Dude, Turkey and other NATO states start to occupy Russian markets step by step. India, Malaysia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Arabs and many others started looking for NATO technologies instead of Soviet based systems.
No one is interested in your opinions. This is a fact:
In 2013, Russia’s state arms exporter Rosoboronexport
set a company record, exporting more than $13.2 billion in arms and military equipment. Company head Anatoly Isaykin spoke with Ivan Safronov of Kommersant about the company’s success and its plans for the future.
Record sales for Russian arms in 2013 | Russia Beyond The Headlines)
Funny, if Turkey keeps taking arms sales away from Russia then how does Russia continue to grow and expand its arms market? Who do they sell of of their weapons to? Critical thinking is obviously not your strongpoint. Turkey will continue to get small contracts here and there but don't expect much more then that.
What I have posted is about Turkey related subjects on those markets. As you said, It is not always best weapon systems that wins the contract If the politics play a key role in tenders. It is the reason China is your biggest arm costumer. Otherwise, I don't think Some Russian products have much chance against NATO quality. I think Noone wants to order weapons from a country like Russia made deal to order armoured vehicles, LHD, helicopters and UAV's from European states.
Yea "NATO quality"

We have seen how this "NATO quality" stands up when facing somewhat modern Russian systems in Iraq and Lebanon, the very few time Abrams, Challengers and Merkavas faced Kornets or RPG-29s they were all penetrated, so much for the myth of western tank invisibility. For all of this "western" and "NATO" superiority you speak of western countries sure like to copy Russian technology. The only thing you are right about is that weapons sales have a lot do do with politics, a country like Canada will never buy Russian equipment due to politics but neutral countries which often do not favor Russia nor "the west" will often choose Russian weapons.
As for you mentioning China. You do know that China has in the past bought a lot of western equipment for their ships such as engines? You know that they operate Blackhawks but instead ordered MI-17's? I did not expect you to know that since all you are known for are empty blanket statements.
You can't show me much country satisfied with Western technologies but changed course to Russian equivalents.
Really? Malaysia ordered SU-30s over their already existing fleet of F-18s. Iraq cancelled their order of Apaches and instead order MI-28's. Heck Turkey has hundreds of Kornets they ordered from Russia.
Turkey ordered Kornet missiles cause of Greece in past but Army didn't satisfy performance of Kornet optics so Aselsan developed a more capable one called SAGER and integrated to Turkish Kornets. At present, Turkish Kornet solution are being offered to worldwide Kornet users...
This is typical with everything. Turkey claims to "modify" everything and make it better. It does not matter if it's the German 120 Rhenmatall (considered the best 120mm gun in the world) or the Kornet (considered one of the best anti tank missiles). Turkey will do anything for
marketing gimmicks. The fact is the Kornet is considered one of those most capable anti tank rockets in the world, this is why Turkey ordered the missiles. You can try to make all the excuses in the world but facts prevail over your rants anyday.
Dude, Feel free to claim anything you imagine. I will not try to prove anything to you regarding Altay since I will not discuss details of my country's project with a Russian who type the statements while drinking a bottle of Vodka because You don't have any idea What you are talking about. Neither %95 claims, nor Turkish armour and gun developments. It seems you read some BS from a few source and trying to selling them to me but I am not the one who will buy such things...
Apparently i am a drunk "russki" according to you. You will not argue the Altay because you can not, you know i hit a nerve, and you have nothing to rebuke my claims because everything i said about the Altay is true and verifiable. It uses a bunch of foreign parts, prove me wrong. Hard to rebuke the truth, but you can continue to believe the Altay is fully Turkish.
You started this, you opened a can of warms when you brought up how great Turkey is and how backwards Russia is and now you are clearly uncomfortable and do not want to debate me anymore. Anytime you mention the T-14 i will mention the Altay, it is that simple.
Dude, If I were you, I wouldn't have mentioned the things I don't have any idea. You should better keep drinking your Vodka instead of babbling. Turkish BKM developed armours for not only Altay but also M-113, Leopard-2 and M-60 tanks. Turkish armour solutions are offered to Finland army but You are claiming that Turks can't develop basic armours bla bla bla. Turkey currently have some defficiency on engine issue. It is also officially commenced and National powerpack family(engine+transmission) will be revealed in all power ranges from 1500hp to 300hp. Turkey is pouring serious money on engine projects those times.
@WebMaster i am having a debate with this think tank in which he quoted me first and started arguing with me , he then started using derogatory insults towards me such as calling me a "Russki" and telling me i'm drunk off vodka which i do not even drink for religious reasons. I have tolerated these insults from him many times in the past thinking that he will stop if i have a mature debate with him but the more i prove him wrong the more he calls me names.
If I were a Russian official, I would have also composed a similar scenario like that to save my day but Those statements don't change the fact that Your armoured vehicles are either burning or stopping out of blue (It is caused by either emergency break and transmission failure...), even If It is the newest one. I saw many examples from different countries using Russian equipments. I remember Greek BMP's burning during military training or parade as well..
The T-14 never had a transmission failure. It's breaks locked up. Even if you do not want to believe the official version it is easy to see that it was the braking system because the armored recovery vehicle could not get the T-14 tracks to budge even though the chassis moved forward. As for Greek BMPs burning, you can't even make up your mind, was it a military parade or training? Old tanks and BMPs break down more often then you think, poor maintenance will do that to any vehicle, Leopards, Abrams, T-72's BMP's, ect have all broke down at some point so only a fanboy would sit and nitpick at something like a BMP breaking down.
And just some you know before you get all exited, that a BMP caught fire, your beloved "western NATO" tanks such as Abrams have a reputation for engines catching fire:
The documents, obtained by the Herald, show that there had been numerous fires in the engine compartment of the Abrams M1A1 tanks in the US, and that the problem was well-known before Defence bought 59 second-hand tanks from the US government in 2004.
But of course you ignore anytime your beloved NATO toys catch fire or Turkish military equipment fail, you only point out problems with Russian gear. If you want to play these games i can play too, but let me remind you again that you started this mess by quoting me and proudly spouting your nationalistic chest thumping of how great Turkey is and how Russia sucks, your trolling started out by you claiming Turkey is winning tenders and stealing Russian customers (joke statement), the T-14 is a failure, ect. You mention Russian BMPs catching fire, why not mention Turkish UAVs crashing on the T-129 crashing? At the end of the day Russia can built their own engines, transmissions, guns and everything else and many other things that Turkey can only dream of, so if i were you i would just sit back and be quite because Turkey is not in the same league.