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MiG-21Bis Ye-8 Super Fighter

Riaz Hussain

Jun 22, 2012
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LCA which has an angle of attack of 22 degrees and empty weight of 14,462 pounds with only 19,100 pounds thrust of the brand new engine (F-404-GE-IN20) for Mark-1 falls way short of even the MiG-21 regular variant, which has an angle of attack of 28 degrees and weight of 12,037 pounds with 21,829 pounds of emergency engine thrust, and 15,654 pounds of normal Afterburner Thrust.

This low thrust to weight ratio of the jet was actually improved by a newer engine F-404-GE-IN20, compared to the older engine F404-GE-402 which gave only 17,500 pounds of thrust. But even then its thrust to weight ratio is poor because of the massive weight of LCA. LCA mark-2 which is supposed to come with the even newer engines, the F414-GE, is no where to be seen.

Why is the Indian Air Force abandoning a good jet in favour of a bad one? They could have simply modified the MiG-21 and got a much better jet. MiG-21 Ye-8 is an amazing jet which got abandoned because of the craze of Swing wing type planes in the 1960s. India could have gotten the blue prints for this plane instead of wasting time and money, and suffering international humiliation and mockery by building the LCA Tejas.

Even the 22 degrees will only get to 24 degress when it becomes operational by Indian DRDO/HAL./ADA's own admission. Still 4 degress short of the MiG-21. And it also has achieved just 6 Gs so far. Livefist: IAF Grudgingly Accepts Tejas IOC, Wants 83 Mk-IIs And it will only achieve 8Gs when it becomes operational, compared to 8.5Gs of the MiG-21. There are several airshow posters and articles claiming MiG-21 has 9Gs and all, but sadly those were just targets which were planned to be achieved. Now ADA has come out that LCA can hope to achieve 8Gs only and currently has achieved only 6Gs.






The Russians will still have the blueprints for the MiG-21 Ye-8. It is not too late for India to get this plane and save its whatever little prestige left. Ye-8 modeled with an Aesa radar, turbo fan engine, amazing Angle of Attack and Thrust to weight ratio, canards, and the ruggedness of the MiG-21, insane agility due to canards, and extremely cheap(less than 10 million dollars in today's inflation rate), will be a potent weapon compared to the LCA fighter which lacks all the above.

We and all aviation enthusiasts hope the corrupt and incompetant DRDO/HAL/ADA, even with the help of advanced super-computers, limitless cash, lot of help from French, Japanese and American scientists and technicians, and a country with 1.2 billion people, is still struggling to bring LCA to FOC in the new century of 2013, can atleast now put the nation first infront of themselves and talk to the Russians, who completely designed and flew this plane back in 1961 back in the era of no computers/super-computers aiding them in fluid dynamic calculations, made this plane exactly 52 years or MORE THAN HALF A CENTURY before the LCA!

-Olgierd Vseslav (former Wojsko Polskie)
See the thing is we made a start with LCA. Everybody have to start with something, learn more and make it better. Lockheed Martin's first flanker wasn't f22, likewise our first rocket wasnt agniV. LCA is the gateway for our future projects. The important thing is we dreamt it and made it possible which many others cant.... :cheers:
LCA is a complete package of today's technology in yesterday's airframe..
MiG-21 Ye-8 did not enter production for a reason and it is 30 years late , Current Tejas is comparable to Gripen D and F-16 Block 52
Tejas will still retain significant rudder authority even at 30 deg AOA as it's design intended it to be and checked in wind tunnel. But the 24-26 deg is combat usable normal upper limit for AOA. If you ask if FCS will allow the pilot to overshoot it, the answer is possibly yes , but within a limited flight profile to avoid stalling as it is normal in all other fighters. Most of the air show cobras and extreme maneuvers are classified as post stall or near stall maneuvers with very restricted flight profile meaning the fighter won't be able to perform most of it's combat duties at these AOAs. In clean config it may just recover from stall at these very high AOAs.that's all.
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