing record arms sales. It's not always the best weapons system that wins a contract but the cheapest and the one that brings jobs. You play innocent but you were the one that quoted me and started your chest pounding of how great Turkey. It's funny that you also say Russian weapons don't have any serious chance against NATO weapons, ironic that Turkey uses some Russian weapons, and many countries that already use western weapons decided to go with Russian.

Anyway, The gun, armour and "etc" are all Turkish but Engine will be MTU until Tumosan reveals domestic equivalents. On design process and gun developments, It is received some help from Korea. Receiving some help from friend countries doesn't mean Altay isn't Turkish. Korea also received help to develop their guns. Isn't it certain for you that Noone have a saying over Altay excluding Turkey? It will be same When We offered Altay to a country locating under Russian influence. We told that T-129 is not Italian but Italian/Turkish attack helicopter.

No it's not, the gun is license produced Rheinmetall 120mm there is no "perceived help" it's a flat out license produced gun so don't take credit for it, the armor is South Korean, Turkey signed a contract with Rotem and they provided the armor among many other things.

You jumped into thread to claim %95 of what I have posted above are foreign but Do you really suppose You proved a serious thing with typing your second comment above ? Turkish roadway is way clear for everybody. We don't have a secret agenda. It is known that We receive some help When It is needed but Those don't mean that We don't rule our technology/infrastructure We developed. Those doesn't mean that We couldn't beat Ruski products in tenders joined side by side. :D What a pleasure !!!

It seem you like to hear your own voice, i am reading a lot of incoherent ranting. If you have something to say, say it. Be specific and to the point, keep it related to the topic. If you want to talk about your feelings go elsewhere.

As for your name calling, i'm Russian not a "Ruski", but what more can i expect from someone like yourself?

It is no need to develop nuclear or turbofan engines to talk about How Ruski weapons are slogging on reaching any success in Khazakstan tender against Israeli and Turkish equivalents. :D What we have developed at present, started to increase your anger to extreme levels so putting your nose to threads related with Turkish defence industry. I can't imagine What would you do in following 5-6 years When We got a big and strategic tender in such countries.

Turkey can't even develop basic systems in most of there vehicles, guns, engines, armor, transmission, ect are all foreign in most projects. Like i said before tenders are not always won on technological superiority, it is often times the cheapest product that offers technology transfer for jobs domestically that wins contract. We can clearly see the quality difference between the Cobra and the Tigr, we can see one has an old fashion machine gun while the other has Kornets, FLIR, ect. The Tigr offers either level 2 or level 3 STANAG which is the same as the Cobra, so there is no real advantage to the Cobra, overall the Tigr offers a more versatile platform.



BTW, If your latest generation lowrider Armatas are breaking down during military parades, It is not our problem dude :D Talking about them in forums is not a shame or has nothing to do with comparing Ruski products with Turkish equivalents but If We got a victory in a big market, We wouldn't need to get permission from Russia to talk about them... Don't worry, I know the reason of your pain. ;)

Yea, thats it :lol: and they magically drive away after they break down. The Armata that supposedly broke down had its brakes locked, even the armor recovery vehicle could not get it to move (it did not move because the emergency brake system was on), and it only drove away after a technician figured out what the inexperienced tank driver had done.
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Russia dominates the the global arms market, Turkey is a nobody, just because Turkey may win a contract here and there means nothing, but you are gloating and chest puffing because Turkey won a few peanut contracts as if it's something special, Russia is seeing record arms sales. It's not always the best weapons system that wins a contract but the cheapest and the one that brings jobs. You play innocent but you were the one that quoted me and started your chest pounding of how great Turkey. It's funny that you also say Russian weapons don't have any serious chance against NATO weapons, ironic that Turkey uses some Russian weapons, and many countries that already use western weapons decided to go with Russian.

Dude, Turkey and other NATO states started to occupy Russian markets step by step. India, Malaysia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Arabs and many others started looking for NATO technologies instead of Soviet based systems. What I have posted is about Turkey related subjects on those markets. As you said, It is not always best weapon systems that wins the contract If the politics play a key role in tenders. It is the reason China is your biggest arm costumer. Otherwise, I don't think Some Russian products have much chance against NATO quality. I think Noone wants to order weapons from a country like Russia made deal to order armoured vehicles, LHD, helicopters and UAV's from European states, While own products are taken a backseat by your officials.

You can't show me much country satisfied with Western technologies but changed course to Russian equivalents. Turkey ordered Kornet missiles cause of Greece in past but Army didn't satisfy performance of Kornet optics so Aselsan developed a more capable one called SAGER and integrated to Turkish Kornets. At present, Turkish Kornet solution are being offered to worldwide Kornet users...

No it's not, the gun is license produced Rheinmetall 120mm there is no "perceived help" it's a flat out license produced gun so don't take credit for it, the armor is South Korean, Turkey signed a contract with Rotem and they provided the armor among many other things.

Dude, Feel free to claim anything you imagine. I will not try to prove anything to you regarding Altay since I will not discuss details of my country's project with a Russian who type the statements while drinking a bottle of Vodka because You don't have any idea What you are talking about. Neither %95 claims, nor Turkish armour and gun developments. It seems you read some BS from a few source and trying to selling them to me but I am not the one who will buy such things...

Turkey can't even develop basic systems in most of there vehicles, guns, engines, armor, transmission, ect are all foreign in most projects. Like i said before tenders are not always won on technological superiority, it is often times the cheapest product that offers technology transfer for jobs domestically that wins contract. We can clearly see the quality difference between the Cobra and the Tigr, we can see one has an old fashion machine gun while the other has Kornets, FLIR, ect. The Tigr offers either level 2 or level 3 STANAG which is the same as the Cobra, so there is no real advantage to the Cobra, overall the Tigr offers a more versatile platform.

Dude, If I were you, I wouldn't have mentioned the things I don't have any idea. You should better keep drinking your Vodka instead of babbling. Turkish BKM developed armours for not only Altay but also M-113, Leopard-2 and M-60 tanks. Turkish armour solutions are offered to Finland army but You are claiming that Turks can't develop basic armours bla bla bla. Turkey currently have some defficiency on engine issue. It is also officially commenced and National powerpack family(engine+transmission) will be revealed in all power ranges from 1500hp to 300hp. Turkey is pouring serious money on engine projects those times.

SSM and TÜMOSAN signed National Power pack Development agreement

National Powerpack Development

Objective : To nationally design, development,production powerpacks to meet the requirements of naval and land platforms,particularly tanks.

Scope : Indigenous design, development, production, test and qualification of powerpacks for use in primarily Altay Tank by maximizing the utilization of national capabilities and by enlisting technical support and assistance from abroad when required.Ultimately gaining complete know-how for powerpack design,development,system integration,production,testing,qualification,modification and maintenance.

Project Model : Local development

Prime/Sub Contractor : TÜMOSAN A.Ş.

Contract Date : 17.03.2015

Roketsan BKM armour development center (All armours of Turkish military vehicles are being developed in this center)

Nurol produces armour solutions for lighter platforms

Yea, thats it :lol: and they magically drive away after they break down. The Armata that supposedly broke down had its brakes locked, even the armor recovery vehicle could not get it to move (it did not move because the emergency brake system was on), and it only drove away after a technician figured out what the inexperienced tank driver had done.

If I were a Russian official, I would have also composed a similar scenario like that to save my day but Those statements don't change the fact that Your armoured vehicles are either burning or stopping out of blue (It is caused by either emergency break and transmission failure...), even If It is the newest one. I saw many examples from different countries using Russian equipments. I remember Greek BMP's burning during military training or parade as well...
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Turkmenistan military boats constructed (8) in own shipyards in collaboration with Dearsan shipyard.


Dearsan delivered first FAC (totally 6 ordered) to Turkmenistan in last month.


We can clearly see the quality difference between the Cobra and the Tigr, we can see one has an old fashion machine gun while the other has Kornets, FLIR, ect. The Tigr offers either level 2 or level 3 STANAG which is the same as the Cobra, so there is no real advantage to the Cobra, overall the Tigr offers a more versatile platform.

Dude, Quality of Cobra-1 is proved many times in serious incidents and 12-13 countries placed order for Cobras. If costumers didn't satisfy the quality of them, The other contacts wouldn't have been proceeded so Comparing Cobra with Whatever you introduced above doesn't make any sense. At present, Otokar offers Cobra-2 to worldwide.

Dude, Turkey and other NATO states start to occupy Russian markets step by step. India, Malaysia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Arabs and many others started looking for NATO technologies instead of Soviet based systems.

No one is interested in your opinions. This is a fact:

In 2013, Russia’s state arms exporter Rosoboronexport set a company record, exporting more than $13.2 billion in arms and military equipment. Company head Anatoly Isaykin spoke with Ivan Safronov of Kommersant about the company’s success and its plans for the future.
- Record sales for Russian arms in 2013 | Russia Beyond The Headlines)

Funny, if Turkey keeps taking arms sales away from Russia then how does Russia continue to grow and expand its arms market? Who do they sell of of their weapons to? Critical thinking is obviously not your strongpoint. Turkey will continue to get small contracts here and there but don't expect much more then that.

What I have posted is about Turkey related subjects on those markets. As you said, It is not always best weapon systems that wins the contract If the politics play a key role in tenders. It is the reason China is your biggest arm costumer. Otherwise, I don't think Some Russian products have much chance against NATO quality. I think Noone wants to order weapons from a country like Russia made deal to order armoured vehicles, LHD, helicopters and UAV's from European states.

Yea "NATO quality" :rolleyes1: We have seen how this "NATO quality" stands up when facing somewhat modern Russian systems in Iraq and Lebanon, the very few time Abrams, Challengers and Merkavas faced Kornets or RPG-29s they were all penetrated, so much for the myth of western tank invisibility. For all of this "western" and "NATO" superiority you speak of western countries sure like to copy Russian technology. The only thing you are right about is that weapons sales have a lot do do with politics, a country like Canada will never buy Russian equipment due to politics but neutral countries which often do not favor Russia nor "the west" will often choose Russian weapons.

As for you mentioning China. You do know that China has in the past bought a lot of western equipment for their ships such as engines? You know that they operate Blackhawks but instead ordered MI-17's? I did not expect you to know that since all you are known for are empty blanket statements.

You can't show me much country satisfied with Western technologies but changed course to Russian equivalents.

Really? Malaysia ordered SU-30s over their already existing fleet of F-18s. Iraq cancelled their order of Apaches and instead order MI-28's. Heck Turkey has hundreds of Kornets they ordered from Russia.

Turkey ordered Kornet missiles cause of Greece in past but Army didn't satisfy performance of Kornet optics so Aselsan developed a more capable one called SAGER and integrated to Turkish Kornets. At present, Turkish Kornet solution are being offered to worldwide Kornet users...

This is typical with everything. Turkey claims to "modify" everything and make it better. It does not matter if it's the German 120 Rhenmatall (considered the best 120mm gun in the world) or the Kornet (considered one of the best anti tank missiles). Turkey will do anything for marketing gimmicks. The fact is the Kornet is considered one of those most capable anti tank rockets in the world, this is why Turkey ordered the missiles. You can try to make all the excuses in the world but facts prevail over your rants anyday.

Dude, Feel free to claim anything you imagine. I will not try to prove anything to you regarding Altay since I will not discuss details of my country's project with a Russian who type the statements while drinking a bottle of Vodka because You don't have any idea What you are talking about. Neither %95 claims, nor Turkish armour and gun developments. It seems you read some BS from a few source and trying to selling them to me but I am not the one who will buy such things...

Apparently i am a drunk "russki" according to you. You will not argue the Altay because you can not, you know i hit a nerve, and you have nothing to rebuke my claims because everything i said about the Altay is true and verifiable. It uses a bunch of foreign parts, prove me wrong. Hard to rebuke the truth, but you can continue to believe the Altay is fully Turkish.

You started this, you opened a can of warms when you brought up how great Turkey is and how backwards Russia is and now you are clearly uncomfortable and do not want to debate me anymore. Anytime you mention the T-14 i will mention the Altay, it is that simple.

Dude, If I were you, I wouldn't have mentioned the things I don't have any idea. You should better keep drinking your Vodka instead of babbling. Turkish BKM developed armours for not only Altay but also M-113, Leopard-2 and M-60 tanks. Turkish armour solutions are offered to Finland army but You are claiming that Turks can't develop basic armours bla bla bla. Turkey currently have some defficiency on engine issue. It is also officially commenced and National powerpack family(engine+transmission) will be revealed in all power ranges from 1500hp to 300hp. Turkey is pouring serious money on engine projects those times.

@WebMaster i am having a debate with this think tank in which he quoted me first and started arguing with me , he then started using derogatory insults towards me such as calling me a "Russki" and telling me i'm drunk off vodka which i do not even drink for religious reasons. I have tolerated these insults from him many times in the past thinking that he will stop if i have a mature debate with him but the more i prove him wrong the more he calls me names.

If I were a Russian official, I would have also composed a similar scenario like that to save my day but Those statements don't change the fact that Your armoured vehicles are either burning or stopping out of blue (It is caused by either emergency break and transmission failure...), even If It is the newest one. I saw many examples from different countries using Russian equipments. I remember Greek BMP's burning during military training or parade as well..

The T-14 never had a transmission failure. It's breaks locked up. Even if you do not want to believe the official version it is easy to see that it was the braking system because the armored recovery vehicle could not get the T-14 tracks to budge even though the chassis moved forward. As for Greek BMPs burning, you can't even make up your mind, was it a military parade or training? Old tanks and BMPs break down more often then you think, poor maintenance will do that to any vehicle, Leopards, Abrams, T-72's BMP's, ect have all broke down at some point so only a fanboy would sit and nitpick at something like a BMP breaking down.

And just some you know before you get all exited, that a BMP caught fire, your beloved "western NATO" tanks such as Abrams have a reputation for engines catching fire:

The documents, obtained by the Herald, show that there had been numerous fires in the engine compartment of the Abrams M1A1 tanks in the US, and that the problem was well-known before Defence bought 59 second-hand tanks from the US government in 2004.

But of course you ignore anytime your beloved NATO toys catch fire or Turkish military equipment fail, you only point out problems with Russian gear. If you want to play these games i can play too, but let me remind you again that you started this mess by quoting me and proudly spouting your nationalistic chest thumping of how great Turkey is and how Russia sucks, your trolling started out by you claiming Turkey is winning tenders and stealing Russian customers (joke statement), the T-14 is a failure, ect. You mention Russian BMPs catching fire, why not mention Turkish UAVs crashing on the T-129 crashing? At the end of the day Russia can built their own engines, transmissions, guns and everything else and many other things that Turkey can only dream of, so if i were you i would just sit back and be quite because Turkey is not in the same league.
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No one is interested in your opinions. This is a fact:

In 2013, Russia’s state arms exporter Rosoboronexport set a company record, exporting more than $13.2 billion in arms and military equipment. Company head Anatoly Isaykin spoke with Ivan Safronov of Kommersant about the company’s success and its plans for the future.
- Record sales for Russian arms in 2013 | Russia Beyond The Headlines)
Funny, if Turkey keeps taking arms sales away from Russia then how does Russia continue to grow and expand its arms market? Who do they sell of of their weapons to? Critical thinking is obviously not your strongpoint. Turkey will continue to get small contracts here and there but don't expect much more then that.

Russki, As It is told that Politic instabilities of regions and polarization feed alternative sources not for quality but pure politically. Otherwise, Many Russian products don't have much chance against most of NATO rivals in terms of quality in a fair competition.

Egypt placed some order from Russia because USA/Egyptian relations are a bit broken cause of political reasons.
Iraqi approach to Russia is about pure political reasons. It has nothing to do with Apache or F-16 Block 50+ quality.
Azerbaijan placed some orderes not for better quality wise of Russian products but wants Russia to approach towards their politic points against Armenia.
China meets half of your export deals. It is because of arm embargo of West.
List can be enlarged easily...

Yea "NATO quality" :rolleyes1: We have seen how this "NATO quality" stands up when facing somewhat modern Russian systems in Iraq and Lebanon, the very few time Abrams, Challengers and Merkavas faced Kornets or RPG-29s they were all penetrated, so much for the myth of western tank invisibility. For all of this "western" and "NATO" superiority you speak of western countries sure like to copy Russian technology. The only thing you are right about is that weapons sales have a lot do do with politics, a country like Canada will never buy Russian equipment due to politics but neutral countries which often do not favor Russia nor "the west" will often choose Russian weapons.

As for you mentioning China. You do know that China has in the past bought a lot of western equipment for their ships such as engines? You know that they operate Blackhawks but instead ordered MI-17's? I did not expect you to know that since all you are known for are empty blanket statements.

Ruski, No tank is unbeatable. Any AT missile with a tandem warhead can penetrate all type of armours in anywhere of the World. It is the reason countries investing money to active protection systems. Kornet is also one of them who is capable of doing it like others. Nothing special for it. It is the guidance method and fire/forget/update capabilities of many NATO ATGMs making differences that Russian Kornets lack.

A country like Canada would never order a Russian system because They know What is the meaning of Quality with German armours, USA fighters...etc Russian close friend India is also favouring European fighters, howitzers and attack helicopters against Russian equivalents.

Dude, I really wonder While you order licence of Italian Iveco 4x4, Italian AW utility helicopters, French Mistral; ordering Boxer 8x8 from Germany and Heron MALE UAV from Israel, How can you claim Russian products are superior to anything NATO have ? Even your own officials know the truths so needing to improve their quality standarts with ordering licence of NATO products but Our delusional Russian is coming here to sell "superior" cards to members and You want me to belive those nonsense claims, While using French optics on your military gears like attack helicopters and using SAGEM detectors on thermal systems.

You should firstly fix the problems on your basic armoured vehicles instead of believing superior dreams.
They are either burning or breaking down during parade... It was same in Greek military parade While BMP is suddenly flamed.

Really? Iraq cancelled their order of Apaches and instead order MI-28's. Heck Turkey has hundreds of Kornets they ordered from Russia.

As I said, Iraqi choice is about pure politic. Turkey ordered Kornet because Greece ordered same Kornet under the name of Orthodox brotherhood stories and Turkey just proved Orthodox brotherhood is just a pipe dream and ordered same Kornet missiles despite Greece objections. After that, Turkish army didn't satisfy the quality of optics and Turkish institutes replace them with domestic one.

This is typical with everything. Turkey claims to "modify" everything and make it better. It does not matter if it's the German 120 Rhenmatall (considered the best 120mm gun in the world) or the Kornet (considered one of the best anti tank missiles). Turkey will do anything for marketing gimmicks. The fact is the Kornet is considered one of those most capable anti tank rockets in the world, this is why Turkey ordered the missiles. You can try to make all the excuses in the world but facts prevail over your rants anyday.
Apparently i am a drunk "russki" according to you. You will not argue the Altay because you can not, you know i hit a nerve, and you have nothing to rebuke my claims because everything i said about the Altay is true and verifiable. It uses a bunch of foreign parts, prove me wrong. Hard to rebuke the truth, but you can continue to believe the Altay is fully Turkish.

Dude, You firstly claimed that %95 of what I have posted above is foreign. Then claimed that Almost everything Altay has is foreign. Most probably, You are the same BS spreaders Vodka lover Ruski who claimed that Turkey can't produce own steels but orders from abroad in other forum. Same for detector stories of AselPOD. After claimed all those, You want me to prove you wrong. It is something like firstly claiming "My Ruski friend earns his living with doing dirty tricks", Then, want you to prove me wrong. Ruski, I am not obliged to prove you anything. Feel free to claim anything you can but It is for sure that You don't have any idea what you are talking about. Anyway, Making busy of Russian forums with Turkish defence products make me feel proud... :D

You started this, you opened a can of warms when you brought up how great Turkey is and how backwards Russia is and now you are clearly uncomfortable and do not want to debate me anymore. Anytime you mention the T-14 i will mention the Altay, it is that simple.

Dude, You also know that Armata is a big disappointment in terms of shape and failure demonstrations. It has nothing to do with Altay, It is your own engineering problem that can't bring something on par with NATO standarts. Don't cry When some facts are slapped on your face and stop threatening Turks to spread lies over Altay If they talk about Armata in forums.

i am having a debate with this think tank in which he quoted me first and started arguing with me , he then started using derogatory insults towards me such as calling me a "Russki" and telling me i'm drunk off vodka which i do not even drink for religious reasons. I have tolerated these insults from him many times in the past thinking that he will stop if i have a mature debate with him but the more i prove him wrong the more he calls me names.

My crying friend. Ok I will not say Russki to you anymore. :D

The T-14 never had a transmission failure. It's breaks locked up. Even if you do not want to believe the official version it is easy to see that it was the braking system because the armored recovery vehicle could not get the T-14 tracks to budge even though the chassis moved forward. As for Greek BMPs burning, you can't even make up your mind, was it a military parade or training? Old tanks and BMPs break down more often then you think, poor maintenance will do that to any vehicle, Leopards, Abrams, T-72's BMP's, ect have all broke down at some point so only a fanboy would sit and nitpick at something like a BMP breaking down.

And just some you know before you get all exited, that a BMP caught fire, your beloved "western NATO" tanks such as Abrams have a reputation for engines catching fire:

Want me to post the image of Greek BMP burning on parade ? :D
Dude, Turks are familiar to Russian products. Russia gifted some Mi-17 to us and Those nightmare copters have already been creating headache to us in terms of maintenance and operational limitations. Believe me You should order a new licence of Agusta Westland for bigger utility helicopters.

At the end of the day Russia can built their own engines, transmissions, guns and everything else and many other things that Turkey can only dream of, so if i were you i would just sit back and be quite because Turkey is not in the same league.

Don't worry, Turkey can also build own guns, armours, engines and transmissions. That's why We have an ongoing engine/transmission development project that is planned to finish within 5 years. Guns are also produced with a new technics (vertically) thanks to additional investments to gun manufacturing center. You should better put more fire extinguishers on your strategic armoured vehicles. If It is needed, You should decrease the number of munitions to open more space for more fire extingusihers, Otherwise, Your armoured vehicles would have been destroyed without enemy fire. :D
If you want to play these games i can play too, but let me remind you again that you started this mess by quoting me and proudly spouting your nationalistic chest thumping of how great Turkey is and how Russia sucks,

If you claim a nonsense statement about a thread related with Muslim countries industrial activities that You named as chest thumping, Then don't worry, You will receive what you deserve...

why not mention Turkish UAVs crashing on the T-129 crashing?

You are mixing the differences between prototypes and matured products.
Russki, As It is told that Politic instabilities of regions and polarization feed alternative sources not for quality but pure politically. Otherwise, Many Russian products don't have much chance against most of NATO rivals in terms of quality in a fair competition.

Egypt placed some order from Russia because USA/Egyptian relations are a bit broken cause of political reasons.
Iraqi approach to Russia is about pure political reasons. It has nothing to do with Apache or F-16 Block 50+ quality.
Azerbaijan placed some orderes not for better quality wise of Russian products but wants Russia to approach towards their politic points against Armenia.
China meets half of your export deals. It is because of arm embargo of West.
List can be enlarged easily...

Using derogatory terms again. This is expected from a petty racist like yourself, studies show that name calling is a sign of weakness--in other words instead of attacking my claims you take personal attacks against me because you have no counter. Like I said Malaysia purchased SU-30's instead of more F-18s, Iraq bought MI-28s, NATO states such as Greece and Turkey bought Russian weapons, and don't make any phony BS stories that Turkey only bought Russian weapons in response to Greece doing it, that excuse is pathetic. The list is long Russia is a global arms export leader, this is not accidental.

Finally it's funny that you speak of Russian quality, the US uses Russian rocket engines and even Lockheed Martin bought Russian ion trusters for their satellites. :lol:

Ruski, No tank is unbeatable. Any AT missile with a tandem warhead can penetrate all type of armours in anywhere of the World. It is the reason countries investing money to active protection systems. Kornet is also one of them who is capable of doing it like others. Nothing special for it. It is the guidance method and fire/forget/update capabilities of many NATO ATGMs making differences that Russian Kornets lack.

The T-90s frontal armor withstood Kornet penetration in testing. Must be that low quality Russian junk right? This is one of the reasons Azerbaijan bought the T-90 and not because of your BS stories that they did it because Russia's approach to Armenia.

A country like Canada would never order a Russian system because They know What is the meaning of Quality with German armours, USA fighters...etc Russian close friend India is also favouring European fighters, howitzers and attack helicopters against Russian equivalents.

The part about Canada not using Russian systems, i will get back to that at the end of the post. As for Indian arms procurement, it is a mess. True that India opted for some newer western weapons but in some cases they also bought western weapons that had inferior performance. As for Germany and Canada....please both those countries use a lot of outdated weapons such as old F-18c, and Tornados where in comparison the Russian SU-30 or SU-35 is far superior in every way (air, ground strike, range, maneuverability, ect) .

Dude, I really wonder While you order licence of Italian Iveco 4x4, Italian AW utility helicopters, French Mistral; ordering Boxer 8x8 from Germany and Heron MALE UAV from Israel, How can you claim Russian products are superior to anything NATO have ? Even your own officials know the truths so needing to improve their quality standarts with ordering licence of NATO products but Our delusional Russian is coming here to sell "superior" cards to members and You want me to belive those nonsense claims, While using French optics on your military gears like attack helicopters and using SAGEM detectors on thermal systems.

Please highlight and bold some more, i clearly can not read what your write....sarcasm. Yes Russia has bought some western systems and did you know the US also buys some foreign weapons systems too? Are you going to claim the US can not make an equivalent? Every country, even the leading countries in weapons design and export such as the US, Russia, China, Israel, France, German all have bought foreign weapons but you only single out Russia. Some of those western weapons that Russia bought was for studying purposes the same thing the US does, heck the US even leases foreign European weapons for study.

You should firstly fix the problems on your basic armoured vehicles instead of believing superior dreams.
They are either burning or breaking down during parade... It was same in Greek military parade While BMP is suddenly flamed.

And as expected you did not read the link i gave which states that Abrams turbine engines have reputations for catching on fire, instead you single out old Russian BMPs.

How is this:


As I said, Iraqi choice is about pure politic. Turkey ordered Kornet because Greece ordered same Kornet under the name of Orthodox brotherhood stories and Turkey just proved Orthodox brotherhood is just a pipe dream and ordered same Kornet missiles despite Greece objections. After that, Turkish army didn't satisfy the quality of optics and Turkish institutes replace them with domestic one.

Yes just like Abaja-whatever it's called-stan ordered Turkish junk because of fake Muslim brotherhood.

Dude, You firstly claimed that %95 of what I have posted above is foreign. Then claimed that Almost everything Altay has is foreign. Most probably, You are the same BS spreaders Vodka lover Ruski who claimed that Turkey can't produce own steels but orders from abroad in other forum. Same for detector stories of AselPOD. After claimed all those, You want me to prove you wrong. It is something like firstly claiming "My Ruski friend earns his living with doing dirty tricks", Then, want you to prove me wrong. Ruski, I am not obliged to prove you anything. Feel free to claim anything you can but It is for sure that You don't have any idea what you are talking about. Anyway, Making busy of Russian forums with Turkish defence products make me feel proud... :D

Pasha, the racist in you can not resist in petty insults. What i said about the Altay is all true, you can cry all you want but it uses a license produced gun, which you tried to take credit for, the armor technology is based on the South Korean K-2, again you tried to take credit, the engine is German and i would suspect the transmission is also foreign. But of course you can continue to deny and call me a liar but in doing so you would also call the South Koreans and Germans liars too.

Dude, You also know that Armata is a big disappointment in terms of shape and failure demonstrations. It has nothing to do with Altay, It is your own engineering problem that can't bring something on par with NATO standarts. Don't cry When some facts are slapped on your face and stop threatening Turks to spread lies over Altay If they talk about Armata in forums.

You wish Turkey has something like the Armata, your Altay uses old fashion 4 man crew (ww2 called). The Armata has an unmanned turret which greatly increases survivability, a hard killed defense system and radar. Most important at least Russia can make it's own engines, guns and transmissions. I also did not know you were an expert on tank shape, i think the designers of the Armata should have consulted you because most tank experts around the world agree the Armata is currently the best tank.

Want me to post the image of Greek BMP burning on parade ? :D
Dude, Turks are familiar to Russian products. Russia gifted some Mi-17 to us and Those nightmare copters have already been creating headache to us in terms of maintenance and operational limitations. Believe me You should order a new licence of Agusta Westland for bigger utility helicopters.

This is where i know you are a liar. The MI-17 is one of the most reliable and proven helicopters in the world. The Canadians have their own MI-17s in Afghanistan. The MI-17 is easy to work on and reliable this is one of the reasons the US bought them for Afghanistan. The MI-17 is one of the most used helicopters in the world.

Wait look at this, it's a Canadian MI-17, yes Canada would never use Russian junk:


Don't worry, Turkey can also build own guns, armours, engines and transmissions. That's why We have an ongoing engine/transmission development project that is planned to finish within 5 years. Guns are also produced with a new technics (vertically) thanks to additional investments to gun manufacturing center. You should better put more fire extinguishers on your strategic armoured vehicles. If It is needed, You should decrease the number of munitions to open more space for more fire extingusihers, Otherwise, Your armoured vehicles would have been destroyed without enemy fire. :D

No it can't that is why every engine, gun and transmission Turkey uses is foreign.

If you claim a nonsense statement about a thread related with Muslim countries industrial activities that You named as chest thumping, Then don't worry, You will receive what you deserve...

I made a observation that was 100% true, most of the weapons systems posted hear are licensed produced or are just modified copies. That is a true statement that hurt your feelings so you quoted me and started insulting.

You are mixing the differences between prototypes and matured products.

Yet you have no problem pointing out how the Armata stalled which was not even a mechanical problem. You can not even see your own bias.
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Using derogatory terms again. This is expected from a petty racist like yourself, studies show that name calling is a sign of weakness--in other words instead of attacking my claims you take personal attacks against me because you have no counter. Like I said Malaysia purchased SU-30's instead of more F-18s, Iraq bought MI-28s, NATO states such as Greece and Turkey bought Russian weapons, and don't make any phony BS stories that Turkey only bought Russian weapons in response to Greece doing it, that excuse is pathetic. The list is long Russia is a global arms export leader, this is not accidental.

Finally it's funny that you speak of Russian quality, the US uses Russian rocket engines and even Lockheed Martin bought Russian ion trusters for their satellites. :lol:

The T-90s frontal armor withstood Kornet penetration in testing. Must be that low quality Russian junk right? This is one of the reasons Azerbaijan bought the T-90 and not because of your BS stories that they did it because Russia's approach to Armenia.

Ruski, Malaysia is a good example but As I said, you can't show much examples. Rest is How I stated out. Russian products are mostly selected by countries(using NATO quality), When they fall into difficulties with Western states in terms of political reasons. It is something like desperate times call for desperate measures. Egypt enjoys with quality of Western products, keep ordering frigates, corvettes, missiles...etc but When it comes to fighters/attack helicopter, It was USA that they would made a deal but Cause of coup incidents, USA remained a bay to Egyptian Sisi so They changed course towards Russian alternatives as second source. China is globally sanctioned so This country receives almost half of your total export figures(13 billion $). Azerbaijan knows How sneaky policies Russia follows against them,(While Russia supporting Armenians against them) but Cause of political reasons, They feel themselves come near to Russia with ordering billion $ arms not to loose a strategic player on hot incidents Russia directly involves. Otherwise, Noone wants to make a deal with a country which is called as secret enemy. It has nothing to do with capacity of your products. Kazakhstan selected many Turkish and Israeli systems against Russian equivalents, ordered European copters. No need to mention How Iraq suddenly cancelled deals with West and opted for Russian equivalents in times political relations suddenly went worse cause of Kurdistan and oil share incidents. India opted many NATO products from Israeli missiles/radars to French fighters, British howitzers against What you offered them. As a response to Indian choices, You are threatening India with supplying weapons to Pakistan. What an easy politic moves for a country "dominating" global markets. Turkey had many ATGM alternatives to choose but Kornet is selected cause of the reasons I told above. Don't pull the subjects into other side. You as a Ruski, can't know the deeper informations about my country so Don't tell me What you read on a few sources regarding my country. I am not the one you can suppress me with a few fancy statements taken from a few source If the subject is about my countries activities and industrial processes.

Please highlight and bold some more, i clearly can not read what your write....sarcasm. Yes Russia has bought some western systems and did you know the US also buys some foreign weapons systems too? Are you going to claim the US can not make an equivalent? Every country, even the leading countries in weapons design and export such as the US, Russia, China, Israel, France, German all have bought foreign weapons but you only single out Russia. Some of those western weapons that Russia bought was for studying purposes the same thing the US does, heck the US even leases foreign European weapons for study.

Yep, USA also buys some foreign systems but Those procurements have nothing to do with improving infrastructure of industry. That doesn't mean USA can't produce a similar one. They sometimes want to accelerate delivery schedule or decreasing the costs with outsourcing projects to abroad. LockheedMartin signed a deal with Turkey's Roketsan for marketing Turkish SOM-J cruise missiles to be integrated on inner paylons of latest generation F-35 fighters as main stand off missile system against Raytheon/Kongsberg's JSM missiles.

What you are doing is to receive licence of NATO products to reach the quality level of those countries on some specific areas of your industry. That doesn't mean You can't produce an equivalent but It is about quality levels that I am talking about.

And as expected you did not read the link i gave which states that Abrams turbine engines have reputations for catching on fire, instead you single out old Russian BMPs.

Although It is reported that Abrams have some heating problem on engine compartments cause of turbine isolations in desert conditions, Noone witnessed an Abrams cathing fire suddenly on an operation or during parades. Think How serious and bigger problems Russian armoured vehicles have which is cathing fire/stopping even in parades.

Normal situation for each prototype. Nothing wrong with a flying prototype downed. In times P1 downed, We hadn't put a finished Atak on a parade to introduce it on public. At least, A problem is not occured during parade passage. :D

Pasha, the racist in you can not resist in petty insults. What i said about the Altay is all true, you can cry all you want but it uses a license produced gun, which you tried to take credit for, the armor technology is based on the South Korean K-2, again you tried to take credit, the engine is German and i would suspect the transmission is also foreign. But of course you can continue to deny and call me a liar but in doing so you would also call the South Koreans and Germans liars too.

As you also know that Your %95 claim about projects is a BS but You are just playing a stupid game that I don't give a flying f@ck. Regarding Altay, We have told many times at the beggining of program that Gun will be built thanks to helps received from Korea. Thanks to new investments to already available gun manufacturing center, Altay's guns are being manufactured with a new technics cause of minimizing the deterioration during production. If you check the weight, You are going to see that It is totally different compared with Rheinmetall 120mm L55 gun. As far as I know, Korea also received help from Germany. You said that Armours are also foreign but I posted the video of Turkish Heavy armour development center. Addition to altay, This center developed state of art armour blocks for Leopard-2, M-60 tanks and M-113 vehicles. A downgraded variant of Altay's armours are also being developed for some export markets. Turkish armour solutions are being offered to Finland. After this process, If you claim same BS's about armours, It is your own menthal problem ruski.

You wish Turkey has something like the Armata, your Altay uses old fashion 4 man crew (ww2 called). The Armata has an unmanned turret which greatly increases survivability, a hard killed defense system and radar. Most important at least Russia can make it's own engines, guns and transmissions. I also did not know you were an expert on tank shape, i think the designers of the Armata should have consulted you because most tank experts around the world agree the Armata is currently the best tank.

Keep those facts in your mind that Crew number of tanks have nothing to do with generation. Our less calibre turrets have all unmanned but Turkish army prefers manuel turrets on heavy tanks like Germans and Americans. Russian and French officials like autoloaders. It is about desicion of countries. Turkish Altay has also radars, hard-kill systems and many others that put her into the league of 3+ generation tanks. Nothing special for lowrider Armata. Within 4-5 year, Turkish Altay will also be revealed into market with domestic engine+transmission solutions so We have time for that developments. I am not an expert of tank shape but I remember your expectations/statements regarding turret shape of Armata like you said yesterday. It is the reason why I call a big disappointment among russian members in terms of shape of T-14. You couldn't find what you expected in renders.

This is where i know you are a liar. The MI-17 is one of the most reliable and proven helicopters in the world. The Canadians have their own MI-17s in Afghanistan. The MI-17 is easy to work on and reliable this is one of the reasons the US bought them for Afghanistan. The MI-17 is one of the most used helicopters in the world.

Wait look at this, it's a Canadian MI-17, yes Canada would never use Russian junk:

No it can't that is why every engine, gun and transmission Turkey uses is foreign.

View attachment 227871

I just typed What Turkish army mets When they are operating gifted Mi-17. As you stated out, Canada and USA had mi-17's in a quick solution instead of carrying their additionally needed utility copters from thousands of km away. It is about logistic requirements instead of quality standarts.

Besides, Turkish 1500hp engine and transmission is on development phase. When they are revealed, I will remind you whether We can produce them or not. Don't worry. I never forget the old incidents...

I made a observation that was 100% true, most of the weapons systems posted hear are licensed produced or are just modified copies. That is a true statement that hurt your feelings so you quoted me and started insulting.

Which licence production you are talking about ? Guided K+ missiles ? 2,75 inch semi active lazer guided Cirit missile (10.000) export to UAE ? Dearsan NTPB boats and Dearsan FAC exported to Turkmenstan ? Malaysian MRTP-16? Malaysian AV-8? Indonesian light tank project? Avionic systems exported to Kazakhstan ? Thermal and night vision optics exported to Kazakhstan ? Tank fire control systems exported to Kazakhstan ?...etc

Ruski, Which licence production you are talking about ? Who gave the licence of those products to us ? Go barking mad cause of your anger dude ? I know that The deals signed with Ukraine/Turkey disturbed Russian members too much and so threatened Ukrainian officials but Just calm down. What We need is Ukrainian Satan ballistic missile technology to establish our satellite launch rocket. We will also make Ukraine a partner of Turkish long altitude SAM and other projects like Altay that They requested in deal. Calm down dude...

Concept design of Turkish satellite laucnher
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Who even mentioned Turkey? You have a major inferiority complex, especially since you always try to compare Turkish weapons to Russian. Your Altay is mashed together frankintank, without Germany and South Korea it would not exist (gun, engine, armor, ect are foreign). The T-129 is Italian. Turkey is no where in the league of Russia, don't kid yourself with delusions. Come talk when Turkey is able to built any basic military platforms on its own. When Turkey can built a modern turbofan engine or a nuclear engine come talk, or if Turkey can built something from the ground up on its own you might have some bragging rights and respect but that is not the case.

By the way lately I have been searching on military history ( from the archieves not history books ) and I think it's the time to share some documents about how Russian military industry has been established from the soviet era, who helped them, did really Russians do it without help? I will open a thread about it just after finished the data collecting and translating. It will be an interesting article IMO, some may be really surprised about the conclusion. That's all I can say for know, you will be tagged for your critics don't worry.
Turkey to launch armoured vehicle production in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is looking to launch licensed assembly of a range of Turkish armoured vehicles, Kazakh media reported on 9 June.

Speaking to Forbes Kazakhstan , managing director of Kazakh agricultural equipment manufacturer Kaz Kioti Bakhtiar Mamatov, said his company was currently in negotiations with state-owned defence equipment manufacturer Kazakhstan Engineering to assemble and produce vehicles made by Turkey's BMC.

According to Mamatov, the company is looking to begin production of BMC's EFE and 235-16 4x4 tactical transports, 380-26 P 6x6 tactical transport vehicles, the mine-resistant, ambush-protected BMC 350-16 Z Kirpi 4x4, and BMC 250-10 Z Vuran multipurpose armoured vehicle.

The initial investment is expected to be approximately USD30 million, and will create 100 jobs, Mamatov said. The plant will initially focus on local assembly before increasing local workshare and content.

The move comes as Turkey is increasingly pushing into Kazakhstan in a number of sectors, ranging from agriculture and telecommunications to pharmaceuticals and food. Both the Turkish and Kazakh governments are seeking to boost bilateral trade from USD3.3 billion in 2014 to more than USD10 billion.

The two countries already have an established defence trade, with Kazakhstan previously procuring seven Otokar Cobra armoured vehicles and Turkish firm Aselsan establishing a joint venture with Kazakhstan Engineering in 2013 to manufacture electro-optic and night vision systems for the Kazakh military.

Turkey to launch armoured vehicle production in Kazakhstan - IHS Jane's 360

Mentioned military vehicles Kazakhstan is negotiating to produce them under licence.

BMC 4x4




Kirpi MRAP

Turkey is one of the most independant Muslim majority country in terms of military hardware and industrial capabilities. We are on right track to be more self sufficient thanks to systematically proceeding roadways and time schedules. Within 3-5 years, Turkey will have an industrial capabilities that is able to produce almost all type of needed hardwares with satisfactory national contributions, While competing with French and Germany like countries on most strategic products in terms of quality and capabilities. Turkey achieved great success on some most critical subcomponents that a few countries have ability of production.

Bro, It is known that Turkish projects open partnership of brother states. It is voiced many times by officials. In this aspect;

Utility helicopter programs:

TAI/ITU domestic 2 tonnes utility helicopter


TAI 5 tonnes utility helicopter

Umm you do know that a vast majority of those "advancements" you are showing contain 70% western components, so you ain't independent, you are a slave of NATO..... Also, those Helicopters are all Eurocopters, designed initially in the UK (especially that last one, which is essentially a license built Eurocopter Daulphin, designed in the 80s shown in Jurassic park)..... You are a laugh and a half..... Let alone those tanks, Rheinmettal Cannons, GM Licensed engines XD....You guys are as ignorant as those Arabs.... Talk big when you ain't b**** riding foreign tech and calling it your own you scrub of a nation....
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Umm you do know that a vast majority of those "advancements" you are showing contain 70% western components, so you ain't independent, you are a slave of NATO..... Also, those Helicopters are all Eurocopters, designed initially in the UK (especially that last one, which is essentially a license built Eurocopter Daulphin, designed in the 80s shown in Jurassic park)..... You are a laugh and a half..... Let alone those tanks, Rheinmettal Cannons, GM Licensed engines XD....You guys are as ignorant as those Arabs.... Talk big when you ain't b**** riding foreign tech and calling it your own you scrub of a nation....

While you are talking about nations with generalization, just slow down crazy boy and watch your saying carefully. When It comes to defence industry claims, I personally don't care what a new troll like you, are talking. Either prove your static figures with source or shut up If you don't want me to crush your biassed head regarding Turks. About Turkish projects, They are all clear with source in Turkish defence section of PDF. The people who is willing to know about details, national contributions, can take a detail look. I advice you to read something usefull there instead of introducing your troll action and ignorance at your second post in PDF.
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