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Military expectation for 2014


Jun 24, 2012
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Military expectation for 2014



We are already into 2014 and like 2013 Armed forces are expecting some key developments and key purchases to take place in 2014 . Defence modernisation of the Indian armed forces in 2014 is important year and change of Government in mid of this year can affect modernisation, lets look into what we can expect this year.

MMRCA deal is a long pending Air Force deal which likely will materialise by March this year, Decision to buy French built dassault Rafale was taken almost two years ago but negotiations were longer than expected and contract might be signed in the first quarter but clearance of such deal by various government agencies might only happen when new government comes to the power.

In 2014 focus will largely be on development of missiles and next crucial missile for Indian armed forces will be re-testing subsonic Nirbhay Cruise missile , which had partial success in last year test . second test is expected in first quarter of this year if the minor updates which DRDO is reportedly carrying out on the missile is ready by then.

First development trials of K-4 SLBM is expected in first quarter of this year , K-4 which will be operational on INS Arihant nuclear submarine with its 3500 km missile range will be one of the key missile for Indian nuclear response in case of first strike nuclear war on India and test and trials of the missile is crucial for India's Nuclear security . Submarine launch of K-15 SLBM and Brahmos SLCM from INS Arihant is also expected this year when it head to sea trials.

India's Ballistic missile Defence in Phase - I is largely based on combination of two missile one been Prithvi Air Defense and other been Advanced Air Defence (AAD) , DRDO has plans to test a new missile called PDV in 2014 which will replace Prithvi Air Defense missile. PDV will be part of Phase-I development and once tests are carried out will be guarding two metros of India by next year.

Giving boost to Missile arsenal for fighter aircrafts In Indian air force will be first developmental trials of Astra BVR air to air missile . Astra BVR missile is crucial missile for Indian missile arsenal since it will also mean that India for the first time has accomplished development of various types of missiles indigenously . Astra missile has undergone major re-design after repeated failures and are currently carrying out Captive and realise trails on board Sukhoi 30s.

INS Arihant India's First indigenously developed Nuclear submarine will venture out for sea trials in 3rd quarter of this year , there is also speculation that India's Second indigenously developed Nuclear submarine INS Aridhaman might have a soft launch this year before INS Arihant heads for sea trials.

Another crucial missile for Indian navy will be Integration and test of Barak-8 surface-to-air missile (SAM) for its Naval ships , Indian Navy is already carrying out Modification to one of this Naval ships and Integration is likely to happen this year , DRDO plans to test the missile by mid of this year in Indian ocean , spin off of Barak-8 will be used by Indian air force .

HAL is under tremendous pressure to get IOC clearance for HJT-36 Sitara and it is likely that it will happen this year , another important development will be first flight of LCH-3 which will be final Prototype and will carry all the changes desired by Indian army and Indian air force , LCH-3 development is currently under way and requires major weight reduction and integration of key avionics and weapons systems , experts are in doubts weather HAL will able to conduct its first flight this year but HAL is working on it to get it done this year .

Tejas MK-1 managed to get IOC-2 last year and this year challenge will be to get FOC by this year end , Tejas MK-1 will have to carry out successful test of BVR missiles and also clear AOA ( Angle of Attack ) and IFR ( In flight Refuelling ) required for FOC . DRDO on other hand also plans to have first flight of Rustom-II HALE UAV by end of this year , but Purchase of key systems required for Rustom-II UAV like Engines and SATCOM Airborne Antenna Assembly System (SAAAS) are moving at snail's pace, it will be surprising if DRDO can pull it first flight this year .

Link - Military expectation for 2014 | idrw.org
bro already thread is running u r late
mod plz merge this thread
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